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P8105: Bootstrapping

Jeff Goldsmith
November 07, 2018

P8105: Bootstrapping

Jeff Goldsmith

November 07, 2018


  1. 2 • “Repeated sampling” is a conceptual framework that underlies

    almost all of statistics – Repeatedly draw random samples of the same size from a population – For each sample, compute the mean – The distribution of the sample mean converges to a Normal distribution • Repeated sampling doesn’t happen in reality – Data are difficult and expensive to collect – You get your data, and that’s pretty much it • Repeated sampling can happen on a computer Repeated sampling
  2. 3 • Hard to overstate how important and useful bootstrapping

    is in statistics • Idea is to mimic repeated sampling with the one sample you have • Your sample is draw at random from your population – You’d like to draw more samples, but you can’t – So you draw a bootstrap sample from the one sample you have – The bootstrap sample has the same size as the original sample, and is drawn with replacement – Analyze this sample using whatever approach you want to apply – Repeat Bootstrapping
  3. 4 • The repeated sampling framework often provides useful theoretical

    results under certain assumptions and / or asymptotics – Sample means follow a known distribution – Regression coefficients follow a known distribution – Odds ratios follow a known distribution • If your assumptions aren’t met, or your sample isn’t large enough for asymptotics, you can’t use the “known distribution” • Bootstrapping gets you back to repeated sampling, and uses an empirical rather than a theoretical distribution for your statistic of interest Why bootstrap?
  4. 5 • Bootstrapping is a natural application of iterative tools

    • Write a function (or functions) to: – Draw a sample with replacement – Analyze the sample – Return object of interest • Repeat this process many times • Keeping track of the bootstrap samples, analyses, and results in a single data frame organizes the process and prevents mistakes Coding the bootstrap
  5. 5 • Bootstrapping is a natural application of iterative tools

    • Write a function (or functions) to: – Draw a sample with replacement – Analyze the sample – Return object of interest • Repeat this process many times • Keeping track of the bootstrap samples, analyses, and results in a single data frame organizes the process and prevents mistakes Coding the bootstrap • That’s why you use LIST COLUMNS!!
  6. 5 • Bootstrapping is a natural application of iterative tools

    • Write a function (or functions) to: – Draw a sample with replacement – Analyze the sample – Return object of interest • Repeat this process many times • Keeping track of the bootstrap samples, analyses, and results in a single data frame organizes the process and prevents mistakes Coding the bootstrap • That’s why you use LIST COLUMNS!!