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Save the Wyvern

Save the Wyvern

An action board based off the adventures from my DnD Party. As the team tries to get the Wyvern to escape, tragedy strikes. Now there's even more danger!

Isha Wang

August 01, 2024

More Decks by Isha Wang

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  1. Dialog Kyr: You have to take the baby and leave!

    Action Notes Slugging Kyr: YOU HAVE TO LEAVE!
  2. Dialog Kyr: You have to take the baby and leave!

    Action Notes Slugging Kyr: YOU HAVE TO LEAVE!
  3. Dialog A: I- I think she heard us! Action Notes

    Slugging Alexei: Oh! I- I think she heard us!
  4. Dialog A: I- I think she heard us! Action Notes

    Slugging Alexei: Oh! I- I think she heard us!
  5. Dialog B: Hey, we'll find a way. Action Notes Slugging

    Brine: We always find a way somehow.
  6. Dialog B: Hey, we'll find a way. Action Notes Slugging

    Brine: We always find a way somehow.
  7. Dialog N: King Napoleon has an urgent announcement! Action Notes

    Slugging Napoleon: Do not be startled by the commotion!
  8. Dialog N: King Napoleon has an urgent announcement! Action Notes

    Slugging Napoleon: Do not be startled by the commotion!
  9. Dialog N: King Napoleon has an urgent announcement! Action Notes

    Slugging Napoleon: Do not be startled by the commotion!
  10. Dialog N: King Napoleon has an urgent announcement! Action Notes

    Slugging Napoleon: Do not be startled by the commotion!
  11. Dialog N: We have CRIMINALS in our midst! Action Notes

    Slugging Napoleon: But we have company!
  12. Dialog N: We have CRIMINALS in our midst! Action Notes

    Slugging Napoleon: But we have company!
  13. Dialog N: Cruel offenders who killed our prized Wyvern! Action

    Notes Slugging Napoleon: They must be punished!
  14. Dialog N: I want them punished! Find them! Action Notes

    Slugging Napoleon: Find and seize these individuals
  15. Dialog N: I want them punished! Find them! Action Notes

    Slugging Napoleon: Find and seize these individuals
  16. Dialog N: I want them punished! Find them! Action Notes

    Slugging Napoleon: They are criminals who killed our prized Wyvern.
  17. Dialog N: As of now, I grant permission for weaponry

    from all staff and warriors. Action Notes Slugging Napoleon: They are criminals who killed our prized Wyvern.
  18. Dialog N: As of now, I grant permission for weaponry

    from all staff and warriors. Action Notes Slugging Napoleon: From this moment, I am granting permission to exercise all weapons on deck!
  19. Dialog N: As of now, I grant permission for weaponry

    from all staff and warriors. Action Notes Slugging Napoleon: From this moment, I am granting permission to exercise all weapons on deck!
  20. Dialog N: Apprehend them by any means possible. Action Notes

    Slugging Napoleon: From this moment, I am granting permission to exercise all weapons on deck!
  21. Dialog N: Apprehend them by any means possible. Action Notes

    Slugging Napoleon: From this moment, I am granting permission to exercise all weapons on deck!
  22. Dialog N: You shall be handsomely rewarded for your efforts!

    Action Notes Slugging Napoleon: A handsome prize awaits those who apprehend them!