Sauria. Chromosome conformation paints: Teresa Luperchio and Karen Reddy HiFive available from, or . Our lab: Enis Afgan, Dannon Baker, Boris Brenerman, Min Hyung Cho, Dave Clements, PeterDeFord, German Uritskiy, Mallory Freeberg, Michael E. G. Sauria, Mo Heydarian, Sam Guerler Other collaborators: Anton Nekrutenko and the group,
Craig Stewart and the group
Ross Hardison and the group
Jennifer Phillips-Cremins and Victor Corces (sub-TADS and HiFive)
Johnston, Kim, Hilser, and DiRuggiero labs (JHU Biology)
JHU Genomics Collective NHGRI (HG005133, HG004909, HG005542, HG005573, HG006620)
NIDDK (DK065806) and NSF (DBI 0543285, DBI 0850103) install with bioconda