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Pockets McGee

Pockets McGee

An exercise from my Animation Mentor Intermediate Storyboarding Class taught by Mike Kunkle. Following a short script, we were instructed to create around 90 rough storyboards interpreting the story how we saw fit. This is my version! I've included the short script below as well.

(starring Security Guard Joe and Pockets McGee .)
It's Tuesday night.
The CITYOPOLIS MUSEUM sits quietly in the full moon light.
In the middle of the MAIN ROOM of the Museum is the current special display . . .
. . .the GOLDEN KOI sculpture. A beautiful ancient sculpture made of solid gold and two diamond eyes. One of a kind.
***JOE the SECURITY GUARD *** sits inside at the lobby desk. Watching the security monitors. We see the sculpture on one of the screens. Joe is checking the monitors, but gets distracted by a sports game on one of the other screens.
_--(How do you guide the audience to from Joe to the new info next?) _
A shadow is seen moving along the outside of the building.
A silhouetted character moves stealthily around the building property and past the windows and to the dark side of the building.
--(Has Conflict been introduced?)
A character pulls out a grappling hook. Toss.
The top of the roof.
A grappling hook connects with the roof ledge.
A thief . . . ***POCKETS McGEE *** climbs up the side of the building. Then onto the rooftop and makes his way to the air-conditioning venting.
Pauses to look around and make sure all is still clear.
Looks down at photo/brochure/sketch of the GOLDEN KOI.
Then reveals a paper with plan to get inside.
GUARD JOE remains unaware at the lobby security station.
POCKETS sneaks into the building using the ventilation venting. We follow the thief through the venting then cut back to lobby.
GUARD JOE stops watching his game and checks the monitors.
Everything looks all clear. Nothing unusual.
Hallway appears empty and quiet.
POCKETS sneaks out of the vents into the hallway. Starts down the hallway. Suddenly!
**- *Something off-screen catches Pocket's attention. *** (It's the Security Camera starting to turn toward him)
Cut to Monitor screen view showing hallway is empty.
Reveal GUARD JOE is moving joystick to control camera.
Cut back to hallway to show camera moving. But, reveal that POCKETS is hiding from the camera.
..(How does POCKETS deal with camera motion?)
GUARD JOE turns away from monitors and looks at his watch, picks up a clipboard. It’s time for his rounds. He gets up to check on everything.
Cut to POCKETS is sneaking down the stairwell to the Golden Koi exhibit floor.
He’s nervous.
Cut to GUARD JOE is walking the hallways. Multiple different halls and door checks. No sign of trouble.
Cut to POCKETS is heading to a door in the stairwell.
Cut to GUARD JOE heads to a door in a hallway.
--(IS GUARD JOE going to the same door as Pockets?? Build up the moment.)
THEY BOTH reach for the door knobs.
GUARD JOE opens the stairwell door. No one is there. Shines his flashlight all around to check stairwell area.
All clear. Shuts the door and leaves.
--Reveal POCKETS hiding in stairwell area and not seen by JOE. Where? How?
CUT TO GUARD JOE walks down the hallway to the elevators. Gets in one elevator just as POCKETS exits the stairwell door and heads in the opposite direction.

Lane Letourneau

June 06, 2024

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