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Storyboard DU FOOTBALL_DeTuco

Diego De Rose
April 18, 2024

Storyboard DU FOOTBALL_DeTuco

Diego De Rose

April 18, 2024


  1. Scene 004 Panel 6 Dialogue and on he went to

    school.. sharjah elementary school.
  2. Scene 005 Panel 1 Dialogue and on he went to

    school.. sharjah elementary school.
  3. Scene 005 Panel 2 Dialogue and on he went to

    school.. sharjah elementary school.
  4. Scene 020 Panel 5 Dialogue and his team wins the

    du fc championship?with the help
  5. Scene 022 Panel 1 Dialogue and on to spain he

    goes.. land of metadors, and tapas..and la liga!
  6. Scene 023 Panel 1 Dialogue on he goes to play

    with valencia, and athle)co, and real madrid
  7. Scene 024 Panel 1 Dialogue what a dream.. what a

    legend?what an accomplishment..
  8. Scene 024 Panel 2 Dialogue what a dream.. what a

    legend?what an accomplishment..