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WordPress, Meet AI

WordPress, Meet AI

With new advances in machine learning, advanced integrations with AI platforms are now available to everyone! You can easily build AI into your WordPress site without a Ph.D. or advanced knowledge of linear algebra or the algorithms that make machine learning work.

In this talk, we’ll cover some simple integrations with commonly available tools to make your WordPress installation truly “smart.” No prior experience in machine learning is required, just come prepared to learn, ask questions, and get your hands dirty with tools like AWS Recognition.

Eric Mann

April 23, 2021

More Decks by Eric Mann

Other Decks in Technology


  1. CREATE POPULATION EVALUATE FITNESS MUTATE REPRODUCE Randomly-initialized strings can eventually

    converge to meet a target string over several iterations of a random optimization algorithm over a large set of candidates. Evaluate how close each candidate is to the optimum Evaluate Fitness Initialize a collection of pseudrandom candidates Create Population Create a new candidate for the next generation Reproduce Mutate the new candidate so we can further optimize Mutate Genetic Algorithms
  2. Ant Colony Optimization Traveling Salesman 1 Drop an “ant” at

    a random city. Random Starting Point 2 The ant visits each city in turn at random, weighted by the attractiveness of each destination. “Attractiveness”-based Route 3 An ant deposits pheromone on each edge it travels, with an amount inversely proportional to the total distance travelled in its route. Calculate Pheromone Trail 4 The total pheromone for the next iteration is part left over from the first and part added to by the ants - repeat all steps until we converge. Evaporate and Repeat
  3. I'm an avid photographer, and I'm primarily found shooting with

    my DSLR or my instant film camera that I carry around for casual use. While nothing beats my DSLR in power and convenience, there's something magical about my instant film camera. Perhaps it's that you're shooting on actual film, or maybe it's that every shot you take is a unique physical artifact (which is special in today's world of Instagram and Facebook, where photos are a dime a dozen). All I know for sure is that they are incredibly fun to use and peoples' eyes light up when you pull one of these out at a party.
  4. I'm an avid photographer, and I'm primarily found shooting with

    my DSLR or my instant film camera that I carry around for casual use. While nothing beats my DSLR in power and convenience, there's something magical about my instant film camera. Perhaps it's that you're shooting on actual film, or maybe it's that every shot you take is a unique physical artifact (which is special in today's world of Instagram and Facebook, where photos are a dime a dozen). All I know for sure is that they are incredibly fun to use and peoples' eyes light up when you pull one of these out at a party.
  5. Leverage computer vision to provide automatic “alt” text for images.

    Image Descriptions Identify and center cropping and resize operations on the focal point of an image. Smart Crop Automat tagging and grouping images to simplify media management. Image Tagging ClassifAI is Open Source It’s free to use and leverages the free tiers of both IBM Watson and Azure Machine Learning! AWS support is on the horizon, and the plugin is easily extensible if you want to roll your own.