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apidays New York 2023 - Enabling unified API Ca...

apidays New York 2023 - Enabling unified API Catalogs in a multi-vendor/cross-platform API landscape, Markus Müller, APIIDA AG

apidays New York 2023
APIs for Embedded Business Models: Finance, Healthcare, Retail, and Media
May 16 & 17, 2023

Enabling unified API Catalogs in a multi-vendor/cross-platform API landscape
Markus Müller, CTO at APIIDA AG


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  1. 4 APIs with great business value 0 200 400 600

    800 1000 1200 Revenue (m$) 2022 2023 2024 > 50% Of revenue based on APIs 7 T$ Embedded Finance in 2026 Source: Reuters Source: Programmableweb.com Source: Bain & Company
  2. 6 Monetizing APIs Self-Service (Direct to Customer) Revenue Share in

    Partner Ecosystem Contract Based (Direct to Customer)
  3. 7 Monetizing APIs Self-Service (Direct to Customer) Revenue Share in

    Partner Ecosystem Contract Based (Direct to Customer) Most talked about Most used! Mostly Platforms
  4. 9 Customer = Developer of the machine Machine to Machine

    Communication The Developer of the Machine!
  5. 11 Find / Adopt / Consume Search Specifications Documentation Access

    Find: Allow Consumers to search through all APIs you offer in an intuitive way. Adopt: Self-Service, instant enrollment to your APIs. Provide a sandbox for tests. Consume: Provide meaningful documentation and howtos. Offer up to date specs.
  6. 12 Find / Adopt / Consume Search Specifications Documentation Access

    Developer Portal / API Catalog / API Marketplace
  7. 15 Multi-Vendor API Landscapes APIM Hybrid Strategies CLOUD APIM ON-PREM

  8. 17 We go from this… Data Plane API Consumers /

    Applications On-Prem API Gateway A Enforce Policies
  9. 18 …to this Data Plane API Consumers / Applications On-Prem

    API Gateway A Enforce Policies Data Plane API Consumers / Applications Cloud 1 API Gateway B Enforce Policies Data Plane API Consumers / Applications Cloud 2 API Gateway C Enforce Policies
  10. 19 Federated API Management Control Plane Developer Portal Admin Portal

    Define Policies Manage API Keys Data Plane API Consumers / Applications On-Prem API Gateway A Enforce Policies Data Plane API Consumers / Applications Cloud 1 API Gateway B Enforce Policies Data Plane API Consumers / Applications Cloud 2 API Gateway C Enforce Policies
  11. 20 More common than you think! Unified API Strategies „In

    2018 only 20% of big enterprises were invested in Federated API Management. This number will grow to at least 60% in the coming years.“ “At Gartner we expect the ‘bring your own gateway’ strategy to continue to be big in 2023”
  12. 21 Unbundling the Gateway and the Catalog Often the catalog

    is usually bundled with the gateway (Full life-cycle API Management). This approach does not work in a more and more complex API landscape. Unbundling the catalog from the gateway is the way to go!
  13. 22 Find APIs running on any your APIM platforms should

    be discovered automatically • Manual processes will fail and create shadow APIs • Make them available immediately • Bring in already existing information like specs • Make them searchable by default • Makes configuration and interaction with the APIs much easier as they are already connected to your gateways. One unified Developer Portal / Catalog • No need to look in multiple portals • One consistent flow for the consumer Portal
  14. 23 Adopt Allow self-service registration if possible • Give developers

    instant access to a sandbox, so they can start testing immediately • The sandbox might be offered using a different platform than the actual API Manage API Keys across platforms • The developer portal should be capable of actively managing the API keys in the APIM platforms • Access should be granted as fast as possible • It should make no difference whatsoever on which platform the API actually runs Portal
  15. 24 Consume Enable insights into API usage • Provide ways

    of getting analytics data on the usage of all APIs across all platforms • Enable consumers to see the amount of their quota they already used • Have access to the whole documentation and all specs at one place Have a team feature • Onboard all of the team members • Prevent creation of shadow structures as people start copying around parts of the documentation Portal Requests Analytics
  16. 25 Product Management / Operations Last but not least: if

    APIs are products, there need to be API Product Managers! The developer portal / catalog is the tool Product Managers will use most often! Supply all the data the PMs, that they need • Collect usage data from all attached platforms • Collect latencies, error rates and other quality of service metrics from all platforms • See in real-time who is using the APIs • Configure appearance of the APIs in the “store”
  17. 27 Wrap-Up A good, seamless Developer Experience is key for

    offerings that are fast to market and offer a stellar Customer Experience to the end users! Use a developer portal / API catalog to drive the adoption of your APIs. This is also true for APIs that are only used internally! Make sure this portal is capable of working in a Federated API Management environment. Implement Federated API Management to easily integrate new offerings or technology stacks into your API Catalog. Make use of the new API stack!
  18. 28 The APIIDA solution for API Catalogs • Monetize all

    of your APIs on all of your APIM platforms • Manage and control access to your APIs • Have actionable quality and security ratings for all your APIs • Allow a high degree of developer self- service API Control Plane APIIDA