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Rails Girls yearbook 10/2010 - 3/2012

April 25, 2012

Rails Girls yearbook 10/2010 - 3/2012

Rails Girls events, stats & attendees in the past 1,5 years


April 25, 2012


  1. “I thought I was just going to a workshop where

    I would meet some people, score a SoundCloud shirt, and learn a few things about Rails. I had no idea I was stumbling right into a movement that was clearly set out to do something big! I think the entire attitude of the workshop is summed up with “Why the hell not!” Why shouldn’t I learn how to program? Why shouldn’t I make a career out of it? I think if any of us had doubts that we couldn’t do it, Rails Girls set us straight.” - Participant in Berlin
  2. Get excited and start things Rails Girls gives girls and

    women the first experience to building the Internet. We believe that coding is a craft much like any form of creation. Right now we have a lot more people using code than those who are influencing it. Technology is changing our society in profound ways and we don’t think these revolutions should be conducted by only the code- savvy.
  3. Rails Girls is a community that helps and encourages women

    to build their ideas by offering workshops all around the world. Founded originally in Finland in 2010 it quickly started spreading across the globe and to date we’ve conducted events in Shanghai, Singapore, Tallinn, Berlin, Krakow and Helsinki. A global volunteer community The two-day Rails Girls event is free and open to all enthusiastic girls and women. We are a fully non-profit operation with a small base-funding from Finnish Technology Industries Federation. All events are organized together with local partners and with the help of actual developers. Impact beyond events We’ve been featured in the biggest technology medias of Singa- pore, China & Germany as well as almost all of the biggest Finnish newspapers and taught hundreds of girls the basics of web applica- tion programming. We also won the annual Women in Technology prize of Finland in 2011. In April 2012 all of our documentation re- lated to the events was open-sourced aiming at anyone being able to organise an event wherever in the world. The team is getting bigger and so is the impact. We look forward for a great 2011 & 2012. Love, Linda & Karri Introduction
  4. A revolution in software engineering culture For us, coding is

    about building great products that affect millions of lives and disrupt whole industries. Spotify is changing music, Facebook friendships, Amazon books, Google information.. Code is about making change. It is profoundly changing societies everywhere. That’s why it’s so important to have an approachable way to spread this knowledge.
  5. What happens in the events? What makes Rails Girls events

    so successfull? In our humble opinion the fact that they are done together - girls and boys, beginners and seasoned developers, all mixed up in a non- stressfull environment. The two-day event includes a lot of small group working and short focused talks on programming, design and web. No panel discussions or podium-talks - the spirit should be informal and hands-on.
  6. Those special sparks In a Rails Girls event programming alone

    isn’t central. The goal of every event is to make something visible. This is why we only use a couple of hours to learn Ruby (program- ming language) and most of the time with Rails (framework) to build up a real application. The events also include talks on UX & UI design, open source culture, the programming community as well as lightning talks from coaches. The application built in workshops is for listing ideas and pictures (an example can be found at http://railsgirlsapp.herokuapp.com). The participants can theme their applications: for example make an app for displaying your favourite restaurants, your shoe col- lection or reading list. Even with a very simple structure the apps become different. The participants also meet other women and girls who are inter- ested in technology, as well as local developers. We encourage coaches keep in mind the big picture. They should explain, repeat and always tie what they are telling into a larger context. Coaches should continuously show the human side of pro- gramming: talk about open source communities, their programming idols and their aspirations.
  7. Understanding the vocabulary of the web: developing a basic understanding

    of what components make a web application. Understanding the ABCs of coding: strings, methods, variables, arrays, exclamations, chaining, hashed, symbols, blocks.. as well as the tools (terminal, browser, text editor). Understanding the beauty and expression code can have. Creating a conceptual understanding of the web’s building blocks: programming languages, frameworks, databases, infra- structure. Appreciation towards programming culture. Get to know some of the open source heroes and experience the creativity and compassion that programming communities have. Understand that people write code, not computers. Have an idea of how to move forward in the programming world: both online and offline. Have new friends (both male and female) who are interested in technology. Take aways What we hope every participant can take home after the day.
  8. 13 events 28 forks on GitHub * 66 watchers in

    GitHub repos 55+ stories written 90+ coaches 450+participants 700+ applicants 1175 Twitter followers 1306 Facebook fans 42 867 unique visitors Our year (and a half) in numbers. Key metrics *) Already in a matter of days the guides were translated in Spanish,French and Chinese.
  9. A quick recap on the happenings around the world. Who’s

    the girl you ask? Meet Ruby, our fearless heroine. Rails Girls Helsinki 11/2010 The inaugural Rails Girls event done together with Kisko Labs in two weeks. Piloted the programme with 24 students. Small stories on Talouselämä and Tietoviikko. Applications: 46 Participants: 24 Team: Vesa, Antti, Joao, Matias, Karri, Linda Rails Girls Helsinki 9/2011 www.railsgirls.com/helsinki Done in collaboration with Frozen Rails. We had a badge-making machine that proved to be a smashing hit. Keynote speaker from US, Jessica Allen, who spoke about Coffeescript development. Applications: 75 Participants: 30 Team: Vesa, Antti, Karri, Linda, Raine, Timo, Jessica, Arttu Events 2010- 3/2012
  10. Singapore 10/2011 www.railsgirls.com/singapore First international Rails Girls event, done together

    with StartupLah, SmartSpace, Viki and the local developer scene (connections.sg, hackerspace.sg). Later the girls formed a group called Singapore Geek Girls. Applications: 109 Participants: 32 Team: Jason, Kat, Nia, Xuwen, Arul, Mingding, Choon, Subh, Sid, Andy, Thar, Ariff, Pete, Husein, Adinda, Damien, Sayanee, Linda, Karri Shanghai 2/2012 www.railsgirls.com/shanghai Done together with Ruby China, Girls in Tech China and hosted in Aalto Design Factory Shanghai. Got featured in China’s biggest technology blog iFanr. Applicants found mostly via Weibo, with chinese updates. Curriculum was also translated to chinese. Applications: 52 Participants: 30 Team: Daniel, Thomas, Ranmocy, Kai, Rainux, Jing, Yu, Natalie, Linda Tallinn 3/2012 www.railsgirls.com/tallinn Organised together with Garage48 & Skype, Tallinn event included a lot of curriculum development as the coaches made new exercises on the go. Applications: 105 Participants: 32 Team: Hannes, Mariliis, Janika, Andri, John, Laas, Mhkel, Yu, Anna, Meri, Linda
  11. Berlin 4/2012 www.railsgirls.com/berlin Our biggest event so far as well

    as largest community outreach, Berlin event was on track long before the event was even online. Thanks to the vibrant community in Berlin, we had support from local startups to tech blogs to top developers, all willing to help in all possible ways. The turnout was huge: we had 75 attendees and we had to reject over a hundred applicants. What makes it less heartbreaking is that some of the attendees made their own twitter @railsgirls_bln and are now organizing meetups and crashing javascript meetups, also inviting the ones who didn't attend! Some sponsors also swung by during the event and decided to stay and sit down next to other ladies and get to work. Applications: 172 Participants: 65 Team: Lena, Terrence, Mari, Josefine, Konstantin, Raphaela, Ingo, Josh, Sven, Patrik, Chris, Alex, Jan, Patrik, Duana, Joan, Matthias, Henrietta, Anna, Karri, Jori, Timo, Linda Krakow 4/2012 www.railsgirls.com/krakow In Kraków we were fortunate enough to work closely together with the amazingly talented Applicake and Railsberry people, along with some of the best developers from around the world being in Kraków for the Railsberry conference following Rails Girls. Applicake girls also just started Webmuses, a community in Polish for girls in the area and country to network- absolutely perfect for the newbies in the scene. An amazing coach of ours also decided to make a tutorial during the day on how to push the railsgirls app on Heroku, and had a walkthrough with all interested on that. Applications: 127 Participants: 43 Team: Terrence, Agata, Patrik, Vesa, Basia, Hanna, Michal T., Michal M.Marchin, Sebastian, Contantin, Mariusz, Lukasz, Przernek, Linda, Karri, Henrietta The already in organising state events are: Buenos Aires 6/2012 * Warsaw 6/2012 * Dublin 10/2012 * Wien 10/2012 * Stockholm 9/2012 *Helsinki 9/2012 Full list of coaches at https://twitter.com/#!/railsgirls/rails-girls-coaches
  12. Open source model to teaching Finland is the land of

    open-source: Finnish engineers invented technologies that have disrupted whole industries and still form the backbone of Internet like MySQL, Linux, SSH and IRC. Thus it was very natural for us to apply early on the lessons learned in software development into building a social movement.
  13. Resources The resources and documentation allow anyone in the world

    to take the concept, reuse and remix it into something totally new. Here you can see some of the stuff we’ve already done.
  14. The website can be found at www.railsgirls.com. Each city has

    their own website with specific information. Past events can be found from www.railsgirls.com/events. We keep a blog at http://blog.railsgirls.com which profiles people in the community, explains technological concepts and highlights the events. We use Twitter (www.twitter.com/railsgirls) to communicate and interact with the Ruby-community as well as publicise new events. A lot of our attendee recruiting happens through Twitter. Facebook (www.facebook.com/railsgirls) is used for more inspirational matters, links, articles and pictures. There’s a team mailing list anyone can join at http://groups. google.com/group/rails-girls-team A list of photos, videos and press can be found from end of this booklet. How we communicate? We use a number of different methods to communicate about our events and activities. Here’s a few.
  15. Rails Girls Guides Garden The latest bit of documentation can

    be found at guides.railsgirls.com. It’s a full-stack to organize your own Rails Girls event, run on GitHub so anyone can contribute. How to organise a Rails Girls event The instructions on how to organise an event, starting from getting coaches & sponsors to setting the venue, communicating about the event and hints on teaching the curriculum. Installation guides How to install Rails on any computer. Curriculum Guided instructions and code to build the ideation application. Includes also additional exercises that anyone can add. A sample app can be found at http://railsgirlsapp.herokuapp.com/ Workbook A workbook for the girls to take home with them. Focus is on the whole lifecycle of the webapp, from concept to code http://speakerdeck.com/u/railsgirls/p/rails-girls-workbook-a5 Bentobox Conceptual model to understandign webapps http://speakerdeck.com/u/railsgirls/p/bentobox-template-a3 In addition there are presentations and ready-made templates for participants to use for communications. Posters, nametags, stickers and other swag to help theme the event. http://speakerdeck.com/u/railsgirls136157603144471&type=1
  16. “It’s events like these that have the power to change

    the face of the tech world, enabling not just women but anyone to try their hand at coding and building something great.”
  17. Hello ladies! We get applications in every field from voice

    pedagogy to environmental conservationism. Participants don’t need any previous knowledge about programming and there are no age- limitations. We collect feedback after each event and keep a database of the participants and their expectations. Meet some of them.
  18. Because I want to learn! “In the start-up scene, developers

    are kings. It's a man's world! Which I want to help changing for a better one. “ “Because I am incredibly interested in programing and never had a chance to get to learn anything about it. Now, after graduating I have some time on my hands until my master´s program will start.” “I´m excited about building web applications of my own too. And last but not least I want to get a deeper understanding about the whole web development stuff works....” “I think even a one-day crash course will expose me to skills that I can use to show a more well-rounded skill set to employers. I think that as a woman you can often be overlooked in programming and web development roles. I want to change this.” This will allow me to communicate better with the development teams I work with (and to make stuff!) “I'm a designer working in the web field and feel strongly that designers are also developers - and developers are designers. This would make it easier for me to conceptualize, design and build my own projects.” “I want to explore new ways of storytelling/communication through digital technology and open source tools/data. “ “Now, it's high time to learn coding myself and become more independent from programmers I would like to know how to code RoR in order to understand better what my developer colleagues are working on. “Because I no longer want to be the one who comes up with ideas but then has to ask someone else to build them. I want to be able to do it myself. (Or at least contribute to the making). I no longer only want to consume stuff. I want to make stuff.”
  19. Programmers are the new artists and creators of our world

    “On a more broader level I read articles about how programmers are the new artists and creators of our world with a lot of interest. ” “I think today programming became a fundamental pillar of our cultural lives. I currently speak English, German, French, and Swedish, and I think Ruby should be the next language I learn.” “Knowing how to code is an important skill. Being able to build stuff, in the case, websites is empowering, and creative.” Help me to unlock my potential in a fun community “I love the concept - it is great to see that growing a week beard and eating yesterday's cold pizza are not the basic requirements to be called a tech nerd anymore. Not intending to offend guys, but I have a feeling that girls contribute in a way yet to be seen.” “The workshop would be the perfect kick-off to then digg deeper into hands-on development later on.” “Furthermore I find it interessesting to get to know some others which have the same interessets.” “I have been interested in rails for a while but couldn't get myself into the cold water of it yet and this seems to be just the right atmosphere for that. Being in a room full of smart tech women for a couple of days would be a dream come true, and I'm hoping it can help me unlock my potential. “ “I am into learning new technologies, love to meet other girls that are into tech and like to build communities on the web.”
  20. Weve made two videos so far out of the events

    and taken a bunch of pictures that can be found either from Flickr or Facebook. Pictures from the events Helsinki 2010 Photos by Suvi Korhonen http://www.flickr.com/photos/suviko/ tags/railsgirls/ Photos by Linda Liukas http://www.flickr.com/ photos/lindaliukas/ sets/72157625488460886/ Photos by Karri Saarinen http://www.flickr.com/ photos/karrisaarinen/ sets/72157625487404622/ with/5215148847/ Photos by Matias Korhonen http://www.flickr.com/ photos/matiaskorhonen/ sets/72157625491649190/ Helsinki 2011 Photos by Tuuti Piippo http://www.flickr.com/photos/tuutip/ sets/72157627635359667/ Helsinki 2010 http://vimeo.com/17752439 Shot by Mikko Mutanen Video viewed 7581 times in 1.5 years Berlin 2012 http://vimeo.com/40852182 Shot by Alex Lang Video viewed over a 1000 times in one day. Photos and videos
  21. Singapore 2011 Photos by Karri Saarinen http://www.flickr.com/ photos/karrisaarinen/ sets/72157627858946866/ Photos

    by Arul Prasad http://www.flickr.com/ photos/arulprasad/ sets/72157627743344137/ Shanghai 2012 Photos by Linda Liukas http://www.flickr.com/ photos/lindaliukas/ sets/72157629061694204/ Tallinn 2012 Photos by Yu Shen http://www.flickr.com/ photos/lindaliukas/ sets/72157629218800024/ Krakow 2012 Photos by Wojciech Mardyła http://www.facebook.com/media/set /?set=a.268487483244815.63323.1 36157603144471&type=1 Berlin 2012 Photos by Jemina Lehmuskoski http://www.flickr.com/ photos/lindaliukas/ sets/72157629460772886/
  22. Press There’s been a buch of stories written about Rails

    Girls in Finland and abroad. More at railsgirls.com/press. Berlin Getting started with tech at Rails Girls Berlin Railslove 22.4.2012 http://blog.railslove.com/2012/04/19/ getting-started-with-tech-at-rails- girls-berlin/ In Berlin the code word is women Smartplanet/CBS News 20.4.2012 http://www.smartplanet.com/blog/ global-observer/in-berlin-the-code- word-is-8216women/5125 Rockin' with Ruby & the Rails Girls 6Wunderkinder, Charlette Prevot 19.4.2012 http://www.6wunderkinder.com/ blog/2012/04/19/rockin-with-ruby- the-rails-girls/ Teaching Ruby on the weekend: Rails Girls get busy in Berlin Venture Village 16.4.2012 http://venturevillage.eu/teaching- ruby-on-the-weekend-rails-girls-get- busy-in-berlin Solving Berlin's "women problem" with Rails Girls Silicon Allee 16.4.2012 http://siliconallee.com/ events/2012/04/16/solving-berlins- women-problem-with-rails-girls Coding is poetry Dot Dot Dot 14.4.2012 http://ntljk.tumblr.com/ post/21081326786/rails-girls-berlin Interview with Rails Girls organizer Henrietta TechBerlin 13.4.2012 http://www.techberlin.com/ post/20976592066/interview-with- rails-girls-organizer-henrietta Giving women tools to build their ideas with Rails Girls Silicon Allee 11.4.2012 http://siliconallee.com/ events/2012/04/11/giving-women- tools-to-build-their-ideas-with-rail- girls
  23. Rails Girls comes to Berlin Railslove 1.3.2012 http://blog.railslove.com/2012/03/01/ railsgirls-comes-to-berlin/ Shanghai

    Rails Girls Shanghai wants to teach you how to build web apps for free! Shanghaiist 9.2.2012 http://shanghaiist.com/2012/02/09/rails_ girls_shanghai_wants_to_teach.php Linda and her Rails Girls iFanr.com 10.3.2012 http://www.ifanr.com/77240 Rails Girls crash-course of building web applications starts in Sino-Finnish Centre SFC Tongji blog 23.2.2012 http://sfc.tongji.edu.cn/index. php?m=news&a=detail&id=97 Startup Sauna and Rails Girls in Shanghai Embassy of Finland & Consulate General 15.2.2012 http://www.finland.cn/public/default.aspx? contentid=240723&nodeid=35185&conten tlan=2&culture=en-US Singapore Rails for Girls Singapore Rails Girls in Amelia Chens blog 5.2.2012 http://ameliachen.com/2012/02/rails-for- girls-singapore/ Rails for Girls: experiences in Singapore Rails Girls in Yvonne Lim Jias blog 1.2.2012 http://yvonneljy.com/post/16821214465/ rails-for-girls Rails Girls Singapore: not so beginner after all Rails Girls in E27 14.19.2011 http://e27.sg/2011/10/14/rails-girls-singa- pore-not-so-beginner-after-all/ Rails Girls go from HEL to SIN Rails Girls in E27 26.9.2011 http://e27.sg/2011/09/26/rails-girls-go- from-hel-to-sin/ Tallinn Rails Girls @ Tallinna 9-10.3.2012 Teknologiateollisuus e-Skills blogi http://www.teknologiateollisuus.fi/fi/a/ blogi-3132.html Rails Girls Make Technology World More Accessible For Girls Garage 48 blog http://hub.garage48.org/blog/beginners- workshop-and-online-discussion-group- for-girls Inspired by Rails Girls Anna Bessonova http://www.annabes.com/2012/03/ inspired-by-rails-girls.html Rubies in the pocket, on rails back home Boost Turku blog http://blog.boostturku.com/ post/19178889632/rubies-in-pocket-on- rails-back-home HTML. MongoDB and jQuery, CSS – gib- berish swearwords or something useful? Boost Turku blog http://blog.boostturku.com/ post/19110744180/html-mongodb-and- jquery-css-gibberish-swearwords-or Girls start to code - Rails Girls in Tallinn Garage48 Hub http://hub.garage48.org/blog/girls-start-to- code-rails-girls-in-tallinn
  24. I’m on a boat towards Tallinn Boost Turku blog http://blog.boostturku.com/

    post/19046572349/im-on-a-boat- towards-tallin Krakow Attention please - Rails Girls are coming to Krakow Rails Girls in Railsberry blog 15.3.2012 http://blog.railsberry.com/index. php/2012/03/15/attention-please- rails-girls-are-coming-to-krakow/ Women on the CPU! Gazeta.pl 18.4.2012 http://kobieta.gazeta.pl/kobieta/1,1 07881,11560588,Kobiety_na_pro- cesory_.html Helsinki & general Linda Liukas haluaa opettaa maail- man koodaamaan Suomen Kuvalehti 4.5.2012 Girls gone coding! Women's work- shop on Ruby on Rails Rails Girls in The Next Women 22.9.2011 http://www.thenextwomen. com/2011/09/22/girls-gone-coding- women-s-workshop-ruby-rails Girls get coding Rails Girls in YLE News 19.9.2011 http://yle.fi/uutiset/girls_get_cod- ing_in_helsinki/2883205 Flere kvinder til computeren,tak Jyllands Posten 13.4.2012 http://railsgirls.com/files/jyllends- posten.pdf Suomalainen Rails Girls konsepti leviää maailmalla Teknologiateollisuus tiedote 15.3.2012 http://www.epressi.com/ tiedote/koulutus/suomalain- en-rails-girls-konsepti-levi- aa-maailmalla.html?f=%2Fetusivu- 2%2Fsuomalainen-rails-girls-kon- septi-leviaa-maailmalla Koodauksen kulttuurivallankumous Anette / Finnet asiakaslehti 17.2.2012 http://railsgirls.com/files/rg-anette. pdf Laaja-alaisuuden liputtaja Tietoviikko 2/2012 http://railsgirls.com/files/Tietoviikko- Laaja-alaisuuden%20liputtaja.pdf Onnellinen optimisti Gloria 3/2012 http://railsgirls.com/files/gloria_on- nellinenoptimisti.pdf Koodaten kohti muutosta Etelä-Suomen Sanomat 13.2.2012 http://railsgirls.com/files/ ess1322012.pdf Tytöt tekemään verkkosivuja Rails Girls in Kauppalehti 11.9.2011 http://railsgirls.com/files/110905_ Teknologiateollisuus_Kauppalehti. jpg
  25. Kasvuyrittäjyyden tehotytöt Talouselämä 37/2011 http://railsgirls.com/files/Talousela- ma-kasvuyrittajyydentehotytot.pdf Naisten vuoro Mikrobitti 10/2011

    http://railsgirls.com/files/mikrobitti. pdf Rails Girls - ohjelmoinnin tasa- arvon esitaistelijat (video) Rails Girls in Vapamedia 7.9.2011 http://www.vapamedia.fi/artikkelit/ ilmioet/rails-girls-ohjelmoinnin-tasa- arvon-esitaistelijat/ ICT-ala tarvitsee tyttöjä Rails Girls in LUMA Sanomat 2.9.2011 http://www.luma.fi/artikkelit/756/ict- ala-tarvitsee-tyttoejae ICT tytöt Rails Girls in Luova-magazine 1.9.2011 http://www.eluova.fi/index. php?id=1260 ICT ala haluaa lisää naisia Rails Girls in Tietokone 31.8.2011 http://www.tietokone.fi/uutiset/ ict_ala_haluaa_lisaa_naisia Naiset mukaan tekemään tietotek- niikasta käyttäjäystävällistä Rails Girls in Teknologiateollisuus press release 31.8.2011 http://www.netprofile.fi/fi/ tiedotteet?Article=2352 Rails & Girls - Rubiinitytöt innos- tuivat koodaamaan RailsGirls in Tietoviikko 2.12.2010 http://www.tietoviikko.fi/kaikki_uuti- set/article541704.ece Tytöt koodaa RailsGirls in Talouselämä 3.12.2010 http://www.flickr.com/photos/karri- saarinen/5228444443/ In addition Rails Girls as a project has been presented in several con- ferences, summits, workshops and presentations.
  26. Knowing how “I’ve long argued that UI design, programming, and

    product strategy should be learned apprentice-style with your hands and through experience, not through school and pedagogy. When I go to conferences about design I see a lot of declarative knowledge. Knowledge of. The latest CSS rules. The new JavaScript syntax. Ten ways to make users happy (supposedly) or whatever else. What I don’t see are procedures—somebody standing up there with a pen or a text editor and making things happen and showing how it’s done. That’s what I want to see and that’s what I think our industry needs more of.” - Ryan Singer, 37 Signals Futher Reading: The first step is to start http://goo.gl/02u5 Code as Craft by Etsy http://goo.gl/5iX7L Why Software is Eating the World http://goo.gl/ry3Sc Product Managers in Modern Development teams http://goo.gl/TjRB6 Have we all become hackers http://goo.gl/PA8e2 A Tour of the Design Process at 37signals http://goo.gl/Fc49 5by5 Podcasts http://goo.gl/QJqU
  27. Getting futher Try Ruby http://www.tryruby.org Programming Ruby in your browser.

    Codeschool http://www.codeschool.com Try out the Rails for Zombies module: a free, browser-based Rails workshop. Other classes interesting too! Codecademy http://www.codeacademy.com A new Y-Combinator startup aiming to teach the world to code. Don’t fear the Internet http://www.dontfeartheinternet.com/ Frontend stuff (CSS & HTML) explained through short videos. A Quick (and Hopefully Painless) Ride Through Ruby (with Cartoon Foxes) http://mislav.uniqpath.com/poignant-guide/book/chapter-3.html The legendary Why’s Poignant Guide to Ruby: part comic book, part coding exercise. RailsGuides http://guides.rubyonrails.org/ Tutorials and guides created by the Rails community
  28. mkdir projects cd projects rails new railsgirls cd railsgirls rails

    s Thank you team. Making it possible & all local sponsors