Architecting the Redbooth Android App - GDG Barcelona Android Community Day
In this talk we presented the way we develop features at the Redbooth Android Team, and how we create the different components following our architecture.
5) or decide to not rate ▸ If there’s a rating and it’s a 5, we want to thank him and ask for a marketplace rating ▸ If there’s a rating and it’s <5, we want to tell him if he wants to contact with support ▸ In any case, we want to store the rating (or decision to not rate) for a later use ARCHITECTING THE ANDROID APP EXAMPLE USE CASE: RATE
only point inwards. Nothing in an inner circle can know anything at all about something in an outer circle […] ▸ […] the further in you go, the higher level the software becomes. The outer circles are mechanisms. The inner circles are policies. ▸ From The Clean Architecture by Robert C. Martin ARCHITECTING THE ANDROID APP THE DEPENDENCY RULE
the input and the status of the object ▸ When the output or status change is produced directly from the status of the object ▸ When the output or status change is produced directly from the input ARCHITECTING THE ANDROID APP WHEN TO UNIT TEST