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Iskander (Alex) Sharipov
November 15, 2021


- What is KPHP
- Why do we need FFI
- PHP vs KPHP FFI differences
- Creating a game with KPHP, FFI and SDL2
- Solving some FFI-related issues
- Writing a KPHP module in Rust

Iskander (Alex) Sharipov

November 15, 2021


  1. Why I’m qualified to give this talk • I added

    FFI support to KPHP compiler & runtime • I created a rogue-like game with it
  2. What is KPHP? • A PHP dialect that is type-safe

    • A compiler that creates executable binaries
  3. What is KPHP? • A PHP dialect that is type-safe

    • A compiler that creates executable binaries • An open source project
  4. PHP FFI • A mechanism to call C functions from

    PHP • It’s similar to LuaJIT FFI and CPython FFI
  5. PHP FFI • A mechanism to call C functions from

    PHP • It’s similar to LuaJIT FFI and CPython FFI • Create PHP-extensions without C code!
  6. KPHP FFI The advantages of FFI PHP FFI • Pure

    PHP bindings for C • More portable than C ext
  7. KPHP FFI • The only way to extend KPHP The

    advantages of FFI PHP FFI • Pure PHP bindings for C • More portable than C ext
  8. KPHP FFI • The only way to extend KPHP •

    100% compatible with PHP The advantages of FFI PHP FFI • Pure PHP bindings for C • More portable than C ext
  9. Simple usage example $gd = FFI::cdef(' typedef struct gdImage gdImage;

    gdImage *gdImageCreate(int sx, int sy); void gdImageDestroy(gdImage *image); ', 'libgd.so'); $img = $gd->gdImageCreate(32, 32); $gd->gdImageDestroy($img);
  10. Simple usage example $gd = FFI::cdef(' typedef struct gdImage gdImage;

    gdImage *gdImageCreate(int sx, int sy); void gdImageDestroy(gdImage *image); ', 'libgd.so'); FFI::cdef creates a FFI handle from a C string and loads associated shared (dynamic) library
  11. Simple usage example $gd = FFI::cdef(' typedef struct gdImage gdImage;

    gdImage *gdImageCreate(int sx, int sy); void gdImageDestroy(gdImage *image); ', 'libgd.so'); C declarations string (like in a C header file)
  12. Simple usage example $gd = FFI::cdef(' typedef struct gdImage gdImage;

    gdImage *gdImageCreate(int sx, int sy); void gdImageDestroy(gdImage *image); ', 'libgd.so'); ldconfig-compatible name for the library lookup
  13. Simple usage example $gd is our FFI library handle; it’s

    used to access C functions, types, variables and constants (enums, etc). $img = $gd->gdImageCreate(32, 32); $gd->gdImageDestroy($img);
  14. FFI::load - load from a separate declarations file #define FFI_LIB

    "libgd.so" typedef struct gdImage gdImage; gdImage *gdImageCreate(int sx, int sy); void gdImageDestroy(gdImage *image); $gd = FFI::load(__DIR__ . '/gd.h'); gd.h
  15. KPHP load/cdef • loads shared libs • fetches symbols •

    creates a FFI obj Comparing PHP and KPHP load/cdef PHP load/cdef • loads shared libs • fetches symbols • creates a FFI obj • parses C decls
  16. KPHP load/cdef • loads shared libs • fetches symbols •

    creates a FFI obj Comparing PHP and KPHP load/cdef PHP load/cdef • loads shared libs • fetches symbols • creates a FFI obj • parses C decls KPHP doesn’t need FFI::scope() for performance
  17. KPHP load/cdef • loads shared libs • fetches symbols •

    creates a FFI obj Comparing PHP and KPHP load/cdef PHP load/cdef • loads shared libs • fetches symbols • creates a FFI obj • parses C decls But we’re using FFI::scope() for the type checking!
  18. FFI scope object #define FFI_SCOPE foo struct Example { const

    char *s; int16_t i; }; char ffi_func(int16_t x, const char *s); $foo = FFI::scope("foo");
  19. FFI scope object #define FFI_SCOPE foo struct Example { const

    char *s; int16_t i; }; char ffi_func(int16_t x, const char *s); // OK $ex = $scope->new("struct Example");
  20. FFI scope object #define FFI_SCOPE foo struct Example { const

    char *s; int16_t i; }; char ffi_func(int16_t x, const char *s); // OK $scope->ffi_func(10, 'hello');
  21. FFI scope object #define FFI_SCOPE foo struct Example { const

    char *s; int16_t i; }; char ffi_func(int16_t x, const char *s); // ERROR (compile-time) $scope->undefined_func();
  22. Auto conversions PHP C • Passing C function argument •

    Assigning to C struct/union field • Assigning to a pseudo cdata field php2c($v)
  23. php2c conversions PHP type C type int (long) int8_t, int16_t,

    ... float float, double bool bool string(1) char string const char*
  24. php2c conversions PHP type C type int (long) int8_t, int16_t,

    ... float float, double bool bool string(1) char string const char* Only for function arguments, but not struct field write
  25. Auto conversions C PHP • Assigning a (non-void) C function

    result • Reading C struct/union field • Reading C scalar “cdata” property • Reading Scope property (enum values, etc) Different conversion rules for call results and fields! c2php($v)
  26. c2php conversions C type PHP type int8_t, int16_t, ... int

    float, double float bool bool char string(1) const char* string
  27. c2php conversions C type PHP type int8_t, int16_t, ... int

    float, double float bool bool char string(1) const char* string Only for function results, but not for struct field read
  28. What is CData? Types that can’t be represented as normal

    PHP types are wrapped into CData classes.
  29. CData /** @return ffi_cdata<example, struct Foo> */ function f() {

    $cdef = FFI::cdef(' #define FFI_SCOPE "example" struct Foo { int x; }; '); return $cdef->new('struct Foo'); }
  30. CData /** @return ffi_cdata<example, struct Foo> */ function f() {

    $cdef = FFI::cdef(' #define FFI_SCOPE "example" struct Foo { int x; }; '); return $cdef->new('struct Foo'); } new(T) returns CData<T> typed object
  31. CData /** @return ffi_cdata<example, struct Foo> */ function f() {

    $cdef = FFI::cdef(' #define FFI_SCOPE "example" struct Foo { int x; }; '); return $cdef->new('struct Foo'); } T is a type from associated FFI scope/cdef
  32. CData /** @return ffi_cdata<example, struct Foo> */ function f() {

    $cdef = FFI::cdef(' #define FFI_SCOPE "example" struct Foo { int x; }; '); return $cdef->new('struct Foo'); } PHP type hint expects both scope and type
  33. Creating our first header file for libsdl2 #define FFI_SCOPE "sdl"

    #define FFI_LIB "libSDL2-2.0.so" typedef uint32_t Uint32; typedef struct SDL_Window SDL_Window; SDL_Window *SDL_CreateWindow( const char *title, int x, int y, int w, int h, Uint32 flags); sdl.h
  34. Creating our first header file for libsdl2 \FFI::load('sdl.h'); $sdl =

    \FFI::scope('sdl'); $w = 640; $h = 480; $window = $sdl->SDL_CreateWindow( 'Main', 0, 0, $w, $h, 0); test.php
  35. Game event loop while (true) { $this->processInputs($sdl); if ($this->exit) {

    break; } $this->processFrame($sdl); $sdl->delay(1000 / 60); // ~60 fps } Game.php
  36. Game event loop while (true) { $this->processInputs($sdl); if ($this->exit) {

    break; } $this->processFrame($sdl); $sdl->delay(1000 / 60); // ~60 fps } Game.php Reading all incoming input events (key press, signals, etc).
  37. Game event loop while (true) { $this->processInputs($sdl); if ($this->exit) {

    break; } $this->processFrame($sdl); $sdl->delay(1000 / 60); // ~60 fps } Game.php If player pressed “esc” or quit signal is received, exit the event loop.
  38. Game event loop while (true) { $this->processInputs($sdl); if ($this->exit) {

    break; } $this->processFrame($sdl); $sdl->delay(1000 / 60); // ~60 fps } Game.php Execute game logic: handle game frame for all objects (player, enemies, etc).
  39. Game event loop while (true) { $this->processInputs($sdl); if ($this->exit) {

    break; } $this->processFrame($sdl); $sdl->delay(1000 / 60); // ~60 fps } Game.php Wait for the next frame.
  40. Event handling $event = $sdl->newEvent(); while ($sdl->pollEvent($event)) { if ($event->type

    === EventType::QUIT) { $this->exit = true; } elseif ($event->type === EventType::KEYUP) { // handle key up event } // and so on... } Game.php
  41. Event handling $event = $sdl->newEvent(); while ($sdl->pollEvent($event)) { if ($event->type

    === EventType::QUIT) { $this->exit = true; } elseif ($event->type === EventType::KEYUP) { // handle key up event } // and so on... } Game.php Creating an event object to fill.
  42. Event handling $event = $sdl->newEvent(); while ($sdl->pollEvent($event)) { if ($event->type

    === EventType::QUIT) { $this->exit = true; } elseif ($event->type === EventType::KEYUP) { // handle key up event } // and so on... } Game.php Read and handle all incoming frame events. Populates $event.
  43. Adding new SDL functions to our bindings int SDL_PollEvent(SDL_Event *event);

    void SDL_Delay(Uint32 ms); sdl.h What is SDL_Event?
  44. Defining SDL_Event typedef union SDL_Event { Uint32 type; SDL_KeyboardEvent key;

    SDL_QuitEvent quit; // + other members. } SDL_Event; sdl.h
  45. Unions When declaring unions, make sure to enumerate all members

    (variants). Or at least include the biggest member as well as one with the most strict alignment requirements.
  46. Defining SDL_Event members typedef struct SDL_KeyboardEvent { Uint32 type; Uint32

    timestamp; Uint32 windowID; Uint8 state; Uint8 repeat; Uint8 padding2; Uint8 padding3; SDL_Keysym keysym; } SDL_KeyboardEvent; typedef union SDL_Event { Uint32 type; SDL_KeyboardEvent key; SDL_QuitEvent quit; } SDL_Event; sdl.h
  47. Defining SDL_Event members typedef struct SDL_QuitEvent { Uint32 type; Uint32

    timestamp; } SDL_QuitEvent; typedef union SDL_Event { Uint32 type; SDL_KeyboardEvent key; SDL_QuitEvent quit; } SDL_Event; sdl.h
  48. Creating union objects /** @return ffi_cdata<sdl, union SDL_Event> */ public

    function newEvent() { return $this->sdl->new('union SDL_Event'); } SDL.php Union objects can be created with the same new() method.
  49. Running the game $ make game $ ./bin/game PHP Warning:

    sdl_mixer library doesn’t export Mix_LoadWAV symbol.
  50. Loading WAV files Mix_Chunk *Mix_LoadWAV(char *file); SDL_RWops *SDL_RWFromFile( const char

    *file, const char *mode); Mix_Chunk *Mix_LoadWAV_RW( SDL_RWops *src, int freesrc); sdl_mixer.h
  51. Atlas texture rendering $texture_pos = $sdl->newRect(); $texture_pos->w = 32; $texture_pos->h

    = 32; $texture_pos->x = 0; $texture_pos->y = 32 * 3; $sdl->renderCopy( $texture, \FFI::addr($texture_pos), \FFI::addr($pos)); test.php
  52. Atlas texture rendering $texture_pos = $sdl->newRect(); $texture_pos->w = 32; $texture_pos->h

    = 32; $texture_pos->x = 0; $texture_pos->y = 32 * 3; $sdl->renderCopy( $texture, \FFI::addr($texture_pos), \FFI::addr($pos)); test.php
  53. Atlas texture rendering $texture_pos = $sdl->newRect(); $texture_pos->w = 32; $texture_pos->h

    = 32; $texture_pos->x = 0; $texture_pos->y = 32 * 3; $sdl->renderCopy( $texture, \FFI::addr($texture_pos), \FFI::addr($pos)); test.php
  54. Atlas texture rendering $texture_pos = $sdl->newRect(); $texture_pos->w = 32; $texture_pos->h

    = 32; $texture_pos->x = 0; $texture_pos->y = 32 * 3; $sdl->renderCopy( $texture, \FFI::addr($texture_pos), \FFI::addr($pos)); test.php
  55. Making the code more readable Wrapper classes class Color {

    public int $r; public int $g; public int $b; public int $a; } Color.php
  56. Making the code more readable /** * @param ffi_cdata<sdl, struct

    SDL_Renderer*> $r */ function setDrawColor($r, Color $color): bool { $result = $this->sdl->SDL_SetRenderDrawColor( $renderer, $color->r, $color->g, $color->b, $color->a); return $result === 0; }
  57. KPHP game links • Game source code • SDL2 bindings

    composer package • KPHP FFI documentation • Gameplay video
  58. Cross-library types typedef struct Foo; a.h typedef struct Foo; struct

    Bar { struct Foo *foo; } b.h Incompatible types 'struct Foo*' and 'struct Foo*'
  59. Cross-library types: solution 1 void *new_foo(); a.h struct Bar {

    void *foo; } b.h Use void* and give up on types
  60. Cross-library types: solution 2 $foo = $a->new('struct Foo'); $a_ptr =

    FFI::addr($foo); $b_ptr = $b->cast('struct Foo*', $a_ptr); test.php Use FFI::cast(); Note: using FFI::cast as instance method!
  61. KPHP C lib Bridge lib Bridge lib contains a glue

    code and simplified API of a target C lib PHP
  62. Using a bridge lib approach 1. Identify the original C

    lib API problems 2. Come up with a simpler API that is suitable for FFI 3. Use original C lib in your bridge lib 4. Use bridge lib via FFI in your PHP code
  63. Defining a simple Rust function #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn

    rust_hello() { println!("hello from Rust!"); } lib.rs
  64. Building Rust project as C shared library # name =

    "ffi_lib" # crate-type = ["cdylib"] $ cargo build # library is located at # target/${build}/lib${name}.so
  65. Defining a simple Rust function <?php $lib = FFI::cdef(' void

    rust_hello(); ', __DIR__ . '/target/debug/libffi_lib.so'); $lib->rust_hello(); test.php
  66. Building and running KPHP application $ kphp --enable-ffi --mode cli

    ./test.php $ ./kphp_out/cli hello from Rust!