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Margot Pitch

November 09, 2023

Margot Pitch

Margot Pitch Deck from Netflix's Canadian Pitch Day 2020


November 09, 2023


  1. Have you ever been kept up at night by a

    Howling Whitejaw, or wished that Grey- headed Hunisprites would stop making a home in your cookie jar? Have you come home from vacation, only to realize that a Dragon has made its home in your basement vault full of gold? Thankfully there’s a solution for all of that, just give a call to Margot’s Magical Creature Control and Margot will take care of the rest! In a world where the mundane and the magic mix, someone has to help take care of the magical and unusual. That’s where Margot Magdeleine comes in. A young witch living on the side of Mount Morning Cloak, she is well known for helping her community by wrangling up troublesome creatures and finding them new homes, for a price, of course. The only problem is when all of the magical animals begin to disappear. Then, Margot realizes, that the hardest part of her job wasn’t wrangling creatures, but rather, what can she do when they all go missing? Margot is a mystery/adventure in the vein of old monster of the week cartoons mixed with Sherlock Holmes or Scooby-Doo. Meant to be an Original Animated Series, the target audience is primarily from the ages 9-14 y.o.
  2. Margot gets along better with animals than other humans. She’s

    been on her own for as long as she can remember, and thus, is living a bit differently than other girls her age. At 13, she’s running a successful business out of the treehouse where she lives. Margot’s Magical Creature Control has her answering calls from concerned citizens asking for magical assistance for their magical pests. Margot is a mischievous soul, often found with a wide grin on her face. She really enjoys the hunt. The thrill of learning how to interact with magical creatures on a daily basis, and knowing how to calm them is the best part of her job. She works capturing and releasing them back into their natural habitats, where they won’t go bothering the citizens of Mount Morning Cloak anymore. So when the creatures go missing, it obviously affects her bottom line, but also, Margot cares about these animals. Especially the ones that have gone missing under her care. Margot’s determined to find out what is happening to them, or else it could mean the end of everything she’s worked so hard to build.
  3. Paris thinks he’s great on all levels. Personality? A 10.

    Looks? He’s got them, obviously. His most proud achievement is his position as Margot’s familiar. As her familiar, Paris possesses the magical ability to be able to speak to humans. His ability to communicate with animals is a natural born ability... of being born as a raccoon. Not that being able to communicate with animals is something Paris particularly enjoys, being a familiar has gifted him the intelligence of a human, and so he much prefers their company. He is also very much not fond of cats, thinking they’re snobby and stuck up creatures, especially those black cats that belong to other witches. Paris is very good at putting up a facade of not caring for the people around him, but when it comes down to it, he’s willing to stick out his neck for the people he cares about. As unfond at getting his paws dirty, at the end of the day, he’s willing to do anything for Margot.
  4. Jules is an intelligent 13 year old who used to

    spend his days attending school, reading books, and fantasising about becoming a big time detective. Just him and his dad, they lived a really quiet, peaceful life until his goals were very quickly propelled forward when his father went missing. Now his number one priority is bringing him back home. He doesn’t have time to goof around and have fun. He’s got a parent to save. Out of all of the members of the group, Jules has the least experience with danger and adventure. He’s a creature of routine, and now that he’s been thrown out of that routine he feels very out of his element. He can be very anxious, but he can also make brash decisions when it comes to his desperation to find his family.
  5. Ruthie is the glue that holds this group together. She

    does this by being an optimistic soul who would risk her life to help out some friends. Ruthie is the daughter of a wealthy lumber mill owner, and is tutored at home, giving her plenty of time to march down to Margot’s place and help with her everyday activities. Unlike the others that are deeply invested in the mystery, Ruthie is there to make friends. She is brave, but usually has the head on her shoulders enough to know when it’s best to call things quits. Ruthie joins the group when she enlists Margot to help her find her missing Mountain lion-dog. With all of the other magical creatures going missing, Margot and Jules believe that this case might be connected to the others. However, they find Victory the Mountain lion- dog without any harm done to him, so that lead went cold. Afterwards though, Ruthie stuck around to help the group further their investigation, certain that with her help, they’d figure it out in no time!
  6. The twins, Ronan and Sophie, are from a very prominent

    magical family who have breed dragons for generations. They act as antagonists throughout the series when they learn that Margot and her friends are sticking their noses into places that they shouldn’t be. Margot gets the impression that Ronan and Sophie are only a small part of a much larger conspiracy that somehow connects to all of the disappearances. The twins do everything in their power to make things difficult for the gang. Sophie is the more brash of the two; loud, confident, and willing to run headfirst into conflict. Ronan is more of a cool, collected sort of person. He hangs in the background a lot, but is not to be underestimated. Between the two of them, they share a magical tconductor, a pair of earrings. As a result, the two of them have to be in close proximity of each other to use their magic, but they have twice the amount of power, making them formidable foes.
  7. Mount Morning Cloak got its name because of the dark

    cloak that falls over the mountain during the morning. As the sun rises in the morning, there is a blanket shadow that the mountain casts over the town, giving the mountain it’s name. The main way to travel on the mountain is either by gondola or by the train that runs out of town and through the mountains. If you are of the magical sort, there is always travelling by broomstick as well. The main export of the town is the logging industry, although there is a smaller mining industry as well. Being so high in the mountains where it gets so cold, and the conditions are so harsh, the citizens are hardy and can withstand a lot as long as they work together.
  8. Margot lives on top of a hill, where she has

    built herself a nice treehouse to base her operations. It is always bustling with the energy of magical creatures passing through, in various states of being transported to other places, some of which seem to never end up leaving.
  9. Margot and Paris answer a call from a local baker

    who claims that the inside of her bakery has been transformed into dark caves that stretch on forever. Sounds like a classic case of a Grey-Headed Hunisprite infestation. These creatures weave together portals that connect caves from all over the world together, creating large labyrinths that could start and end anywhere on the planet. Margot and Paris have to enter the maze of sugar-crazed Hunisprites to find the original nest and release the bakery from its web. After the strange disappearance of the captured Hunisprites, Margot goes on a search to see if she can reacquire them. Along the way she runs into Jules, an aspiring detective whose father has disappeared under peculiarly similar circumstances. They team up to go back to the scene of the crime, hoping to uncover more about the mystery surrounding these disappearances.
  10. Margot and Jules continue their investigation when Margot gets a

    call about a case of disappearing socks. Items of clothing are quickly disappearing at Old Man Hankinson’s house. Margot and Jules have to shrink themselves down to size to confront the critters head on. In the process, Margot’s hairpin gets stolen, and Margot has to quickly learn how to operate without her magic and get her hairpin back, or they’re both stuck there forever. So much for a quick and easy job! Margot gets a call from Ruthie, whose mountain lion-dog has recently gone missing. The whole team gets together to comb the entire mountain for Ruthie’s lost pet. Hopefully following the trail left behind by Victory will lead them to the rest of the missing creatures and Jules’ dad.
  11. The team captures a stray Hunisprite and tries to recreate

    the situation it’s brothers disappeared in. Camping out all night, the team are determined to find out under what circumstances these creatures are being taken away, and what, exactly, is doing it. Even if they have to stay up all night for days to do it. With the Harvest moon fast approaching, and the witches gathering coming with it, Margot decides that she’s best off seeing if any of the witches on the mountain have any idea what’s happening to all of the creatures. Only problem, you have to be fourteen to go, which means Margot has to sneak herself in. And, oh yeah, her friends want to come too. There also might be two teen twins who have taken a particular interest in Margot and her group of friends.