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Let's Take a Deep Dive into Pager Indicators

July 14, 2023

Let's Take a Deep Dive into Pager Indicators

AcommpanistのPager IndicatorsとJetpack ComposeのBuilt-in Pagerの違いについて、そして、Jetpack ComposeでのスムーズなIndicators Animationについて記載しています。


July 14, 2023

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  1. BOESPJEYDPNQPTFGPVOEBUJPO͔Β 1BHFS͕ར༻Մೳʹ🎉 >The new pager component allows you to horizontally

    or vertically flip through content, which is similar to ViewPager2 in Views. It allows deep customization options, making it possible to create visually stunning effects: What’s new in Jetpack Compose