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Understanding Metaclass from Type

Yusuke Tamura
November 15, 2023

Understanding Metaclass from Type

みんなのPython勉強会 #99 LT枠


Yusuke Tamura

November 15, 2023


  1. @ 2023 Novasell, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Understanding Metaclass from

    Type 2023/11/15 みんなのPython勉強会(stapy) Lightning Talk NOVASELL.INC , Tamtam 1
  2. @ 2023 Novasell, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Introduction GitHub: @tamtam-fitness,

    X: @TamtamFitness, Zenn: Tamtam I’m Tamtam, japan-born-and-raised 💪 I’m into FastAPI🐍 Currently working at RAKSUL/NOVASELL📃📺
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  4. @ 2023 Novasell, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 6 The type

    of an instance created is the class
  5. @ 2023 Novasell, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 7 The class

    itself is a type named “type”
  6. @ 2023 Novasell, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 8 Let’s look

    at the process of class definition to understand “type”
  7. @ 2023 Novasell, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 14 Class that

    creates class is called Metaclass “type” is one of Metaclassess By default, it’s set to type
  8. @ 2023 Novasell, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 15 Reference •

    Advanced Python Mastery - Section7: Meta Programming • Effective Python - 4章 メタクラスと属性