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Deconstructing ColdFusion

July 29, 2010

Deconstructing ColdFusion

ColdFusion is a somewhat forgotten but still very prevalent web application development platform. This presentation is a technical survey of ColdFusion security that will be of interest mostly to code auditors, penetration testers, and developers.

In the talk, we’ll cover the history of the ColdFusion platform and its relevance to today’s security landscape. We’ll describe basics of ColdFusion markup, control flow, functions, and components and demonstrate how to identify common web application vulnerabilities in the source code.

We’ll also delve into ColdFusion J2EE internals, showing what CFML pages and components look like when compiled down to Java, and describing some of the unusual behavior we’ve observed at that level. Included in the talk is a detailed description of the WAR/EAR structure for compiled ColdFusion apps. We'll release open-source tools to aid reverse engineers in working with ColdFusion's proprietary classfile format.


July 29, 2010


  1. Bios Chris Eng – Senior Director of Research at Veracode

    Previously – Technical Director and Consultant at @stake (and Symantec, through acquisition) Brandon Creighton – Security Researcher at Veracode Previously – Engineer/architect at VeriSign MSS (ex- Guardent); focus on high-volume security event storage & transmission Other acquisition) – Security Researcher, etc. at NSA Other – Frequent speaker at security conferences – Contributor to various CWE, OWASP, WASC projects – Advisory board for SOURCE Conferences (BOS, BCN) – Developed @stake WebProxy (for any old timers out there) Other – Operations/goon volunteer at several conferences (DEFCON, SOURCE BOS, HOPE 5) – Ninja Networks party badge firmware dev – Old stuff: Stint as the maintainer of OpenBSD/vax (~1999-2002)
  2. Agenda ColdFusion Background and History Platform Architecture and CFML Practical

    Tips for Developers and Code Reviewers ColdFusion Behind the Curtain
  3. ColdFusion History Originally released in 1995 by Allaire – Motivation:

    make it easier to connect simple HTML pages to a database – Initially Windows only with built-in web server Migration to J2EE with ColdFusion 6 in 2002 – Everything compiled to Java classes before being run – Apps can be bundled up as WARs/EARs, including admin interface if desired – Apps can be bundled up as WARs/EARs, including admin interface if desired – Bundled with JRun Latest version is ColdFusion 9 released in 2009 – Most recent features focus on integration with other technologies, e.g. Flash, Flex, AIR, Exchange, MS Office, etc.
  4. Historical Vulnerabilities Within the past 12 months – Multiple XSS,

    some as recent as May 2010 (not much detail available) – “Double-encoded null character” CVE in August 2009 Lots of XSS in sample apps, administrator UI, error pages Source code disclosure – JRun canonicalization mistakes, bugs in sample applications – JRun canonicalization mistakes, bugs in sample applications Authorization vulnerabilities related to administrative UI Sandbox escape scenarios Prior to ColdFusion 6 (Allaire/Macromedia days) – Arbitrary file retrieval – XOR used to encrypt passwords – Predictable session identifiers (may have been sequential, IIRC) – Various DoS conditions and buffer overflows Source: National Vulnerability Database
  5. Who Uses ColdFusion Anyway? Lots of people, believe it or

    not. Let’s start by asking Google… Search Term Hits ext:asp 1,170,000,000 ext:aspx 1,220,000,000 ext:cfm 310,000,000 ext:cfm 310,000,000 ext:jsp 518,000,000 ext:php 5,060,000,000 ext:pl 139,000,000 ext:py 5,130,000 ext:rb 244,000 Source: Google, May 14, 2010
  6. Who Uses ColdFusion Anyway? “More than 770,000 developers at over

    12,000 companies worldwide rely on Adobe® ColdFusion® software to rapidly build and deploy Internet applications. And with more than 125,000 ColdFusion servers deployed, ColdFusion is one of the most widely adopted web technologies in the industry.” Source: http://www.adobe.com/products/coldfusion/customers/
  7. Our Motivations We were developing ColdFusion support for our binary

    analysis service, so we were doing the research anyway Few resources available on securing or testing ColdFusion apps – ColdFusion 8 developer security guidelines from 2007 http://www.adobe.com/devnet/coldfusion/articles/dev_security/ coldfusion_security_cf8.pdf coldfusion_security_cf8.pdf – “Securing Applications” section of ColdFusion 9 developer guide is similar, almost entirely about authentication methods http://help.adobe.com/en_US/ColdFusion/9.0/Developing/coldfusion_9_dev.p df – OWASP ColdFusion ESAPI started May 2009, abandoned (?) June 2009 http://code.google.com/p/owasp-esapi-coldfusion/source/list – EUSec presentation from 2006 focused mostly on the infrastructure footprint and deployment issues (admin interfaces, privilege levels, etc.) http://eusecwest.com/esw06/esw06-davis.pdf – Other presentations dedicated to ColdFusion security
  8. CFML Building Blocks Pages – Main entry points of a

    CF application – Similar to an HTML page (or PHP, JSP, etc.) except using CFML tags – .cfm extension Components – Contain reusable functions / variables for use by other code – Contain reusable functions / variables for use by other code – Written entirely in CFML – .cfc extension Functions (UDFs) – Defined inside components or pages – Called using CFINVOKE or inside a CFSCRIPT block/expression – Can be exposed as an entry point inside components
  9. CFML Page Lifecycle, Part 1 When a page is requested,

    search for (and execute) Application.cfc or Application.cfm first Application.cfm is a plain old CFML file, while Application.cfc defines hooks into application events Request for index.cfm Local Application.cfc Local Application.cfm CFML from index.cfm Parent Application.cfc N N Y Y Y hooks into application events Common uses for this mechanism: – Login management – Centralized data validation – Messing with session variables – Error handling Parent Application.cfm App Root Application.cfc App Root Application.cfm ... N N N N Y Y Y Y/N
  10. Inside Application.cfc onApplicationStart: application start (can access request variables) onApplicationEnd:

    application timeout/server shutdown onSessionStart: new session (can access request variables) onSessionEnd: session ends onRequestStart: called before every request (can access request variables) onRequest: called after onRequestStart code ends (can access request onRequest: called after onRequestStart code ends (can access request variables) onRequestEnd: called after request has been processed (can access request variables) onMissingTemplate: called when an unknown page has been requested (can access request variables) onError: when an uncaught exception occurs (can access request variables sometimes; check Event value)
  11. CFML Page Lifecycle, Part 2 A single page can include

    code from many different locations Custom tags are similar to local includes, but with different dataflow behavior – <cf_foo> is kind of like Request for index.cfm Included local .cfm files Local .cfm files via custom tags UDFs from remote .cfc files – <cf_foo> is kind of like <cfinclude template="foo.cfm"> except that changes made to variables are not visible in the calling page There are also built-in tags for interacting with remote HTTP, FTP, LDAP, SMTP, and POP servers Bridges Servlet JspContext Servlet Methods Custom C++ or Java tags (CFX API) JSP Custom Tag Libraries .NET Assemblies UDFs from local .cfc files
  12. Variables are Dynamically Scoped Silos of global variables named “scopes”

    can be confusing Variable accesses can be fully-qualified (prefixed with scope name) or not qualified at all <cfoutput>#foo#</cfoutput> <cfoutput>#URL.foo#</cfoutput> The unqualified scope can be temporarily “enhanced” with the results The unqualified scope can be temporarily “enhanced” with the results of a query row or loop iteration, e.g. <cfquery name="qry" datasource="myDataSource"> SELECT col1, col2, col3 FROM myTable </cfquery> <cfoutput query="qry">#col1#, #col2#, #col3#</cfoutput> <cfoutput query="qry">#qry.col1#, #qry.col2#, #qry.col3#</cfoutput> Output without iteration is also possible: <cfoutput> #qry.col1#, #qry.col2#, #qry.col3# </cfoutput>
  13. Variable Scopes Scope Description Variables the variable binding stack local

    to the current page Application global to every page in an app; set in application.cfc Arguments arguments to a function (may be tainted if called by a remote UDF) Attributes used to pass data to .cfm custom tag pages/threads Caller used within custom tags; reference to the calling page’s Variables scope Request persistent across all code for the lifetime of the request; useful within custom tags Request persistent across all code for the lifetime of the request; useful within custom tags and cfincluded pages This struct/component “member variables” ThisTag analogous to Request scope for custom tag pages URL parameters present in HTTP query string Form parameters present in HTTP POST body Cookie HTTP request cookies CGI CGI variables, some server-defined and some tainted Session persistent across a single site visit Client client-specific persistent storage; outlasts session variables
  14. Variable “types” in CF The CF type system hasn’t changed

    significantly since the 90s Implicit conversions to/from strings are the norm Instead of type checks, validation often done with pattern matches: – CFPARAM and CFARGUMENT “type” attributes <cfparam name="phoneno" type="telephone"> will throw an exception if “phoneno” is set and is not formatted as a standard US/NANPA phone number “phoneno” is set and is not formatted as a standard US/NANPA phone number Types “boolean”, “creditcard”, “date”, “time”, “eurodate”, “eurotime”, “email”, “float”, “numeric”, “guid”, “integer”, “range”, “regex”, “ssn”, “telephone”, “URL”, “uuid”, “usdate”, “variablename”, “xml”, “zipcode” all check the string representation of the variable against regexes Limited type checks are possible: “array”, “query”, “struct”, and “string” Numerous opaque types reused among contexts – Example: queries are used for database queries, directory iteration, ldap queries, http/ftp requests, and others
  15. CF Expressions Automatic interpolation with #-expressions inside cfoutput and attributes:

    – <cfoutput>#URL.foo#</cfoutput> – <cfloop query = "MyQuery" startRow = "#Start#" endRow = "#End#"> <cfoutput>#MyQuery.MyColName#</cfoutput><br> </cfloop> Dynamic scoping can hinder analysis Dynamic scoping can hinder analysis – <cfset foo="bar"> vs. <cfset "#foo#"="#bar#"> – SetVariable("foo", "bar") vs. SetVariable(foo, bar) Dynamic evaluation functions – Evaluate() and PrecisionEvaluate() – IIF() – DE() – used in conjunction with the other two
  16. Where to Look for Untrusted Data URL.any_variable FORM.any_variable COOKIE.any_variable FLASH.any_variable

    CGI.some_variables CGI.some_variables – e.g. PATH_INFO, QUERY_STRING, CONTENT_TYPE, CONTENT_LENGTH, HTTP_REFERER, HTTP_USER_AGENT, etc. – More on this later SESSION.some_variables – Depends on application logic CLIENT.any_variable – Only when client variables are enabled and storage is cookie-based CFFUNCTION arguments, when access="remote"
  17. XSS Defense Misconceptions Using scriptProtect attribute – Replaces blacklisted tags

    such as <script>, <object>, etc. with <InvalidTag> when rendering user-supplied input – Doesn't block injection, aside from the most basic attack strings Example – <cfapplication scriptProtect="all"> – <cfapplication scriptProtect="all"> <cfoutput>You typed #URL.foo#</cfoutput> – Requesting page with ?foo=<script>alert("foo")</script> will return You typed <InvalidTag>alert("foo")</script> Trivial to circumvent – One of many possibilities: requesting page with ?foo=<img src="http://i.imgur.com/4Vp9N.jpg" onload="alert('foo')"> will happily execute the alert() call Other regexes can be added to the blacklist, but it’s still a blacklist (look for neo-security.xml if you insist)
  18. XSS Defense Misconceptions Assuming HTMLEditFormat() and HTMLCodeFormat() perform sufficient HTML

    encoding – They only encode <, >, ", and & – Ineffective for unquoted or single-quoted tag attributes, or within script blocks <img #HTMLEditFormat(URL.foo)#> <img alt='#HTMLEditFormat(URL.foo)#'> <script>#HTMLEditFormat(URL.foo)#</script> <script>var x='#HTMLEditFormat(URL.foo)#';</script> etc. – XMLFormat() encodes single quotes, but still won’t prevent XSS in all situations Inside Javascript blocks
  19. XSS Risks in Default Error Pages This is effective whitelist-style

    input validation, right? – <cfoutput>#int(URL.count)#</cfoutput> – <cfset safenum=NumberFormat(FORM.bar)> – <cfoutput>#JavaCast("boolean", URL.booly)#</cfoutput> Default error page – scriptProtect is enabled on the default error page, but we already saw how – scriptProtect is enabled on the default error page, but we already saw how (in)effective that is
  20. XSS Risks in Custom Error Handling Using casts to sanitize

    input can be ineffective unless the application also defines an error page <cferror template="errorhandler.cfm" type="request"> Don’t use #error.diagnostics# or #error.message# in your error page! Exception handling also works <cftry> <cftry> <cfoutput>#int(URL.count)#</cfoutput> <cfcatch>Exception caught!</cfcatch> </cftry> Don’t output #cfcatch.message# in your catch block without properly encoding it first!
  21. Common SQL Injection Mistakes Using CFQUERY without CFQUERYPARAM (also CFSTOREDPROC

    without CFPROCPARAM) <cfquery name="getContent" dataSource="myData"> SELECT * FROM pages WHERE pageID = #Page_ID# OR title = '#Title_Search#'</cfquery> #Title_Search# is not injectable; CF will automatically escape single quotes for expressions inside the CFQUERY tag quotes for expressions inside the CFQUERY tag #Page_ID# is still injectable because it’s not quoted Using CFQUERYPARAM <cfquery name="getContent" dataSource="myData"> SELECT * FROM pages WHERE pageID = <cfqueryparam value="#Page_ID#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer"></cfquery> (For unknown reasons, cfsqltype is an optional optional optional optional attribute)
  22. Other OWASP Top Ten Vulnerabilities We won’t waste time rehashing

    all of the common web vulnerabilities – Of course you can have CSRF, insecure cryptographic storage, broken authentication, etc. in a ColdFusion app – Nothing unique enough to warrant discussion here Here are some dangerous tags; it should be obvious why they are dangerous if not properly restricted dangerous if not properly restricted – <cffile> – <cfdirectory> – <cfexecute> – <cfregistry> – <cfobject>
  23. Directly Invoking UDFs Every method in a .cfc file is

    a potential entry point, e.g. http://example.com/foo.cfc?method=xyzzy&arga=vala&argb=valb This URL will invoke method xyzzy on an anonymous instance of component foo.cfc, with arguments arga=“vala” and argb=“valb” (also valid with POST variables, although method must be passed in the query string) the query string) – If method doesn't exist, onMissingMethod is called – If method isn't specified, then the request gets redirected to CFIDE/componentutils/cfcexplorer.cfc – Rules for application.cfc and application.cfm still apply In a source code review, look for sensitive functionality implemented as UDFs, with the access attribute set to “remote” <cffunction name="ListCategories" access="remote" returntype="query">
  24. Evaluating Unscoped Variables If you use a variable name without

    a scope prefix, ColdFusion checks the scopes in the following order to find the variable: 1. Variables (local scope) 2. CGI 3. URL 4. Form 4. Form 5. Cookie 6. Client For example, in applications with sloppy variable naming, you can almost always override POST (Form) parameters with GET (URL) parameters Compare reads/writes of variables to identify scoping inconsistencies Source: http://www.adobe.com/devnet/server_archive/articles/using_cf_variables2.html#scopetable
  25. Exploiting Unscoped Variables A generic case: <cfif IsDefined("importantVar")> DoImportantStuff() <cfelse>

    Sorry, you are not permitted to access this functionality. </cfif> Putting ?importantVar=anything in the URL (or the POST body, or a Putting ?importantVar=anything in the URL (or the POST body, or a cookie) will bypass this check if importantVar has not already been defined in the Variables scope
  26. Exploiting Unscoped Variables Consider this logic to process a user

    login (yes, it’s contrived) <cfif AuthenticateUser(FORM.username, FORM.password) and IsAdministrator(FORM.username)> <cfset Client.admin = "true"> <cfelse> <cfset Client.admin = "false"> </cfif> Other pages check whether the admin variable is true before Other pages check whether the admin variable is true before performing restricted actions <cfif admin eq "true"> Put privileged functionality here! <cfelse> Sorry, only admins can access this! </cfif> Putting ?admin=true in the URL will bypass this check because URL variables precede Client variables in the search order
  27. Undefined Variables Similarly, ensure that variables are always initialized properly

    CFPARAM’s "default" attribute only sets a variable if it’s not set already; use CFSET or an assignment inside cfscript Assume undefined, unqualified variables are filled with request data! It’s common to see code like: <cfparam name="pagenum" default="1"> <cfoutput> Now showing page #pagenum#. </cfoutput> This is exploitable; GET and POST variables will override pagenum
  28. Environment Variables Legitimate variables in the CGI scope can be

    manipulated and in some cases overridden via HTTP headers For example: GET /index.cfm HTTP/1.0 Host: example.com The CF expression #CGI.HTTP_HOST# will contain “example.com” GET /index.cfm HTTP/1.0 GET /index.cfm HTTP/1.0 HTTP_HOST: evil.com Host: example.com The CF expression #CGI.HTTP_HOST# will contain “evil.com” You can also override #CGI.SERVER_SOFTWARE#, #CGI.PATH_INFO#, #CGI.WEB_SERVER_API#, and many others Be particularly careful with #CGI.AUTH_USER#
  29. Persistence Issues Client scope variables can be configured in Application.cfm

    in the CFAPPLICATION tag (attribute “clientmanagement”) or this.clientmanagement in Application.cfc – Keyed to browser via CFTOKEN/CFID cookies; actual variable storage may be client-side (other cookies) or server-side (in a database or the Windows registry) – All of these cookies persist by default, so watch for cookie theft/stuffing attacks All of these cookies persist by default, so watch for cookie theft/stuffing attacks When client scope is enabled, tampering is possible if cookie storage is enabled (“clientStorage” attribute/variable) – No encryption or MAC; plain text
  30. Proprietary Classfile Format CF can compile pages/components to sets of

    Java classes using the cfcompile utility One class per page plus one for every UDF All class generated for a single CFM/CFC file are placed in one file, concatenated; a custom ClassLoader is used by CF to load them up Names of the resulting concatenated files are identical to those of the Names of the resulting concatenated files are identical to those of the source files Separately, ColdFusion Administrator can be used to bundle a directory as an EAR/WAR
  31. A Way to Slice Them: cfexplode Free, open-source Java utility,

    on Google Code as of now: http://code.google.com/p/cfexplode/ Splits concatenated classfiles into many; can accept individual compiled CFC/CFM files or full WAR/EAR/JAR zip archives % java -jar cfexplode.jar outdir index.cfm % ls -l outdir % ls -l outdir total 40 -rw-r--r-- 1 cstone cstone 3534 2010-07-16 15:23 index.cfm.0.class -rw-r--r-- 1 cstone cstone 2095 2010-07-16 15:23 index.cfm.3534.class -rw-r--r-- 1 cstone cstone 31234 2010-07-16 15:23 index.cfm.5629.class Individual classes easily analyzable (even with the free JAD and JD- GUI)
  32. Page/Component/Function Java Classes CFM/CFC: main point of entry is CFPage.runPage()

    – Other methods called beforehand set up data: variable bindings (bindPageVariables()), function names (registerUDFs()), data sources <cffunction>: main point of entry is UDFMethod.runFunction() – Argument validation is done by the runtime; any types specified in <cfargument> tags are translated into a static Map instance named “metaData” tags are translated into a static Map instance named “metaData” CfJspPage (base class).pageContext is a plain old JspContext, so pageContext.getOut() returns a JspWriter; this is used to do the bulk of the output – getOut() also used for things that aren’t actually output to the screen, such as database queries Occasionally, parts of the body are factored out of runPage into separate private methods named factor0(), factor1(), factor2()..
  33. CF Variables in Java: Static References Static references, usually used

    for local bindings <cfset vfoo="value 1"> <cfparam name="pbar" default="value2"> <html> <cfoutput> When compiled: protected final Object runPage() { // … VFOO.set("value 1"); _whitespace(out, "\n"); checkSimpleParameter(PBAR, "value2"); vfoo: #vfoo# pbar: #pbar# </cfoutput> </html> "value2"); out.write("\n\n<html>\n "); // … out.write("\n vfoo: "); out.write(Cast._String( _autoscalarize(VFOO))); out.write(" pbar: "); out.write(Cast._String( _autoscalarize(PBAR))); _whitespace(out, "\n "); // … }
  34. CF Variables in Java: Static References How variables are bound

    to the page private Variable PBAR; private Variable VFOO; protected final void bindPageVariables(VariableScope varscope, LocalScope locscope) { super.bindPageVariables(varscope, locscope); PBAR = bindPageVariable("PBAR", varscope, locscope); PBAR = bindPageVariable("PBAR", varscope, locscope); VFOO = bindPageVariable("VFOO", varscope, locscope); }
  35. CF Variables in Java: Dynamic References Dynamic references, explicitly-scoped variables

    <html> <cfoutput> #url.quux# </cfoutput> </html> When compiled: When compiled: protected final Object runPage() { // … out.write("<html>\n "); _whitespace(out, "\n "); out.write(Cast._String( _resolveAndAutoscalarize("URL", _new String[] { "QUUX” })) ); // … }
  36. Other Ways to Set/Access Variables Bind the name “scope” to

    a variable that represents the results of the query – <cfquery name="scope"> Looping over query results – <cfoutput query="resultset"> – <cfloop query> – <cfloop query> Structure member accesses – <cfset x=StructNew()> – <cfset x.member="val1"> <cfdump> tag for dumping variable contents Other I/O: files, HTTP requests, LDAP requests, mail messages
  37. WAR/Application Structure CFMs/CFCs handled by different Servlets (CfmServlet and CFCServlet,

    respectively) These locate the class(es) necessary based on URL and parameters, then invoke their runPage()/runFunction() methods Chain of coldfusion.filter.FusionFilter classes (not related to J2EE Servlet filters); these handle client-scope propagation Servlet filters); these handle client-scope propagation Even if the “Include CF Administrator” option is unchecked, many pages/components inside the CFIDE/ directory are included inside every WAR – Mapped by default – Access may not be password-protected; easily disabled by a change to neo-security.xml (see http://kb2.adobe.com/cps/404/kb404799.html)
  38. WAR Structure: Other Servlets *.jsp: JSPLicenseServlet; passthrough for jrun.jsp.JSPServlet /flex2gateway/*,

    /flashservices/gateway/*, /CFFormGateway/*: FLEX/plain Flash Remoting gateways for CFC methods – /flashservices/gateway/path1.path2.component ⇒ path1/path2/component.cfc – Gateways can be used in ActionScript NetServices.createGatewayConnection() – Used internally by <cfgrid> and other built-in cf tags that generate Flash-based UI – Used internally by <cfgrid> and other built-in cf tags that generate Flash-based UI automatically GraphServlet: handles /CFIDE/GraphData.cfm (not actually a cfm file); used by the cfchart tag. CFFileServlet: handles /CFFileServlet/*, and serves up files from a cache directory; used by <cfimage> /cfform-internal/*: FLEX FileManagerServlet; serves a handful of dynamically-generated images and js files /WSRPProducer/*: WSRP portlet management Axis service
  39. Conclusions ColdFusion designed to be simple for “developers” to use,

    but it’s actually very complicated underneath It’s easy to make coding mistakes (or overlook vulnerabilities during code review) if you don’t understand ColdFusion internals – Request lifecycle – Error handling – Error handling – Variable scopes and precedence Like many web application platforms, ColdFusion has a bunch of “features” that are useful for debugging but also open up holes ColdFusion-generated Java classes are pretty ugly; use cfexplode cfexplode cfexplode cfexplode to help reverse engineer them The attack surface is huge by default; strip out unnecessary components before deploying
  40. More Resources Whitepapers, webcasts, and other educational resources – http://veracode.com/resources

    Veracode ZeroDay Labs Blog – http://veracode.com/blog Download the cfexplode tool – http://code.google.com/p/cfexplode/ – http://code.google.com/p/cfexplode/ Contact info – Email: [email protected], [email protected] – Twitter: @chriseng, @unsynchronized – Phone: 781.425.6040