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State Management in Jetpack Compose

State Management in Jetpack Compose

Bhoomi Vaghasiya Gadhiya

September 25, 2023

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  1. Who Am I? 󰟲 • Android Developer - Freelancer •

    Technical Blogger : Medium @bhoomivaghasiya • Technical Author of Jetpack Compose Course • Technical Speaker in community • Empowering Women In Tech
  2. What is State? • State is any value in the

    app that can change. • Examples: ◦ Whether to show a button or not based on some condition. ◦ Result of fetching the data : Loading, Error, Success. ◦ Error message when user enters invalid message.
  3. Recomposition @Composable fun DisplayName(name: String) { Text(text = "Hello, $name!")

    } Initial Composition @Composable fun DisplayName(name: String) { Text(text = "Hello, $name!") } Name Changes ReComposition
  4. What is Recomposition? • Whenever state is updated, recomposition takes

    place. • Only way to update UI, calling same composable with new argument.
  5. What is Recomposition? • Whenever state is updated, recomposition takes

    place. • Only way to update UI, calling same composable with new argument. • Only rebuild part of UI
  6. Remember @Composable fun Detail(name: String) { val someClass = SomeClass()

    Text(name) } Without Remember With Remember @Composable fun Detail(name: String) { val someClass = remember{SomeClass()} Text(name) } val someClass Composition 1 Recomposition 2 Recomposition 3 SomeClass@111 SomeClass@222 SomeClass@333 val someClass Composition 1 Recomposition 2 Recomposition 3 SomeClass@111 SomeClass@111 SomeClass@111
  7. How to create State? var enabled by remember { mutableStateOf(true)

    } Retain the data during recomposition Store the latest value
  8. Stateful vs Stateless Composables @Composable fun Counter() { var count

    by remember { mutableStateOf(0) } Text("Count: $count") Button(onClick = { count++ }) { Text("Increment") } } Stateful Composable Stateless Composable @Composable fun Counter(count: Int, onIncrement: () +> Unit){ Text("Count: $count") Button(onClick = onIncrement) { Text("Increment") } }
  9. What is State Hositing? • State Hoisting is a pattern

    that moves the state from composable to its caller.
  10. What is State Hositing? • State Hoisting is a pattern

    that moves the state from composable to its caller. • Make Composable Stateless
  11. How to do State Hositing? • Create a state variable

    in the parent composable and pass it to the child composable as a parameter. ◦ value : the current value of state ◦ onValueChange : an event that requests the value to change.
  12. How to do State Hoisting? @Composable fun StatefulComposable() { var

    count by remember { mutableStateOf(0) } Button(onClick = { count++ }) { Text("Clicked $count times") } } @Composable fun StatelessCounter(count: Int, onCountChange :() +> Unit) { Button(onClick = onCountChange) { Text("Clicked $count times") } } @Composable fun StatefulComposable() { var count by remember { mutableStateOf(0) } StatelessCounter(count, {count++}) }
  13. Resources to learn Jetpack Compose • developer.android.com/jetpack/compose • github.com/android/compose-samples •

    github.com/android/nowinandroid • medium.com/androiddevelopers • youtube.com/c/AndroidDevelopers/videos Official Resources • composables.com • github.com/Gurupreet/ComposeCookBook • youtube.com/@CheezyCode • jetpackcompose.app Unofficial Resources