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Better than My Meetup/Conference Talks: Going ...

November 09, 2019

Better than My Meetup/Conference Talks: Going Deeper in Various GBM Topics - GBM Advanced Workshop - Budapest, Nov 2019


November 09, 2019

More Decks by szilard


  1. Better than My Meetup/Conference Talks: Going Deeper in Various GBM

    Topics Szilard Pafka, PhD Chief Scientist, Epoch (USA) GBM Advanced Workshop Budapest Nov 2019
  2. Disclaimer: I am not representing my employer (Epoch) in this

    talk I cannot confirm nor deny if Epoch is using any of the methods, tools, results etc. mentioned in this talk
  3. ...

  4. top algos (RF, boosting), all features most algos (lin, tree,

    nnet) worst algos (knn, NB) top algos, removed top feature(s) 2007
  5. 10x

  6. 10x

  7. GPU

  8. time ordered data time ordered data train test sample sample

    proper train early stopping Model selection resampled 80-10-10 (~CV) (slightly different distribution)
  9. time ordered data time ordered data train test sample sample

    proper train early stopping Model selection random search over lightgbm resampled 80-10-10 (~CV) (slightly different distribution)