Fan Wenjie (@kidlovec)

5 Follows

Kenji Hiranabe


An Agile software development practitioner, book writer/translator
Board Member of Scrum Inc, Japan
CEO of Change V...

1 follower 1 deck

Elastic Co


Elastic builds software to make data usable in real time and at scale for search, logging, security, and analytics us...

14 followers 498 decks

Caitie McCaffrey


Caitie McCaffrey is a Backend Brat and Distributed Systems Diva. She currently is the Architect & Developer Manager o...

25 followers 26 decks

Ben Christensen


Ben Christensen worked on the Netflix Edge Engineering team from 2011-2015 building and operating web services. Some ...

3 followers 20 decks

Oliver Drotbohm


Oliver Drotbohm is a member of the Spring engineering team at VMware. His work focused on software architecture, DDD,...

33 followers 85 decks