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Project Management Master Class: Improve Your C...

Brett Harned
December 12, 2017

Project Management Master Class: Improve Your Communication Skills

Impress leadership with your excellent communication skills In just 45 minutes, you’ll learn how to create easy-to-maintain communication routines that can be used in all your projects. We’ll share real-world examples that have helped project managers from every industry. Learn how to create communication routines that make your job easier and save you time. Discover how set up communication channels that keep teams accountable and happy. Craft a communication plan that works for clients, team members, and stakeholders.

Brett Harned

December 12, 2017

More Decks by Brett Harned

Other Decks in Business


 COMMUNICATORS • Prefer facts and data • Prefer

    specific language, not vague • Like communication to be unemotional; logical and dispassionate
 COMMUNICATORS • Thinks big picture • Wants to

    get to the point; not about details • Enjoys challenging convention • Can be frustrated by detailed conversations
 COMMUNICATORS • Likes process, detail, timelines, well-thought out

    plans • Communicates in step-by-step fashion • Plays Devil’s Advocate • Likes being relied on for detail
 COMMUNICATORS • Values emotional language and connection • Finds

    value in assessing what people think and feel • Good listener and diplomat • Builds deep relationships; is the “glue”

    your team or clients understand you, or your work: • “When I say ‘X’ I am referring to…” • “Am I making sense?” • “Are we all on the same page?” • “Any questions?”
 VOCABULARY • Get to know and

    understand your client’s operation and ask clarifying/probing questions • Create a project dictionary of client terms for your team • Know + understand your company’s vocabulary • Educate your clients on your process and deliverables • Avoid using acronyms (at first)
  7. CREATE ROUTINES • Status reports and meetings • Client check

    ins and conversations • Team stand up meetings • Informal check-ins • Meetings
 AND MEETINGS • Provide transparency about the project

    • Build accountability • Develop better team communication • Assess and address issues proactively
  9. A GOOD STATUS REPORT INCLUDES: • What happened last week

    • What is happening this week • What is planned for next week • To-dos/Action items • Project percent complete (plan update) • Budget update (if relevant) • Risks, blockers, and solutions
  10. A well-done status report can be used to update your

    internal team and clients at the same time.
  11. STATUS ROUTINES: • Write and post a report for review

    regularly • Schedule regular status meeting to review the report • Weekly, bi-weekly, monthly (use your scope as your guide) Be flexible—do what works for the team and client
 AND MEETINGS • Set expectations for how/when you

    will communicate about project details • Provide transparency on your process, team progress, timelines, budgets, risk, etc. • Allow you to build client relationships and look for new business opportunities
  13. STANDUP MEETINGS • Should take 15 minutes or less •

    Help to build and solidify teams and trust • Keeps everyone updated and focused on project work • Focused solely on what’s happening • Generate useful conversations
  14. STANDUP MEETING AGENDA Go around the group allow each person

    to provide
 an update in this format: • What I accomplished yesterday/since our last standup • What I will accomplish today • What obstacles might impede progress
  15. INFORMAL CHECKINS: • Empathy is key • Try passive communications

    • Be helpful • Be willing to help solve problems INFORMAL TEAM CHECK-INS

    helpful, not intrusive • Be willing to help solve problems • Try passive communications
  17. • Determine the value of the meeting • Estimate the

    time needed • Identify goals for your meeting • Determine the best attendees • Determine when it needs to happen • Create an agenda • Share information needed for the meeting BEFORE SCHEDULING:
  18. SAMPLE MEETING AGENDA Goal: This is an internal review of

    our research report. Please review the document attached and be prepared to provide and discuss feedback and next steps.
 9:00-9:30 - Presentation of document (Abby)
 9:30-10:00 - Feedback review and discussion (All)
 10:00-10:15 - Next steps, wrap up (All)
  19. ESTABLISH GROUND RULES • Be on time, be prepared •

    No devices (stay present) • Not contributing? Dismissed. • Think before speaking • Stay on task and on time • Listen (with an open mind) • Attack the problem not the person • Close decisions and identify
 action items • Record meeting notes, and post them publicly • Follow-up on outcomes
  20. A FINAL NOTE ON COMMUNICATION ROUTINES • They build expectations,

    which leads to stronger communications and accountability • They keep you honest about what needs to be communicated (and when) • They’re easy to schedule • They build trust and camaraderie
  21. DISCUSS PREFERENCES • Modes for day-to-day communications • Who should

    be involved or copied? • How often should status be reported and discussed? • Is there any additional information that should be shared/ exchanged regularly? • Will the tools we use work? • Are there any meetings we should discuss or schedule now? • Are there any practices you use that should be considered?
  22. IT COMES DOWN TO: • Message type • Timing/schedule •

    Delivery method • Originator • Audience
  23. AS GOOD COMMUNICATORS, WE… • Practice empathy • Get to

    know our teams and stakeholders • Work diligently to create common language and understanding • Listen and ask questions • Talk about our communication preferences • Create routines that help to facilitate communications • Create communication plans to solidify what was discussed, and put our words in to action
  24. Q&A