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The Magic of the Great Outdoors
July 22, 2023
The Magic of the Great Outdoors
July 22, 2023
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The Magic of the Great Outdoors (v1)
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Scene 1 Duration 02:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Sage:
Alright campers! asg july challenge Page 1/391
Scene 1 Duration 02:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 Dialog Sage:
Alright campers! asg july challenge Page 2/391
Scene 2 Duration 07:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Sage:
Looks like we've finally made it to-- asg july challenge Page 3/391
Scene 2 Duration 07:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 Dialog Sage:
Looks like we've finally made it to-- asg july challenge Page 4/391
Scene 2 Duration 07:00 Panel 3 Duration 01:00 Dialog Sage:
Looks like we've finally made it to-- asg july challenge Page 5/391
Scene 2 Duration 07:00 Panel 4 Duration 01:00 Dialog Sage:
Our destination. asg july challenge Page 6/391
Scene 2 Duration 07:00 Panel 4 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 7/391
Scene 2 Duration 07:00 Panel 5 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 8/391
Scene 2 Duration 07:00 Panel 6 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 9/391
Scene 2 Duration 07:00 Panel 6 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 10/391
Scene 2 Duration 07:00 Panel 7 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 11/391
Scene 3 Duration 08:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 12/391
Scene 3 Duration 08:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 Dialog Hazel:
Wow! asg july challenge Page 13/391
Scene 3 Duration 08:00 Panel 3 Duration 01:00 Dialog Hazel:
Eee! asg july challenge Page 14/391
Scene 3 Duration 08:00 Panel 4 Duration 01:00 Dialog Hazel:
I can't wait to finally rough it in the great outdoors! asg july challenge Page 15/391
Scene 3 Duration 08:00 Panel 5 Duration 01:00 Dialog Hazel:
Sleeping in the dirt asg july challenge Page 16/391
Scene 3 Duration 08:00 Panel 6 Duration 01:00 Dialog Hazel:
Fighting bears asg july challenge Page 17/391
Scene 3 Duration 08:00 Panel 7 Duration 01:00 Dialog Hazel:
Peeing in bushes-- asg july challenge Page 18/391
Scene 3 Duration 08:00 Panel 7 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 19/391
Scene 3 Duration 08:00 Panel 8 Duration 01:00 Dialog Sage
(off-screen): Ah ah ah! asg july challenge Page 20/391
Scene 3 Duration 08:00 Panel 8 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 21/391
Scene 4 Duration 08:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Sage:
There's no way my teeny tiny baby sister is ready for any of that. asg july challenge Page 22/391
Scene 4 Duration 08:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 Dialog Sage:
Plus there's no need to do things the hard way when we have-- asg july challenge Page 23/391
Scene 4 Duration 08:00 Panel 3 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 24/391
Scene 4 Duration 08:00 Panel 4 Duration 01:00 Dialog Sage:
Maaagic! (singsong) asg july challenge Page 25/391
Scene 4 Duration 08:00 Panel 4 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 26/391
Scene 4 Duration 08:00 Panel 5 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 27/391
Scene 4 Duration 08:00 Panel 5 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 28/391
Scene 4 Duration 08:00 Panel 6 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 29/391
Scene 4 Duration 08:00 Panel 7 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 30/391
Scene 4 Duration 08:00 Panel 8 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 31/391
Scene 5 Duration 04:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Hazel:
WOAH! asg july challenge Page 32/391
Scene 5 Duration 04:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 Dialog Hazel:
Does this mean I get to use magic on this trip?! asg july challenge Page 33/391
Scene 5 Duration 04:00 Panel 3 Duration 01:00 Dialog Hazel:I
brought my wand today too! asg july challenge Page 34/391
Scene 5 Duration 04:00 Panel 4 Duration 01:00 Dialog Hazel:I
brought my wand today too! asg july challenge Page 35/391
Scene 6 Duration 10:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Hazel:
What spell should I cast fi-- asg july challenge Page 36/391
Scene 6 Duration 10:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 Dialog Hazel:
What spell should I cast fi-- asg july challenge Page 37/391
Scene 6 Duration 10:00 Panel 3 Duration 01:00 Dialog Sage:
Don't you worry about it. asg july challenge Page 38/391
Scene 6 Duration 10:00 Panel 4 Duration 01:00 Dialog Sage:
Don't you worry about it. asg july challenge Page 39/391
Scene 6 Duration 10:00 Panel 5 Duration 01:00 Dialog Sage:
Don't you worry about it. asg july challenge Page 40/391
Scene 6 Duration 10:00 Panel 6 Duration 01:00 Dialog Sage:
Don't you worry about it. asg july challenge Page 41/391
Scene 6 Duration 10:00 Panel 7 Duration 01:00 Dialog Sage:
I've prepared all kinds of tricks for this little vacation. asg july challenge Page 42/391
Scene 6 Duration 10:00 Panel 7 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 43/391
Scene 6 Duration 10:00 Panel 8 Duration 01:00 Dialog Sage:
I've prepared all kinds of tricks for this little vacation. asg july challenge Page 44/391
Scene 6 Duration 10:00 Panel 9 Duration 01:00 Dialog Sage:
I've prepared all kinds of tricks for this little vacation. asg july challenge Page 45/391
Scene 6 Duration 10:00 Panel 10 Duration 01:00 Dialog Sage:
I've prepared all kinds of tricks for this little vacation. asg july challenge Page 46/391
Scene 7 Duration 03:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 47/391
Scene 7 Duration 03:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 Dialog Hazel:
Oh okay. asg july challenge Page 48/391
Scene 7 Duration 03:00 Panel 3 Duration 01:00 Dialog Hazel:
Maybe next time then. asg july challenge Page 49/391
Scene 8 Duration 08:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 50/391
Scene 8 Duration 08:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 Dialog Hazel:
Do your thing, Sage. asg july challenge Page 51/391
Scene 8 Duration 08:00 Panel 3 Duration 01:00 Dialog Sage:
With pleasure! asg july challenge Page 52/391
Scene 8 Duration 08:00 Panel 4 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 53/391
Scene 8 Duration 08:00 Panel 5 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 54/391
Scene 8 Duration 08:00 Panel 6 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 55/391
Scene 8 Duration 08:00 Panel 7 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 56/391
Scene 8 Duration 08:00 Panel 7 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 57/391
Scene 8 Duration 08:00 Panel 8 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 58/391
Scene 9 Duration 20:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 59/391
Scene 9 Duration 20:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 60/391
Scene 9 Duration 20:00 Panel 3 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 61/391
Scene 9 Duration 20:00 Panel 4 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 62/391
Scene 9 Duration 20:00 Panel 5 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 63/391
Scene 9 Duration 20:00 Panel 6 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 64/391
Scene 9 Duration 20:00 Panel 7 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 65/391
Scene 9 Duration 20:00 Panel 8 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 66/391
Scene 9 Duration 20:00 Panel 9 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 67/391
Scene 9 Duration 20:00 Panel 10 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 68/391
Scene 9 Duration 20:00 Panel 11 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 69/391
Scene 9 Duration 20:00 Panel 12 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 70/391
Scene 9 Duration 20:00 Panel 13 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 71/391
Scene 9 Duration 20:00 Panel 14 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 72/391
Scene 9 Duration 20:00 Panel 15 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 73/391
Scene 9 Duration 20:00 Panel 16 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 74/391
Scene 9 Duration 20:00 Panel 17 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 75/391
Scene 9 Duration 20:00 Panel 18 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 76/391
Scene 9 Duration 20:00 Panel 19 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 77/391
Scene 9 Duration 20:00 Panel 19 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 78/391
Scene 9 Duration 20:00 Panel 20 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 79/391
Scene 10 Duration 13:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 80/391
Scene 10 Duration 13:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 81/391
Scene 10 Duration 13:00 Panel 3 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 82/391
Scene 10 Duration 13:00 Panel 4 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 83/391
Scene 10 Duration 13:00 Panel 5 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 84/391
Scene 10 Duration 13:00 Panel 6 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 85/391
Scene 10 Duration 13:00 Panel 7 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 86/391
Scene 10 Duration 13:00 Panel 8 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 87/391
Scene 10 Duration 13:00 Panel 9 Duration 01:00 Dialog Hazel:
This is great! asg july challenge Page 88/391
Scene 10 Duration 13:00 Panel 10 Duration 01:00 Dialog Hazel:
We have almost everything we need! asg july challenge Page 89/391
Scene 10 Duration 13:00 Panel 11 Duration 01:00 Dialog Hazel:
We have almost everything we need! asg july challenge Page 90/391
Scene 10 Duration 13:00 Panel 12 Duration 01:00 Dialog Sage:
Almost? asg july challenge Page 91/391
Scene 10 Duration 13:00 Panel 12 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 92/391
Scene 10 Duration 13:00 Panel 13 Duration 01:00 Dialog Hazel:
Yep! Almost! asg july challenge Page 93/391
Scene 11 Duration 27:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 94/391
Scene 11 Duration 27:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 95/391
Scene 11 Duration 27:00 Panel 3 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 96/391
Scene 11 Duration 27:00 Panel 4 Duration 01:00 Dialog Hazel:
We just need a campfire to roast all our marshmallows! asg july challenge Page 97/391
Scene 11 Duration 27:00 Panel 5 Duration 01:00 Dialog Hazel:
We just need a campfire to roast all our marshmallows! asg july challenge Page 98/391
Scene 11 Duration 27:00 Panel 6 Duration 01:00 Dialog Hazel:
We just need a campfire to roast all our marshmallows! asg july challenge Page 99/391
Scene 11 Duration 27:00 Panel 7 Duration 01:00 Dialog Hazel:
We just need a campfire to roast all our marshmallows! asg july challenge Page 100/391
Scene 11 Duration 27:00 Panel 8 Duration 01:00 Dialog Hazel:
We just need a campfire to roast all our marshmallows! asg july challenge Page 101/391
Scene 11 Duration 27:00 Panel 9 Duration 01:00 Dialog Hazel:
We just need a campfire to roast all our marshmallows! asg july challenge Page 102/391
Scene 11 Duration 27:00 Panel 10 Duration 01:00 Dialog Hazel:
We just need a campfire to roast all our marshmallows! asg july challenge Page 103/391
Scene 11 Duration 27:00 Panel 11 Duration 01:00 Dialog Hazel:
Look! I came prepared! asg july challenge Page 104/391
Scene 11 Duration 27:00 Panel 12 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 105/391
Scene 11 Duration 27:00 Panel 13 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 106/391
Scene 11 Duration 27:00 Panel 14 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 107/391
Scene 11 Duration 27:00 Panel 15 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 108/391
Scene 11 Duration 27:00 Panel 16 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 109/391
Scene 11 Duration 27:00 Panel 17 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 110/391
Scene 11 Duration 27:00 Panel 18 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 111/391
Scene 11 Duration 27:00 Panel 19 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 112/391
Scene 11 Duration 27:00 Panel 20 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 113/391
Scene 11 Duration 27:00 Panel 21 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 114/391
Scene 11 Duration 27:00 Panel 22 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 115/391
Scene 11 Duration 27:00 Panel 23 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 116/391
Scene 11 Duration 27:00 Panel 24 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 117/391
Scene 11 Duration 27:00 Panel 25 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 118/391
Scene 11 Duration 27:00 Panel 26 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 119/391
Scene 11 Duration 27:00 Panel 27 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 120/391
Scene 12 Duration 31:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Sage:
Oh. asg july challenge Page 121/391
Scene 12 Duration 31:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 Dialog Sage:
Uh... asg july challenge Page 122/391
Scene 12 Duration 31:00 Panel 3 Duration 01:00 Dialog Sage:
Of course! asg july challenge Page 123/391
Scene 12 Duration 31:00 Panel 4 Duration 01:00 Dialog Sage:
One campfire coming right up! asg july challenge Page 124/391
Scene 12 Duration 31:00 Panel 5 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 125/391
Scene 12 Duration 31:00 Panel 6 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 126/391
Scene 12 Duration 31:00 Panel 7 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 127/391
Scene 12 Duration 31:00 Panel 8 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 128/391
Scene 12 Duration 31:00 Panel 9 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 129/391
Scene 12 Duration 31:00 Panel 10 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 130/391
Scene 12 Duration 31:00 Panel 10 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 131/391
Scene 12 Duration 31:00 Panel 11 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 132/391
Scene 12 Duration 31:00 Panel 11 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 133/391
Scene 12 Duration 31:00 Panel 12 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 134/391
Scene 12 Duration 31:00 Panel 13 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 135/391
Scene 12 Duration 31:00 Panel 14 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 136/391
Scene 12 Duration 31:00 Panel 15 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 137/391
Scene 12 Duration 31:00 Panel 16 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 138/391
Scene 12 Duration 31:00 Panel 17 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 139/391
Scene 12 Duration 31:00 Panel 18 Duration 01:00 Dialog Sage:
Haha... Just some minor technical difficulties. asg july challenge Page 140/391
Scene 12 Duration 31:00 Panel 18 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 141/391
Scene 12 Duration 31:00 Panel 19 Duration 01:00 Dialog Sage:
Just a sec. asg july challenge Page 142/391
Scene 12 Duration 31:00 Panel 19 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 143/391
Scene 12 Duration 31:00 Panel 20 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 144/391
Scene 12 Duration 31:00 Panel 21 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 145/391
Scene 12 Duration 31:00 Panel 22 Duration 01:00 Dialog Sage:
Nope. asg july challenge Page 146/391
Scene 12 Duration 31:00 Panel 23 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 147/391
Scene 12 Duration 31:00 Panel 24 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 148/391
Scene 12 Duration 31:00 Panel 25 Duration 01:00 Dialog Sage:
Nope. asg july challenge Page 149/391
Scene 12 Duration 31:00 Panel 26 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 150/391
Scene 12 Duration 31:00 Panel 27 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 151/391
Scene 12 Duration 31:00 Panel 28 Duration 01:00 Dialog Sage:
Nope. asg july challenge Page 152/391
Scene 12 Duration 31:00 Panel 29 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 153/391
Scene 12 Duration 31:00 Panel 30 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 154/391
Scene 12 Duration 31:00 Panel 31 Duration 01:00 Dialog Sage:
Not that time either. asg july challenge Page 155/391
Scene 13 Duration 18:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Sage:
Agh! asg july challenge Page 156/391
Scene 13 Duration 18:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 157/391
Scene 13 Duration 18:00 Panel 3 Duration 01:00 Dialog Sage:
Nope! asg july challenge Page 158/391
Scene 13 Duration 18:00 Panel 4 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 159/391
Scene 13 Duration 18:00 Panel 5 Duration 01:00 Dialog Sage:
Nope! asg july challenge Page 160/391
Scene 13 Duration 18:00 Panel 6 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 161/391
Scene 13 Duration 18:00 Panel 7 Duration 01:00 Dialog Sage:
NOPE! asg july challenge Page 162/391
Scene 13 Duration 18:00 Panel 8 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 163/391
Scene 13 Duration 18:00 Panel 9 Duration 01:00 Dialog Sage:
DANG IT! asg july challenge Page 164/391
Scene 13 Duration 18:00 Panel 10 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 165/391
Scene 13 Duration 18:00 Panel 11 Duration 01:00 Dialog Sage:
WHY?! asg july challenge Page 166/391
Scene 13 Duration 18:00 Panel 12 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 167/391
Scene 13 Duration 18:00 Panel 13 Duration 01:00 Dialog Sage:
(incoherent grunting) asg july challenge Page 168/391
Scene 13 Duration 18:00 Panel 14 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 169/391
Scene 13 Duration 18:00 Panel 15 Duration 01:00 Dialog Sage:
(incoherent grunting) asg july challenge Page 170/391
Scene 13 Duration 18:00 Panel 16 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 171/391
Scene 13 Duration 18:00 Panel 17 Duration 01:00 Dialog Sage:
(incoherent grunting) asg july challenge Page 172/391
Scene 13 Duration 18:00 Panel 18 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 173/391
Scene 14 Duration 09:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 174/391
Scene 14 Duration 09:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 Dialog Sage:
(incoherent grunting) asg july challenge Page 175/391
Scene 14 Duration 09:00 Panel 3 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 176/391
Scene 14 Duration 09:00 Panel 4 Duration 01:00 Dialog Sage:
(incoherent grunting) asg july challenge Page 177/391
Scene 14 Duration 09:00 Panel 5 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 178/391
Scene 14 Duration 09:00 Panel 6 Duration 01:00 Dialog Sage:
(incoherent grunting) asg july challenge Page 179/391
Scene 14 Duration 09:00 Panel 7 Duration 01:00 Dialog Sage:
Ugh... asg july challenge Page 180/391
Scene 14 Duration 09:00 Panel 8 Duration 01:00 Dialog Sage:
Calm down. Just remember what the tutorial said. asg july challenge Page 181/391
Scene 14 Duration 09:00 Panel 9 Duration 01:00 Dialog Hazel:
I can help too! asg july challenge Page 182/391
Scene 15 Duration 03:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Hazel:
I've been practicing every day now. asg july challenge Page 183/391
Scene 15 Duration 03:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 Dialog Hazel:
So if it's okay, I'd like to try making the campfi- asg july challenge Page 184/391
Scene 15 Duration 03:00 Panel 3 Duration 01:00 Dialog Sage:
No no no! asg july challenge Page 185/391
Scene 16 Duration 04:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Sage:
You gotta wait at least a few more years until you're ready for a spell like that. asg july challenge Page 186/391
Scene 16 Duration 04:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 Dialog Sage:
Just relax and let me handle it, okay? asg july challenge Page 187/391
Scene 16 Duration 04:00 Panel 3 Duration 01:00 Dialog Sage:
I thiiiink I remember how to do it now. asg july challenge Page 188/391
Scene 16 Duration 04:00 Panel 4 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 189/391
Scene 17 Duration 25:21 Panel 1 Duration 00:23 asg july
challenge Page 190/391
Scene 17 Duration 25:21 Panel 2 Duration 00:23 asg july
challenge Page 191/391
Scene 17 Duration 25:21 Panel 3 Duration 00:23 asg july
challenge Page 192/391
Scene 17 Duration 25:21 Panel 4 Duration 00:23 asg july
challenge Page 193/391
Scene 17 Duration 25:21 Panel 5 Duration 00:23 asg july
challenge Page 194/391
Scene 17 Duration 25:21 Panel 6 Duration 00:23 asg july
challenge Page 195/391
Scene 17 Duration 25:21 Panel 7 Duration 00:23 asg july
challenge Page 196/391
Scene 17 Duration 25:21 Panel 8 Duration 00:23 asg july
challenge Page 197/391
Scene 17 Duration 25:21 Panel 9 Duration 00:23 asg july
challenge Page 198/391
Scene 17 Duration 25:21 Panel 10 Duration 00:23 asg july
challenge Page 199/391
Scene 17 Duration 25:21 Panel 11 Duration 00:23 asg july
challenge Page 200/391
Scene 17 Duration 25:21 Panel 12 Duration 00:23 asg july
challenge Page 201/391
Scene 17 Duration 25:21 Panel 13 Duration 00:23 asg july
challenge Page 202/391
Scene 17 Duration 25:21 Panel 14 Duration 00:23 asg july
challenge Page 203/391
Scene 17 Duration 25:21 Panel 15 Duration 00:23 asg july
challenge Page 204/391
Scene 17 Duration 25:21 Panel 16 Duration 00:23 asg july
challenge Page 205/391
Scene 17 Duration 25:21 Panel 17 Duration 00:23 asg july
challenge Page 206/391
Scene 17 Duration 25:21 Panel 18 Duration 00:23 asg july
challenge Page 207/391
Scene 17 Duration 25:21 Panel 19 Duration 00:23 asg july
challenge Page 208/391
Scene 17 Duration 25:21 Panel 20 Duration 00:23 asg july
challenge Page 209/391
Scene 17 Duration 25:21 Panel 21 Duration 00:23 asg july
challenge Page 210/391
Scene 17 Duration 25:21 Panel 22 Duration 00:23 asg july
challenge Page 211/391
Scene 17 Duration 25:21 Panel 23 Duration 00:23 asg july
challenge Page 212/391
Scene 17 Duration 25:21 Panel 23 Duration 00:23 asg july
challenge Page 213/391
Scene 17 Duration 25:21 Panel 24 Duration 00:23 Dialog Both:
Ahhh! asg july challenge Page 214/391
Scene 17 Duration 25:21 Panel 24 Duration 00:23 asg july
challenge Page 215/391
Scene 17 Duration 25:21 Panel 25 Duration 00:23 asg july
challenge Page 216/391
Scene 17 Duration 25:21 Panel 26 Duration 00:23 asg july
challenge Page 217/391
Scene 17 Duration 25:21 Panel 27 Duration 00:23 asg july
challenge Page 218/391
Scene 18 Duration 02:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 219/391
Scene 18 Duration 02:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 220/391
Scene 19 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Both:
Not the tent! asg july challenge Page 221/391
Scene 20 Duration 09:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 222/391
Scene 20 Duration 09:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 223/391
Scene 20 Duration 09:00 Panel 3 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 224/391
Scene 20 Duration 09:00 Panel 4 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 225/391
Scene 20 Duration 09:00 Panel 5 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 226/391
Scene 20 Duration 09:00 Panel 6 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 227/391
Scene 20 Duration 09:00 Panel 7 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 228/391
Scene 20 Duration 09:00 Panel 8 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 229/391
Scene 20 Duration 09:00 Panel 9 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 230/391
Scene 21 Duration 03:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 231/391
Scene 21 Duration 03:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 Dialog Both:
(sigh) asg july challenge Page 232/391
Scene 21 Duration 03:00 Panel 3 Duration 01:00 Dialog Sage:
Well isn't that lucky? asg july challenge Page 233/391
Scene 22 Duration 12:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 234/391
Scene 22 Duration 12:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 235/391
Scene 22 Duration 12:00 Panel 3 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 236/391
Scene 22 Duration 12:00 Panel 3 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 237/391
Scene 22 Duration 12:00 Panel 4 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 238/391
Scene 22 Duration 12:00 Panel 5 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 239/391
Scene 22 Duration 12:00 Panel 6 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 240/391
Scene 22 Duration 12:00 Panel 7 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 241/391
Scene 22 Duration 12:00 Panel 8 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 242/391
Scene 22 Duration 12:00 Panel 8 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 243/391
Scene 22 Duration 12:00 Panel 9 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 244/391
Scene 22 Duration 12:00 Panel 10 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 245/391
Scene 22 Duration 12:00 Panel 11 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 246/391
Scene 22 Duration 12:00 Panel 12 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 247/391
Scene 23 Duration 08:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 248/391
Scene 23 Duration 08:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 249/391
Scene 23 Duration 08:00 Panel 3 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 250/391
Scene 23 Duration 08:00 Panel 4 Duration 01:00 Dialog Sage:
Oh come on! asg july challenge Page 251/391
Scene 23 Duration 08:00 Panel 5 Duration 01:00 Dialog Sage:
Oh come on! asg july challenge Page 252/391
Scene 23 Duration 08:00 Panel 6 Duration 01:00 Dialog Sage
(muttering): Now I gotta put out this dang fire. asg july challenge Page 253/391
Scene 23 Duration 08:00 Panel 7 Duration 01:00 Dialog Sage
(muttering): Can't have anything in this stupid forest... asg july challenge Page 254/391
Scene 23 Duration 08:00 Panel 8 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 255/391
Scene 24 Duration 09:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 256/391
Scene 24 Duration 09:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 257/391
Scene 24 Duration 09:00 Panel 3 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 258/391
Scene 24 Duration 09:00 Panel 4 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 259/391
Scene 24 Duration 09:00 Panel 5 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 260/391
Scene 24 Duration 09:00 Panel 6 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 261/391
Scene 24 Duration 09:00 Panel 7 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 262/391
Scene 24 Duration 09:00 Panel 8 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 263/391
Scene 24 Duration 09:00 Panel 9 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 264/391
Scene 25 Duration 05:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 265/391
Scene 25 Duration 05:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 266/391
Scene 25 Duration 05:00 Panel 3 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 267/391
Scene 25 Duration 05:00 Panel 4 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 268/391
Scene 25 Duration 05:00 Panel 5 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 269/391
Scene 26 Duration 05:18 Panel 1 Duration 00:23 asg july
challenge Page 270/391
Scene 26 Duration 05:18 Panel 2 Duration 00:23 asg july
challenge Page 271/391
Scene 26 Duration 05:18 Panel 3 Duration 00:23 Dialog Sage:
Hazel, we gotta run! It's too dangerous- asg july challenge Page 272/391
Scene 26 Duration 05:18 Panel 3 Duration 00:23 asg july
challenge Page 273/391
Scene 26 Duration 05:18 Panel 4 Duration 00:23 Dialog Sage:
Hazel, we gotta run! It's too dangerous- asg july challenge Page 274/391
Scene 26 Duration 05:18 Panel 5 Duration 00:23 Dialog Hazel:
I got this. asg july challenge Page 275/391
Scene 26 Duration 05:18 Panel 6 Duration 00:23 Dialog Hazel:
I got this. asg july challenge Page 276/391
Scene 27 Duration 09:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 277/391
Scene 27 Duration 09:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 278/391
Scene 27 Duration 09:00 Panel 3 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 279/391
Scene 27 Duration 09:00 Panel 4 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 280/391
Scene 27 Duration 09:00 Panel 5 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 281/391
Scene 27 Duration 09:00 Panel 6 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 282/391
Scene 27 Duration 09:00 Panel 6 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 283/391
Scene 27 Duration 09:00 Panel 7 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 284/391
Scene 27 Duration 09:00 Panel 8 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 285/391
Scene 27 Duration 09:00 Panel 9 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 286/391
Scene 28 Duration 02:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 287/391
Scene 28 Duration 02:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 Dialog Sage:
What the...? asg july challenge Page 288/391
Scene 29 Duration 02:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 289/391
Scene 29 Duration 02:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 290/391
Scene 29 Duration 02:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 291/391
Scene 30 Duration 03:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 292/391
Scene 30 Duration 03:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 293/391
Scene 30 Duration 03:00 Panel 3 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 294/391
Scene 31 Duration 03:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 295/391
Scene 31 Duration 03:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 Dialog Hazel:
(grunt) asg july challenge Page 296/391
Scene 31 Duration 03:00 Panel 3 Duration 01:00 Dialog Hazel:
I can't hold on! asg july challenge Page 297/391
Scene 32 Duration 03:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 298/391
Scene 32 Duration 03:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 299/391
Scene 32 Duration 03:00 Panel 3 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 300/391
Scene 33 Duration 03:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 301/391
Scene 33 Duration 03:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 302/391
Scene 33 Duration 03:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 303/391
Scene 33 Duration 03:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 304/391
Scene 33 Duration 03:00 Panel 3 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 305/391
Scene 33 Duration 03:00 Panel 3 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 306/391
Scene 34 Duration 02:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Hazel:
I... asg july challenge Page 307/391
Scene 34 Duration 02:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 Dialog Hazel:
I can't do it. You were right Sage. asg july challenge Page 308/391
Scene 35 Duration 03:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Hazel
(off-screen): I'm not ready for this. asg july challenge Page 309/391
Scene 35 Duration 03:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 Dialog Sage:
(deep breath) asg july challenge Page 310/391
Scene 35 Duration 03:00 Panel 3 Duration 01:00 Dialog Sage:
No, Hazel! Forget what I said earlier! asg july challenge Page 311/391
Scene 36 Duration 03:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Sage
(off-screen): Don't give up now! Keep fighting it! asg july challenge Page 312/391
Scene 36 Duration 03:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 Dialog Sage
(off-screen): Don't give up now! Keep fighting it! asg july challenge Page 313/391
Scene 36 Duration 03:00 Panel 3 Duration 01:00 Dialog Hazel:
Sage? asg july challenge Page 314/391
Scene 37 Duration 02:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Sage:
I was wrong. I never should have underestimated you like that. asg july challenge Page 315/391
Scene 37 Duration 02:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 Dialog Sage:
I was so focused on taking care of you that I never gave you the chance to show me what you're capable of. asg july challenge Page 316/391
Scene 38 Duration 03:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Sage:
You're so much stronger than I could ever imagine. asg july challenge Page 317/391
Scene 38 Duration 03:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 Dialog Sage:
So don't let me hold you back anymore, ok? asg july challenge Page 318/391
Scene 38 Duration 03:00 Panel 3 Duration 01:00 Dialog Hazel:
Sage... asg july challenge Page 319/391
Scene 39 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Sage:
So keep fighting it! You just gotta keep looking up! asg july challenge Page 320/391
Scene 40 Duration 05:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 321/391
Scene 40 Duration 05:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 Dialog Hazel:
Yeah. Gotta keep looking up. Just keep looking... asg july challenge Page 322/391
Scene 40 Duration 05:00 Panel 3 Duration 01:00 Dialog Hazel:
up. asg july challenge Page 323/391
Scene 40 Duration 05:00 Panel 4 Duration 01:00 Dialog Hazel:
That's it! Up! asg july challenge Page 324/391
Scene 40 Duration 05:00 Panel 5 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 325/391
Scene 40 Duration 05:00 Panel 5 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 326/391
Scene 40 Duration 05:00 Panel 5 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 327/391
Scene 41 Duration 05:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 328/391
Scene 41 Duration 05:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 329/391
Scene 41 Duration 05:00 Panel 3 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 330/391
Scene 41 Duration 05:00 Panel 4 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 331/391
Scene 41 Duration 05:00 Panel 5 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 332/391
Scene 41 Duration 05:00 Panel 5 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 333/391
Scene 42 Duration 04:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 334/391
Scene 42 Duration 04:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 335/391
Scene 42 Duration 04:00 Panel 3 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 336/391
Scene 42 Duration 04:00 Panel 4 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 337/391
Scene 43 Duration 03:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 338/391
Scene 43 Duration 03:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 339/391
Scene 43 Duration 03:00 Panel 3 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 340/391
Scene 44 Duration 05:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 341/391
Scene 44 Duration 05:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 Action Notes
camera shake asg july challenge Page 342/391
Scene 44 Duration 05:00 Panel 3 Duration 01:00 Action Notes
camera shake asg july challenge Page 343/391
Scene 44 Duration 05:00 Panel 4 Duration 01:00 Action Notes
camera shake asg july challenge Page 344/391
Scene 44 Duration 05:00 Panel 5 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 345/391
Scene 44 Duration 05:00 Panel 5 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 346/391
Scene 45 Duration 03:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 347/391
Scene 45 Duration 03:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 348/391
Scene 45 Duration 03:00 Panel 3 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 349/391
Scene 46 Duration 05:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 350/391
Scene 46 Duration 05:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 351/391
Scene 46 Duration 05:00 Panel 3 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 352/391
Scene 46 Duration 05:00 Panel 4 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 353/391
Scene 46 Duration 05:00 Panel 5 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 354/391
Scene 47 Duration 08:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 355/391
Scene 47 Duration 08:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 356/391
Scene 47 Duration 08:00 Panel 3 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 357/391
Scene 47 Duration 08:00 Panel 4 Duration 01:00 Dialog Hazel:
(sigh) asg july challenge Page 358/391
Scene 47 Duration 08:00 Panel 5 Duration 01:00 Dialog Sage:
Hazel! asg july challenge Page 359/391
Scene 47 Duration 08:00 Panel 5 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 360/391
Scene 47 Duration 08:00 Panel 6 Duration 01:00 Dialog Sage:
Are you alright? asg july challenge Page 361/391
Scene 47 Duration 08:00 Panel 7 Duration 01:00 Dialog Hazel:
Yeah I'm fine. asg july challenge Page 362/391
Scene 47 Duration 08:00 Panel 8 Duration 01:00 Dialog Hazel
But our campsite isn't. asg july challenge Page 363/391
Scene 48 Duration 03:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 364/391
Scene 48 Duration 03:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 365/391
Scene 48 Duration 03:00 Panel 3 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 366/391
Scene 48 Duration 03:00 Panel 3 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 367/391
Scene 49 Duration 04:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 368/391
Scene 49 Duration 04:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 Dialog Sage:
(sighs) I'm really sorry about all this. asg july challenge Page 369/391
Scene 49 Duration 04:00 Panel 3 Duration 01:00 Dialog Sage:
None of this would have happened if I had just listened to you. asg july challenge Page 370/391
Scene 49 Duration 04:00 Panel 4 Duration 01:00 Dialog Hazel:
Sage, don't be so hard on yourself. asg july challenge Page 371/391
Scene 50 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Sage:
I know you were just looking out for me. asg july challenge Page 372/391
Scene 51 Duration 02:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Hazel
(off-screen): But don't be afraid to ask for help next time okay? That's what siblings do. asg july challenge Page 373/391
Scene 51 Duration 02:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 Dialog Sage:
You're right. asg july challenge Page 374/391
Scene 52 Duration 17:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 375/391
Scene 52 Duration 17:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 Dialog Hazel:
Plus, this trip isn't all bad. asg july challenge Page 376/391
Scene 52 Duration 17:00 Panel 3 Duration 01:00 Dialog Hazel:
Looks like one of the marshmallows survived. asg july challenge Page 377/391
Scene 52 Duration 17:00 Panel 4 Duration 01:00 Dialog Hazel:
Looks like one of the marshmallows survived. asg july challenge Page 378/391
Scene 52 Duration 17:00 Panel 5 Duration 01:00 Dialog Hazel:
Here! A little char never hurt anyone. asg july challenge Page 379/391
Scene 52 Duration 17:00 Panel 6 Duration 01:00 Dialog Sage:
Don't mind if I do. asg july challenge Page 380/391
Scene 52 Duration 17:00 Panel 7 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 381/391
Scene 52 Duration 17:00 Panel 8 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 382/391
Scene 52 Duration 17:00 Panel 9 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 383/391
Scene 52 Duration 17:00 Panel 10 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 384/391
Scene 52 Duration 17:00 Panel 11 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 385/391
Scene 52 Duration 17:00 Panel 12 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 386/391
Scene 52 Duration 17:00 Panel 13 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 387/391
Scene 52 Duration 17:00 Panel 14 Duration 01:00 asg july
challenge Page 388/391
Scene 52 Duration 17:00 Panel 15 Duration 01:00 Dialog Sage:
BLEGH! asg july challenge Page 389/391
Scene 52 Duration 17:00 Panel 16 Duration 01:00 Dialog Sage:
Hazel, I think I need help washing my mouth out. asg july challenge Page 390/391
Scene 52 Duration 17:00 Panel 17 Duration 01:00 Dialog Hazel:
Haha! You got it. asg july challenge Page 391/391