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Brock Mc'lean and the Fairfax bunny

Brock Mc'lean and the Fairfax bunny

written by: Steve Cooper (CoopBazinga) (writing as: Anna Del Amico)

Amen Etaka

March 26, 2024

More Decks by Amen Etaka

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  1. Scene 2 Panel 2 / 81 Dialog BROCK Remember to

    be on your toes. This thing will be able to spot us a mile away.
  2. Scene 2 Panel 3 / 81 Dialog BROCK Remember to

    be on your toes. This thing will be able to spot us a mile away.
  3. Scene 2 Panel 4 / 81 Dialog BROCK Remember to

    be on your toes. This thing will be able to spot us a mile away.