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Building Native Mobile Apps using Javascript wi...

Building Native Mobile Apps using Javascript with Titanium

Introducing Titanium, Alloy and Hyperloop to the JavaScript Lab Meetup on January 18th, 2016.

Fokke Zandbergen

January 18, 2016

More Decks by Fokke Zandbergen

Other Decks in Technology


  1. Program 1. Appcelerator: More than Apps 2. JS2Native: No WebView

    3. Titanium: SDK & Cross-Platform API 4. Alloy: MVC for Titanium 5. Hyperloop: Access any (3P) API in JS Slides will be linked from @FokkeZB tomorrow morning
  2. NO!

  3. Architecture Alloy Codebase Development JavaScript Package Run-time Titanium Module APIs

    Titanium Core APIs Hyperloop APIs Kroll (iOS/Android) HAL (Windows) 3P APIs OS Device & UI APIs Platform
  4. Hello World var window = Ti.UI.createWindow({ backgroundColor: “white" }); var

    label = Ti.UI.createLabel({ text: “Hello World” }); label.addEventListener(“click”, function open() { alert(“Hello World”); } ); window.add(label); window.open(); Ti API
  5. Ti.createMyFartApp() Ti.UI.createX() // Cross-platform UI View factories Ti.UI.X // The

    UI View proxy the factory creates Ti.UI.iOS.X // Platform specific UI View factories Ti.X // Cross-platform device APIs Ti.Android.X // Platform specific device APIs require(“ti.map”).X // CommonJS & Titanium Modules
  6. Classic Spaghetti var window = Ti.UI.createWindow({ backgroundColor: “white" }); var

    label = Ti.UI.createLabel({ text: “Hello World” }); label.addEventListener(“click”, function open() { alert(“Hello World”); } ); window.add(label); window.open(); style logic markup
  7. <Alloy> <Window> <Label onClick=”open”>Hello World</Label> </Window> </Alloy> ”Window”: { backgroundColor:

    “white” } function open() { alert(“Hello World”); } $.index.open(); index.xml index.tss index.js Alloy
  8. ▸ app ▾ Resources ▾ alloy ▾ controllers index.js backbone.js

    CFG.js underscore.js ▾ images logo.png alloy.js app.js utils.js tiapp.xml ▾ Resources ▾ images logo.png app.js main.js utils.js tiapp.xml ▾ app ▾ assets ▾ images
 logo.png ▾ controllers index.js ▾ lib utils.js ▾ styles index.tss ▾ views index.xml ▾ widgets alloy.js config.json tiapp.xml File Structure
  9. What happens to your XML and TSS? <Foo> <Foo ns=“Ti.bar”>

    <Foo module=“bar”> <Require src=“foo”>
 <Widget src=“foo”>
 <Foo id=“bar”> <Foo bar=“zoo”>
 “#bar”: {
 color: “white”
 } Ti.UI.createFoo(); Ti.bar.createFoo(); require(“bar”).createFoo(); Alloy.createController(“foo”)
 .getView(); Alloy.createWidget(“foo”)
 .getView(); $.bar = Ti.UI.createFoo(); Ti.UI.createFoo({
 bar: “zoo”
 }); $.bar = Ti.UI.createFoo({
 color: “white”
  10. A lote more.. • Platform specific code blocks and assets

    • Platform/Environment specific config file • Underscore + Moment.js: built-in libraries • Backbone.js: events, models and data-binding • Alloy Themes: Ideal for white label apps • Alloy Widgets: Re-use code across apps • …
  11.  var blur = require('bencoding.blur'); var view = blur.createBasicBlurView({ blurRadius:

    5, image: '/images/background.png' }); var window = Ti.UI.createWindow(); window.add(view); window.open(); How you used to extend Titanium
  12. Hyperloop for Windows var Window = require('Windows.UI.Xaml.Window'), TextBlock = require('Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.TextBlock'),

    Colors = require('Windows.UI.Colors'), SolidColorBrush = require('Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.SolidColorBrush'); var text = new TextBlock(); text.Text = 'Hello, world!'; text.FontSize = 50; text.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Red); var window = Window.Current, window.Content = text; window.Activate();
  13.  var Hyperloop = require("hyperloop"); var TiApp = require("TiApp"); var

    UIViewController = require("UIViewController"); var UILabel = require("UILabel"); var UIColor = require("UIColor"); var UIScreen = require("UIScreen"); var CGRect = require("CGRect"); var NSTextAlignment = require("NSTextAlignment"); var label = UILabel.initWithFrame(CGRect.Make(0, 0, UIScreen.mainScreen().bounds.width, UIScreen.mainScreen().bounds.height )); label.setText('Hello World!'); label.setTextColor(UIColor.redColor()); var viewController = UIViewController.init(); viewController.view.setBackgroundColor(UIColor.whiteColor()); viewController.view.addSubview(label); TiApp.app().showModalController(viewController, false); Hyperloop for iOS
  14.  var Hyperloop = require("hyperloop"); var TiApp = require("TiApp"); var

    UIViewController = require("UIViewController"); var UILabel = require("UILabel"); var UIColor = require("UIColor"); var UIScreen = require("UIScreen"); var CGRect = require("CGRect"); var NSTextAlignment = require("NSTextAlignment"); var label = UILabel.initWithFrame(CGRect.Make(0, 0, UIScreen.mainScreen().bounds.width, UIScreen.mainScreen().bounds.height )); label.setText('Hello World!'); label.setTextColor(UIColor.redColor()); var viewController = UIViewController.init(); viewController.view.setBackgroundColor(UIColor.whiteColor()); viewController.view.addSubview(label); TiApp.app().showModalController(viewController, false); Hyperloop for iOS
  15. Hyperloop for Android var TextView = require('android.widget.TextView'), Activity = require('android.app.Activity'),

    Color = require('android.graphics.Color'), RelativeLayout = require('android.widget.RelativeLayout'), Gravity = require('android.view.Gravity'), TypedValue = require('android.util.TypedValue'); var text = new TextView(activity); text.setText("Hello World!"); text.setTextColor(Color.RED); text.setTextSize(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_PX, 60); var layout = new RelativeLayout(activity); layout.setGravity(Gravity.CENTER); layout.setBackgroundColor(Color.BLACK); layout.addView(text); var activity = new Activity(Ti.Android.currentActivity); activity.setContentView(layout);
  16. var text = Ti.UI.createLabel({ text: "Hello, world!", font: { fontSize:

    60 }, color: 'red' }); var window = Ti.UI.createWindow(); window.add(text); window.open(); Abstraction can be good