kadri fatteh (@kadsystem)

20 Follows

Jonatan Ivanov


Enthusiastic software engineer; Spring Engineering Team; Seattle Java User Group; Certified dragon trainer, seriously :)

2 followers 19 decks

Corneil du Plessis


human, male, husband, father, programmer, geek.

I have earned a living by programming since 1985 and have worked o...

1 follower 12 decks
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Sébastien Deleuze


Spring Framework commiter and Mix-IT conference organizer, @sdeleuze on Twitter.

3 followers 13 decks

Martin Lippert


Martin leads the Spring Tools projects at VMware and works together with the tools team on providing the best develop...

4 followers 54 decks

Stéphane Nicoll


Stéphane has a thing for code quality and robustness. He's been spreading the word for more than ten years while deve...

3 followers 16 decks

Simon Baslé



Software development aficionado, especially interested in software design aspects (OOP,...

5 followers 14 decks

Rob Winch


Rob Winch is the project lead of the Spring Security and Spring LDAP projects. He is also a committer on the core Spr...

1 follower 1 deck

Christoph Strobl


Christoph Strobl joined the Spring Data Team in early 2014 after spending quite some time as Engineer in the telecomm...

3 followers 31 decks

Dave Syer


Dr David Syer works for Pivotal in London on the globally-distributed Spring Engineering team. He is an active Sprin...

3 followers 8 decks
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Mark Paluch


I'm a Software Craftsman, Spring Data Engineer at Pivotal, a member of the CDI 2.0 expert group, and lead of the Lett...

3 followers 39 decks

Oliver Drotbohm


Oliver Drotbohm is a member of the Spring engineering team at VMware. His work focused on software architecture, DDD,...

33 followers 85 decks