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October 27, 2023


2023/10/27 に開かれた
wphpcon 2023 - PHPerのためのゆるいLT会 -

自身がPHP Conference 2023にて発表した「CodeReviewerが求められること」のパロディ資料となります。


October 27, 2023


  1. 12

  2. class Human {} class Partner extends Human {} $I =

    new Human(); $you = new Partner(); 18
  3. class Human {} class Partner extends Human {} $I =

    new Human(); $you = new Partner(); $I->want($you, $to='keep to the schedule'); 19
  4. class Human {} class Partner extends Human {} $I =

    new Human(); $you = new Partner(); $I->want($you, $to='keep to the schedule'); Exception Type: Unexpected Error Line: 6 Message: ‘$you’ got angry. So ‘$I’ and ‘$you’ broke up. Goodbye forever. 20
  5. 23 ゴットマン比 関係性 \ ゴットマン比 ポジティブ ネガティブ 親子 3 1

    上司と部下 4 1 夫婦・カップル 5 1 友達 8 1 https://r-garnet.net/life/relation-life/2214/#toc2
  6. 24 ゴットマン比 関係性 \ ゴットマン比 ポジティブ ネガティブ 親子 3 1

    上司と部下 4 1 夫婦・カップル 5 1 友達 8 1 https://r-garnet.net/life/relation-life/2214/#toc2
  7. 25

  8. class Human {} class Partner extends Human {} $I =

    new Human(); $you = new Partner(); 30
  9. class Human {} class Partner extends Human {} $I =

    new Human(); $you = new Partner(); $I->love($you); 31
  10. class Human {} class Partner extends Human {} $I =

    new Human(); $you = new Partner(); $I->love($you); $I->treasure($you); 32
  11. class Human {} class Partner extends Human {} $I =

    new Human(); $you = new Partner(); $I->love($you); $I->treasure($you); $I->cherish($you); 33
  12. class Human {} class Partner extends Human {} $I =

    new Human(); $you = new Partner(); $I->love($you); $I->treasure($you); $I->cherish($you); $I->need($you); 34
  13. class Human {} class Partner extends Human {} $I =

    new Human(); $you = new Partner(); $I->love($you); $I->treasure($you); $I->cherish($you); $I->need($you); $I->miss($you); 35
  14. class Human {} class Partner extends Human {} $I =

    new Human(); $you = new Partner(); $I->love($you); $I->treasure($you); $I->cherish($you); $I->need($you); $I->miss($you); $I->want($you, $to='keep to the schedule'); 36
  15. class Human {} class Partner extends Human {} $I =

    new Human(); $you = new Partner(); $I->love($you); $I->treasure($you); $I->cherish($you); $I->need($you); $I->miss($you); $I->want($you, $to='keep to the schedule'); 37
  16. 38 ただし、サンドイッチ話法はNG class Human {} class Partner extends Human {}

    $I = new Human(); $you = new Partner(); $I->love($you); $I->treasure($you); $I->want($you, $to='keep to the schedule'); $I->cherish($you); $I->need($you); $I->miss($you); ポジティブの間にネガティブを挟むと・・・
  17. 39 ただし、サンドイッチ話法はNG class Human {} class Partner extends Human {}

    $I = new Human(); $you = new Partner(); $I->love($you); $I->treasure($you); $I->want($you, $to='keep to the schedule'); $I->cherish($you); $I->need($you); $I->miss($you); ポジティブの間にネガティブを挟むと・・・ Exception Type: Unexpected Error Line: 8 Message: ‘$you’ got angry. So ‘$I’ and ‘$you’ broke up. Goodbye forever.