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All About KotlinConf 2019

December 13, 2019

All About KotlinConf 2019


December 13, 2019

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  1. What is KotlinConf? KotlinConf is a conference, providing deep-dive technical

    content on Kotlin. 3 Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lv5WcWNIDrw&list=PLQ176FUIyIUY6SKGl3Cj9yeYibBuRr3Hl
  2. 5

  3. 7

  4. 8

  5. 9

  6. 10

  7. 11

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  9. 13

  10. Topics ⦁ Mutliplatform ⦁ Kotlin/Native ⦁ Kotlin/JS ⦁ Ktor ⦁

    Jetpack Compose 15 ⦁ Coroutines ⦁ Flow ⦁ New product ⦁ Space Space: https://www.jetbrains.com/space/
  11. Kotlin 16 ⦁ New compiler ⦁ Fast, uniform, and pluggable

    Source: Opening Keynote - Andrey Breslav ⦁ Compiler plugins ⦁ Write something to extend or enhance functionality of Kotlin
  12. Kotlin 17 fun interface Action { fun run() } fun

    runAction(a: Action) = a.run() runAction { println("Hello, KotlinConf!") } Source: Opening Keynote - Andrey Breslav https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KT-7770
  13. What’s more? 18 ⦁ Library author’s mode ⦁ Explicit visibility

    ⦁ Explicit public types ⦁ Dokka ⦁ Doc generation tool ⦁ Run/Debug iOS Kotlin Apps in Android Studio Source: Opening Keynote - Andrey Breslav
  14. Kotlin/Native 19 ⦁ Performance improvement ⦁ Support for tvOS and

    watchOS ⦁ Kotlin Locator (demo) Source: Opening Keynote - Andrey Breslav
  15. Kotlin/JS 20 ⦁ Quick autoreload ⦁ Smaller JS binary size

    ⦁ ES modules ⦁ NPM dependencies Source: Opening Keynote - Andrey Breslav
  16. Writing Better Kotlin 21 ⦁ Readability ⦁ Reusability ⦁ Maintainability

    ⦁ Intentionality Source: Putting down the Golden Hammer - Huyen Dao
  17. Writing Better Kotlin ⦁ Type inference ⦁ Do not nest

    scope functions ⦁ Implicit parameter: `it` ⦁ Nullability ⦁ !! operator ⦁ Platform type: ! ⦁ Safe operator -> silently fail ⦁ Use !! if you are sure it’s not null 22 Source: Putting down the Golden Hammer - Huyen Dao
  18. Jetpack Compose ⦁ Still in developer preview ⦁ In Compose,

    everything is function ⦁ Composable function ⦁ Composition over inheritance ⦁ Uppercase naming function (top-level) 23 Source: Compose Yourself: Designing A Kotlin First UI Toolkit @Composable fun Checkbox(...)
  19. Jetpack Compose ⦁ Single source of truth 24 Source: Compose

    Yourself: Designing A Kotlin First UI Toolkit @Override public boolean performClick() { setChecked(!mChecked); final boolean handled = super.performClick(); ... }
  20. Jetpack Compose ⦁ Single source of truth 25 Source: Compose

    Yourself: Designing A Kotlin First UI Toolkit @Composable fun Checkbox( checked: Boolean, onCheckedChange: ((Boolean) -> Unit)?, ... )
  21. Jetpack Compose ⦁ Properties down, events up 26 Source: Compose

    Yourself: Designing A Kotlin First UI Toolkit @Composable fun SettingsScreen(settings: SettingsStore) { Row { Text("Very important setting") Checkbox( checked = settings.isVeryImportant, onCheckedChange = { settings.updateVeryImportant(it) } ) } }
  22. Jetpack Compose ⦁ Parameter explosion ⦁ Slot API 27 Source:

    Compose Yourself: Designing A Kotlin First UI Toolkit @Composable fun Button( text: String, onClick: (() -> Unit)? = null, style: ButtonStyle = ContainedButtonStyle(), children: @Composable () -> Unit )
  23. “ Trust your intuition Empower your people Innovate Adapt and

    thrive Tell stories But most of all… 29 Source: The Shuttle Case - Stephen Carver Have fun!!