Bundle.main.url(forResource: "export", withExtension: "xml")! let start = Date() // ෦ͰlibxmlΛͬͯಡΈࠐΈ let obj = MyObject(url: url) text = obj.readText() let end = Date() print(start.distance(to: end)) print(text)
let url = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "export", withExtension: "xml")! let start = Date() // ෦ͰlibxmlΛͬͯಡΈࠐΈ let obj = MyObject(url: url) text = obj.readText() let end = Date() print(start.distance(to: end)) //←35ඵ print(text)
MPDBMF$%"5"3&26*3&% &-&.&/5&YQPSU%BUF&.15: "55-*45&YQPSU%BUF WBMVF$%"5"3&26*3&% &-&.&/5.F&.15: "55-*45.F ),$IBSBDUFSJTUJD5ZQF*EFOUJ fi FS%BUF0G#JSUI$%"5"3&26*3&% ),$IBSBDUFSJTUJD5ZQF*EFOUJ fi FS#JPMPHJDBM4FY$%"5"3&26*3&% ),$IBSBDUFSJTUJD5ZQF*EFOUJ fi FS#MPPE5ZQF$%"5"3&26*3&% ),$IBSBDUFSJTUJD5ZQF*EFOUJ fi FS'JU[QBUSJDL4LJO5ZQF$%"5"3&26*3&% >
String ) &-&.&/5ղੳ༻9.-1BSTFS%FMFHBUF QBSTFS @GPVOE&MFNFOU%FDMBSBUJPO8JUI/BNFNPEFM parser An NSXMLParser object parsing XML. elementName A string that is the name of an element. model A string that specifies a model for elementName.
A string that is the name of an element. model A string that specifies a model for elementName. &-&.&/53FDPSE .FUBEBUB&OUSZc)FBSU3BUF7BSJBCJMJUZ.FUBEBUB-JTU
A string that is the name of an element. model A string that specifies a model for elementName. &-&.&/53FDPSE .FUBEBUB&OUSZc)FBSU3BUF7BSJBCJMJUZ.FUBEBUB-JTU
A string that is the name of an element. model A string that specifies a model for elementName. &-&.&/53FDPSE .FUBEBUB&OUSZc)FBSU3BUF7BSJBCJMJUZ.FUBEBUB-JTU
elementName: String, type: String?, defaultValue: String? ) "55-*45ղੳ༻9.-1BSTFS%FMFHBUF QBSTFS @GPVOE"UUSJCVUF%FDMBSBUJPO8JUI/BNFGPS&MFNFOUUZQFEFGBVMU7B MVF parser An NSXMLParser object parsing XML. attributeName A string that is the name of an attribute. elementName A string that is the name of an element that has the attribute attributeName. type A string, such as "ENTITY", "NOTATION", or "ID", that indicates the type of the attribute. defaultValue A string that specifies the default value of the attribute.
XML. attributeName A string that is the name of an attribute. elementName A string that is the name of an element that has the attribute attributeName. type A string, such as "ENTITY", "NOTATION", or "ID", that indicates the type of the attribute. defaultValue A string that specifies the default value of the attribute. "55-*45TRVBSFXJEUI$%"5"
XML. attributeName A string that is the name of an attribute. elementName A string that is the name of an element that has the attribute attributeName. type A string, such as "ENTITY", "NOTATION", or "ID", that indicates the type of the attribute. defaultValue A string that specifies the default value of the attribute. "55-*45TRVBSFXJEUI$%"5" ͭͷ͕ͦΕͧΕͷύϥϝʔλʹͳ͍ͬͯΔ
String? ) ෦&/5*5:ղੳ༻9.-1BSTFS%FMFHBUF QBSTFS @GPVOE*OUFSOBM&OUJUZ%FDMBSBUJPO8JUI/BNFWBMVF parser An NSXMLParser object parsing XML. name A string that is the declared name of an internal entity. value A string that is the value of entity name.