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OOP and FP: Bridging the Gap

July 12, 2014

OOP and FP: Bridging the Gap

Transition to functional programming. Gently.


July 12, 2014

More Decks by Damir

Other Decks in Programming


  1. “Those who know nothing of foreign languages
 know nothing of

    their own.” ‒ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
  2. “A great programmer might be ten
 or a hundred times

    as productive as an ordinary one” ‒ Paul Graham
  3. “Still, I don't think it's a stretch to believe this

 shows 5:1 or 10:1 productivity differences between programmers.” ‒ Joel Spolsky
  4. Indicators People talk about FP at conferences Real-world applications built

    with FP languages OOP languages are getting FP features
  5. Sceptics Say… Functional programming is like jetpack FP is only

    for academia It's another tool … it's weird
  6. Real-world Apps Built with FP Pandoc: Universal markup converter Converts

    from: Markdown, HTML, LaTeX, Media Wiki markup… Converts to: HTML, docx, ODT, EPUB, LaTeX, PDF, Markdown… — https://github.com/jgm/pandoc/
  7. Real-world Apps Built with FP "Most of SoundCloud's products are

    written in Scala, Clojure, or JRuby."
 — https://developers.soundcloud.com/blog/building-products-at-soundcloud-part-1-dealing-with-the-monolith
  8. Real-world Apps Built with FP "Scala is one of the

    main application programming
 languages used at Twitter. […] Our use of Scala is mainly
 for creating high volume services that form distributed systems"
 — http://twitter.github.io/effectivescala/
  9. Real-world Apps Built with FP "We do tens of millions

    of RPC calls every day. […] Erlang makes
 writing those kinds of servers just ridiculously simple. I would
 never write a server like that in any other languages, Erlang
 is so perfect for that."
 — http://www.infoq.com/interviews/erlang-and-github
  10. A Simple Task Given a list of cart item objects

    (product, price, quantity),
 calculate a total price for the cart
  11. JavaScript: Imperative var i, total = 0; ! for (i

    = 0; i < cartItems.length; i++) { total += cartItems[i].price * cartItems[i].quantity; } ! alert(total);
  12. JavaScript: ES5 style var total = cartItems .map(function(cartItem) { return

    cartItem.price * cartItem.quantity; }) .reduce(function(sum, subtotal) { return sum + subtotal; }, 0); ! alert(total);
  13. JavaScript: ES6* style var total = cartItems .map(cartItem => cartItem.price

    * cartItem.quantity) .reduce((sum, subtotal) => sum + subtotal, 0); ! alert(total); ! ! ! ! * May require ES6 transpiler https://github.com/google/traceur-compiler
  14. C#: Imperative var total = 0m; ! foreach (var cartItem

    in cartItems) { total += cartItem.Price * cartItem.Quantity; } ! Console.WriteLine(total);
  15. C#: Functional var total = cartItems .Select(cartItem => cartItem.Price *

    cartItem.Quantity) .Aggregate(0m, (sum, subtotal) => sum + subtotal); ! Console.WriteLine(total);
  16. Ruby: Imperative total = 0 ! cart_items.each do |cart_item| total

    += cart_item.price * cart_item.quantity end ! puts total
  17. Ruby: Functional total = cart_items. map { |cart_item| cart_item.price *

    cart_item.quantity }. reduce(0) { |sum, subtotal| sum + subtotal } ! puts total
  18. Ruby: Functional #2 total = cart_items. map { |cart_item| cart_item.price

    * cart_item.quantity }. reduce(0, :+) ! puts total !
  19. Other FP Language Features Currying, partial application and composition Pattern

    matching Algebraic types: "product" (record) and "sum" (union) types Immutability and many more…
  20. Become a Better Programmer in 3 Steps 1. Write code

    in functional style in your language to grasp the concepts 2. Read "Why Functional Programming Matters"
 http://www.cs.kent.ac.uk/people/staff/dat/miranda/whyfp90.pdf 3. Learn a functional programming language
  21. F# let total = cartItems |> List.map (fun ci ->

    ci.Price * decimal ci.Quantity) |> List.fold (+) 0M ! printfn "%M" total