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Pomegranate: Fast and Flexible Probabilistic Mo...

Data Intelligence
June 28, 2017

Pomegranate: Fast and Flexible Probabilistic Modeling in Python

Jacob Schreiber, Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science, University of Washington
Audience level: Intermediate
Topic area: Modeling
We will describe the python package pomegranate, which implements flexible probabilistic modeling. We will highlight several supported models including mixtures, hidden Markov models, and Bayesian networks. At each step we will show how the supported flexibility allows for complex models to be easily constructed. We will also demonstrate the parallel and out-of-core APIs.

Data Intelligence

June 28, 2017


  1. fast and flexible probabilistic modelling in python Jacob Schreiber Paul

    G. Allen School of Computer Science University of Washington jmschreiber91 @jmschrei @jmschreiber91
  2. Overview pomegranate is more flexible than other packages, faster, is

    intuitive to use, and can do it all in parallel 3
  3. Overview: this talk 4 Overview Major Models/Model Stacks 1. General

    Mixture Models 2. Hidden Markov Models 3. Bayesian Networks 4. Bayes Classifiers Finale: Train a mixture of HMMs in parallel
  4. Overview: supported models Six Main Models: 1. Probability Distributions 2.

    General Mixture Models 3. Markov Chains 4. Hidden Markov Models 5. Bayes Classifiers / Naive Bayes 6. Bayesian Networks 5 Two Helper Models: 1. k-means++/kmeans|| 2. Factor Graphs
  5. Overview: model stacking in pomegranate 6 Distributions Bayes Classifiers Markov

    Chains General Mixture Models Hidden Markov Models Bayesian Networks D BC MC GMM HMM BN
  6. Overview: model stacking in pomegranate 7 Distributions Bayes Classifiers Markov

    Chains General Mixture Models Hidden Markov Models Bayesian Networks D BC MC GMM HMM BN
  7. The API is common to all models 8 All models

    have these methods! All models composed of distributions (like GMM, HMM...) have these methods too! model.log_probability(X) / model.probability(X) model.sample() model.fit(X, weights, inertia) model.summarize(X, weights) model.from_summaries(inertia) model.predict(X) model.predict_proba(X) model.predict_log_proba(X) Model.from_samples(X, weights)
  8. pomegranate supports many models 9 Univariate Distributions 1. UniformDistribution 2.

    BernoulliDistribution 3. NormalDistribution 4. LogNormalDistribution 5. ExponentialDistribution 6. BetaDistribution 7. GammaDistribution 8. DiscreteDistribution 9. PoissonDistribution Kernel Densities 1. GaussianKernelDensity 2. UniformKernelDensity 3. TriangleKernelDensity Multivariate Distributions 1. IndependentComponentsDistribution 2. MultivariateGaussianDistribution 3. DirichletDistribution 4. ConditionalProbabilityTable 5. JointProbabilityTable
  9. 10 mu, sig = 0, 2 a = NormalDistribution(mu, sig)

    X = [0, 1, 1, 2, 1.5, 6, 7, 8, 7] a = GaussianKernelDensity(X) Models can be created from known values
  10. 11 Models can be learned from data X = numpy.random.normal(0,

    1, 100) a = NormalDistribution.from_samples(X)
  11. 16 pomegranate uses additive summarization pomegranate reduces data to sufficient

    statistics for updates and so only has to go datasets once (for all models). Here is an example of the Normal Distribution sufficient statistics
  12. 17 pomegranate supports out-of-core learning Batches from a dataset can

    be reduced to additive summary statistics, enabling exact updates from data that can’t fit in memory.
  13. 19 pomegranate supports semisupervised learning Summary statistics from supervised models

    can be added to summary statistics from unsupervised models to train a single model on a mixture of labeled and unlabeled data.
  14. 23

  15. 24 Example ‘blast’ from Gossip Girl Spotted: Lonely Boy. Can't

    believe the love of his life has returned. If only she knew who he was. But everyone knows Serena. And everyone is talking. Wonder what Blair Waldorf thinks. Sure, they're BFF's, but we always thought Blair's boyfriend Nate had a thing for Serena.
  16. 25 Example ‘blast’ from Gossip Girl Why'd she leave? Why'd

    she return? Send me all the deets. And who am I? That's the secret I'll never tell. The only one. —XOXO. Gossip Girl.
  17. 26 How do we encode these ‘blasts’? Better lock it

    down with Nate, B. Clock's ticking. +1 Nate -1 Blair
  18. 27 How do we encode these ‘blasts’? This just in:

    S and B committing a crime of fashion. Who doesn't love a five-finger discount. Especially if it's the middle one. -1 Blair -1 Serena
  19. Overview: this talk 32 Overview Major Models/Model Stacks 1. General

    Mixture Models 2. Hidden Markov Models 3. Bayesian Networks 4. Bayes Classifiers Finale: Train a mixture of HMMs in parallel
  20. Overview: this talk 40 Overview Major Models/Model Stacks 1. General

    Mixture Models 2. Hidden Markov Models 3. Bayesian Networks 4. Bayes Classifiers Finale: Train a mixture of HMMs in parallel
  21. Overview: this talk 46 Overview Major Models/Model Stacks 1. General

    Mixture Models 2. Hidden Markov Models 3. Bayesian Networks 4. Bayes Classifiers Finale: Train a mixture of HMMs in parallel
  22. Bayesian networks 47 Bayesian networks are powerful inference tools which

    define a dependency structure between variables. Sprinkler Wet Grass Rain
  23. Bayesian networks 48 Sprinkler Wet Grass Rain Two main difficult

    tasks: (1) Inference given incomplete information (2) Learning the dependency structure from data
  24. Bayesian network structure learning 49 ??? Three primary ways: •

    “Search and score” / Exact • “Constraint Learning” / PC • Heuristics
  25. Bayesian network structure learning 50 ??? pomegranate supports: • “Search

    and score” / Exact • “Constraint Learning” / PC • Heuristics
  26. Constraint graphs merge data + knowledge 53 BRCA 2 BRCA

    1 LCT BLOAT LE LOA VOM AC PREG LI OC genetic conditions diseases symptoms
  27. Overview: this talk 57 Overview Major Models/Model Stacks 1. General

    Mixture Models 2. Hidden Markov Models 3. Bayesian Networks 4. Bayes Classifiers Finale: Train a mixture of HMMs in parallel
  28. Using appropriate distributions is better 63 model = NaiveBayes.from_samples(NormalDistribution, X_train,

    y_train) print "Gaussian Naive Bayes: ", (model.predict(X_test) == y_test).mean() clf = GaussianNB().fit(X_train, y_train) print "sklearn Gaussian Naive Bayes: ", (clf.predict(X_test) == y_test).mean() model = NaiveBayes.from_samples([NormalDistribution, LogNormalDistribution, ExponentialDistribution], X_train, y_train) print "Heterogeneous Naive Bayes: ", (model.predict(X_test) == y_test).mean() Gaussian Naive Bayes: 0.798 sklearn Gaussian Naive Bayes: 0.798 Heterogeneous Naive Bayes: 0.844
  29. Creating complex Bayes classifiers is easy 67 gmm_a = GeneralMixtureModel.from_samples(MultivariateGaussianDistribution,

    2, X[y == 0]) gmm_b = GeneralMixtureModel.from_samples(MultivariateGaussianDistribution, 2, X[y == 1]) model_b = BayesClassifier([gmm_a, gmm_b], weights=numpy.array([1-y.mean(), y.mean()]))
  30. Creating complex Bayes classifiers is easy 68 mc_a = MarkovChain.from_samples(X[y

    == 0]) mc_b = MarkovChain.from_samples(X[y == 1]) model_b = BayesClassifier([mc_a, mc_b], weights=numpy.array([1-y.mean(), y.mean()])) hmm_a = HiddenMarkovModel.from_samples(X[y == 0]) hmm_b = HiddenMarkovModel.from_samples(X[y == 1]) model_b = BayesClassifier([hmm_a, hmm_b], weights=numpy.array([1-y.mean(), y.mean()])) bn_a = BayesianNetwork.from_samples(X[y == 0]) bn_b = BayesianNetwork.from_samples(X[y == 1]) model_b = BayesClassifier([bn_a, bn_b], weights=numpy.array([1-y.mean(), y.mean()]))
  31. Overview: this talk 69 Overview Major Models/Model Stacks 1. General

    Mixture Models 2. Hidden Markov Models 3. Bayesian Networks 4. Bayes Classifiers Finale: Train a mixture of HMMs in parallel
  32. Training a mixture of HMMs in parallel 70 Creating a

    mixture of HMMs is just as simple as passing the HMMs into a GMM as if it were any other distribution
  33. Overview pomegranate is more flexible than other packages, faster, is

    intuitive to use, and can do it all in parallel 72