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用 GPT3 打造小工具

Liang Bin Hsueh
December 22, 2022

用 GPT3 打造小工具

Liang Bin Hsueh

December 22, 2022


  1. 講者介紹 薛良斌 / 布丁 / hlb – InfuseAI 共同創辦⼈ –

    ⽣性懶惰,太⿇煩的事情 都不想做,⽤程式⾃動化 ⼈⽣ – 投影片要有貓 – – https://hlb.im/
  2. 無⽤的⾖知識 跟 ChatGPT 說 "Let's think step by step," 他就會變聰明喔

    Source: – InstructGPT Paper 其他各種問對問題的⽅式 – https://prompts.chat/
  3. 本⽇分享 範例都在 ,可以⾃⼰拿去 玩 GitHub:hlb/openai- examples 批次處理: Google Spreadsheet –

    網⾴服務: 今晚吃什麼? – 網⾴服務: ⽤ AI 寫考 績評語 –
  4. function GPT3() =GPT3( prompt, temperature = 0.6, # 貪婪指數 model

    = "text-davinci-003", # 模型引擎 maxTokens = 256 # 最⼤ token 數量 )
  5. function GPT3_RANGE() WARNING: =GPT3_RANGE( examples_input, # 範例輸入列表 examples_output, # 範例輸出列表

    input, # 輸入 temperature = 0.6, # 貪婪指數 model = "text-davinci-003", # 模型引擎 maxTokens = 256 # 最⼤ token 數量 )
  6. prompt: Use Streamlit to write a python app to get

    restaurant suggestions from OpenAI GPT3 "text-davinci-003" engine.
  7. Use Streamlit to write a python app to get restaurant

    suggestions from OpenAI GPT3 "text-davinci-003" engine. Just give me the code block. No explanation.
  8. Name: Dwight Schrute Job Title: Assistant to the Regional Manager

    Dwight Schrute is our Assistant to the Regional Manager and he has been evaluated on his performance. The score of the performance appraisal is 3/5. Dwight is a hardworking and dedicated employee who always puts in his best effort. He is quick on his feet and has the ability to think fast between a snake and a mongoose and a panther. He is always attentive and gives his undivided attention to his tasks. He is also very punctual and is usually five minutes ahead of schedule. He has a great sense of humor which helps to lighten the mood in the office. Dwight is a valuable asset to the company and has been a great help in achieving our goals. He is always willing to take on new challenges and is eager to learn new skills. He is also very organized and is able to complete tasks efficiently and effectively. Overall, Dwight is a great employee and has been a great asset to the company. He has shown dedication and commitment to his work and is always willing to go the extra mile. He has a great attitude and is always willing to help out his colleagues. He is a great team player and is always willing to lend a helping hand. He is an asset to the company and we are lucky to have him as part of the team.
  9. 5 of 5 尊敬的魯夫船長, 您在本次績效評估中獲得了5分的評價,表 ⽰您的表現很出⾊。 您每天都會舉辦宴會,⼤吃⼤喝,讓⼤家 都能夠熱鬧地享受時光,更能夠增進⼤家 之間的友誼。當⼤家⾯臨困境時,您也會 挺⾝⽽出,為⼤家解決問題,讓⼤家都能

    夠安全地抵達⽬的地。 您擁有豐富的經驗,能夠帶領⼤家安全地 抵達⽬的地,⽽且您也會給予⼤家良好的 指導,讓⼤家能夠更好地完成任務。您對 ⼤家的友情也是非常重視,總是會給予⼤ 家正⾯的⿎勵,讓⼤家都能夠更加努⼒地 完成任務。 您是⼀位偉⼤的船長,您的表現讓⼤家都 感到驕傲,您的毅⼒和決⼼讓⼤家都能夠 更加堅定地完成任務。您對⼤家的⽀持和 關懷,讓⼤家都能夠更加堅定地完成任 務,讓⼤家都能夠安全地抵達⽬的地。 再次感謝您,魯夫船長,您的表現讓⼤家 都感到驕傲,您的毅⼒和決⼼讓⼤家都能 夠更加堅定地完成任務。 1 of 5 尊敬的魯夫船長: 您的表現評估得分為1/5,我們對您的表現 表⽰深深的失望。 您每天開宴會⼤吃⼤喝,這種⾏為不僅沒 有為船隊帶來任何好處,反⽽損害了船隊 的形象,給船隊帶來了負⾯影響。 您重視友情,但您應該尊重船隊的規章制 度,不應該因為友誼⽽忽視船隊的規定, ⽽且您應該更加重視船隊的利益,⽽不是 個⼈的利益。 在關鍵時刻,您應該挺⾝⽽出,為船隊出 ⼀份⼒,⽽不是把責任推給其他⼈,您應 該更加負責任,把船隊的利益放在⾸位, ⽽不是⾃⼰的利益。 總⽽⾔之,您應該更加重視船隊的利益, 把船隊的利益放在⾸位,⽽不是⾃⼰的利 益,您應該更加負責任,在關鍵時刻挺⾝ ⽽出,為船隊出⼀份⼒,⽽不是把責任推 給其他⼈。 希望您能夠改正⾃⼰的⾏為,為船隊帶來 更多的正⾯影響,為船隊做出更多的貢 獻!