Aoba-BBTは、「世界で活躍するリーダーの育成」をMISSIONとし、「Life-Time Empowerment(生涯活力の源泉)」をVISIONに掲げています。 幼児から経営層までを対象に、インターナショナルスクール、企業研修、大学・大学院(MBA)などの多岐にわたる生涯学習プラットフォームを提供しています。

Aoba-BBT’s mission is to develop leaders who can excel on the global stage, with a vision of 'Life-Time Empowerment' as the driving force behind its efforts. We offer a comprehensive lifelong learning platform, serving a wide range of learners from young children to business executives, through services such as international schools, corporate training programs, and university and graduate school (MBA) education.


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