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Awareness of Self

Kenneth Reitz
May 05, 2015

Awareness of Self

Kenneth Reitz

May 05, 2015


  1. Other Interests... • Street Photography • Synthesizers and Music Production

    • World Travel (~150,000 miles last year) • Public Speaker (29 events last year) • Classic Video Games!
  2. Two Years Ago • Evangelism at Heroku (travelled to 47

    Cities) • Worked on Open Source 24 hours a day. • Addicted to caffeine (3–5 Red Bulls daily). • Drank alcohol often at tech events.
  3. Miami Austin Santa Clara Montpellier Zurich Twin Cities Hobart San

    Francisco Arlington Paris Omaha Columbus Los Angeles Sydney Baltimore Washington DC Little Rock St. Louis Asbury, NJ Philadelphia Dublin Raleigh Prague Lille Toronto Brno London Stokholm Las Vegas Brussels Tel Aviv Jerusalem Istanbul Portland Pittsburgh Amsterdam Groningen Warsaw Boston Cleveland Bangalore Nashville Nashville Montreal Singapore Tokyo NYC
  4. My Addictions • Addicted to travel. • Addicted to open

    source. • Addicted to caffeine. • Addicted to social pressures.
  5. Remediation • Took a month off of work. • Cancelled

    all upcoming travel events. • Re-established my sense of home and family. • Focused on my arts. • Back to work!
  6. The Migraine • Shortly after returning from work, I woke

    up one day with a persistent Migraine that couldn’t be cured. • Nothing I could do would make it go away, day after day after day…
  7. The Migraine • Saw a neurologist, started taking anti- epileptic

    medication. • My entire life became about optimizing for removing migraine triggers. • Perception of everything was the trigger.
  8. Blessing in Disguise • Migraine forced me to re-evaluate every

    part of my life—physical, emotional, social, &c. • Removed social stress from social-media. • Stopped addictions caffeine, alcohol, sugar. • Paleo, elimination diets, hydration, etc.
  9. Blessing in Disguise • Opened myself to deep meditation, healthy

    living, and spiritual awareness. • Meditation was the cure for my headaches. • Migraine: completely controlled (242 days). • Total weight lost: 110 pounds.
  10. Lessons Learned • The things you put into your body

    effect you. • Includes: food, hydration level, social media. • Caffeine is a hell of a drug.
  11. Lessons Learned • It’s better for me to listen to

    my body, making constant adaptive (intuitive) changes to my lifestyle in the moment. • Having a friend to discuss your wellness experiments with is extremely helpful.
  12. Lessons Learned • Excluding everything seems to be detrimental. It’s

    much better to cure an addiction than to distance yourself from it. • Gluten makes me exhausted, but only when I remove it from my diet. • Sometimes, you just need time & space.
  13. Direct Experience • There are many intolerances that others have

    harsh opinions about — working from home, gluten sensitivity, requirements of space. • Your direct experience is the only data you have to go off of.