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Slice Of Life (Rough Pass)

Elodie Ducas
June 08, 2024

Slice Of Life (Rough Pass)

Elodie Ducas

June 08, 2024


  1. Dialog Adam : " Seriously ? You've gotta to admit

    it would put everything in perspective."
  2. Dialog Evelyne : " Oh please ! I never understand

    why you obsess with these dumb questions. I got a job to do. I do it. When I'm done I go to bed. Rinse and repeat."(cont)
  3. Dialog Evelyne : (cont) " I don't see why I

    should add existential dread to my program."
  4. Dialog Adam : " Okay first of all, that's an

    awfully empty schedule for someone who is always too busy to accept my incitations to party."
  5. Dialog Adam : " Okay first of all, that's an

    awfully empty schedule for someone who is always too busy to accept my incitations to party."
  6. Dialog Adam : " Okay first of all, that's an

    awfully empty schedule for someone who is always too busy to accept my invitations to party."
  7. Dialog Adam : " And second, how can that be

    enough ! I mean if that's all there is to it, then what's the point!"
  8. Dialog Evelyne:"I get it, you want this to have more

    meaning, but there's no satisfying answer.(cont)"
  9. Dialog Evelyne(off screen): "(cont) You can't telle anyone it's all

    going to be okay. But that's...okay in itslef!"