Orhan Biyiklioglu (@biyiklioglu)

12 Follows

Red Hat Livestreaming


Red Hat OpenShift | Enterprise Kubernetes | The Kubernetes platform for big ideas | Hybrid Cloud | Any App on Any Cloud

54 followers 92 decks

Chaos Conf


The flagship #chaosengineering conference. Proudly supported by Gremlin.

2 followers 13 decks

Ian Coldwater


Ian Coldwater specializes in hacking and hardening Kubernetes, containers and cloud-native infrastructure. In their s...

2 followers 7 decks

Andy Randall


I live at the intersection of business and technology, in the neighborhood of cloud-native computing, having arrived ...

3 followers 23 decks

Eberhard Wolff


Eberhard Wolff has 20+ years of experience as an architect and consultant - often on the intersection of business and...

12 followers 68 decks

Bilal Çınarlı


Bilal is a Principal Frontend Engineer at Atlassian working for Jira. Previously, he was the lead of Frontend Archite...

5 followers 20 decks

Brandon Keepers


Developer at GitHub, mostly working on this site.

41 followers 19 decks