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Practical Orchestrator

Practical Orchestrator

Orchestrator is a MySQL topology manager and a failover solution, used in production on many large MySQL installments. It allows for detecting, querying and refactoring complex replication topologies, and provides reliable failure detection and intelligent recovery & promotion.

This session walks through orchestrator setup, deployment and usage best practices. We will focus on major functionality points and share authoritative advice on practical production use.


Shlomi Noach

April 21, 2017

More Decks by Shlomi Noach

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  1. How people build software ! Agenda • Setting up orchestrator

    • Backend • Discovery • Refactoring • Detection & recovery • Scripting • HA • Roadmap 2 !
  2. How people build software ! 3 ! • The world’s

    largest Octocat T-shirt and stickers store • And water bottles • And hoodies • We also do stuff related to things GitHub
  3. How people build software ! MySQL at GitHub • GitHub

    stores repositories in git, and uses MySQL as the backend database for all related metadata: • Repository metadata, users, issues, pull requests, comments etc. • Website/API/Auth/more all use MySQL. • We run a few (growing number of) clusters, totaling around 100 MySQL servers. • The setup isn’t very large but very busy. • Our MySQL service must be highly available. 4 !
  4. How people build software ! Orchestrator, meta • Born, open

    sourced at Outbrain • Further development at Booking.com, main focus on failure detection & recovery • Adopted, maintained & supported by GitHub, 
 github.com/github/orchestrator • Orchestrator is free and open source, released under the Apache 2.0 license
 github.com/github/orchestrator/releases 5 !
  5. How people build software ! • Discovery Probe, read instances,

    build topology graph, attributes, queries • Refactoring Relocate replicas, manipulate, detach, reorganize • Recovery Analyze, detect crash scenarios, structure warnings, failovers, promotions, acknowledgements, flap control, downtime, hooks 6 ! Orchestrator
  6. How people build software ! 7 ! ! ! !

    ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! backend DB orchestrator Deployment in a nutshell
  7. How people build software ! Agenda • Setting up orchestrator

    • Backend • Discovery • Refactoring • Detection & recovery • Scripting • HA • Roadmap 8 !
  8. How people build software ! 9 { "Debug": false, "ListenAddress":

    ":3000", "MySQLOrchestratorHost": "orchestrator.backend.master.com", "MySQLOrchestratorPort": 3306, "MySQLOrchestratorDatabase": "orchestrator", "MySQLOrchestratorCredentialsConfigFile": "/etc/mysql/orchestrator-backend.cnf", } • Let orchestrator know where to find backend database • Serve HTTP on :3000 Basic & backend setup !
  9. How people build software ! 10 CREATE USER 'orchestrator_srv'@'orc_host' IDENTIFIED

    BY 'orc_server_password'; GRANT ALL ON orchestrator.* TO 'orchestrator_srv'@'orc_host'; Grants on backend !
  10. How people build software ! Agenda • Setting up orchestrator

    • Backend • Discovery • Refactoring • Detection & recovery • Scripting • HA • Roadmap 11 !
  11. How people build software ! 12 { "MySQLTopologyCredentialsConfigFile": "/etc/mysql/orchestrator-topology.cnf", "InstancePollSeconds":

    5, "DiscoverByShowSlaveHosts": false, } • Provide credentials • Orchestrator will crawl its way and figure out the topology • SHOW SLAVE HOSTS requires report_host and report_port on servers Discovery: polling servers !
  12. How people build software ! 13 { "MySQLTopologyUser": "wallace", "MySQLTopologyPassword":

    "grom1t", } • Or, plaintext credentials Discovery: polling servers !
  13. How people build software ! 14 CREATE USER 'orchestrator'@'orc_host' IDENTIFIED

    BY 'orc_topology_password'; GRANT SUPER, PROCESS, REPLICATION SLAVE, REPLICATION CLIENT, RELOAD ON *.* TO 'orchestrator'@'orc_host'; GRANT SELECT ON meta.* TO 'orchestrator'@'orc_host'; • meta schema to be used shortly Grants on topologies !
  14. How people build software ! 15 { "HostnameResolveMethod": "default", "MySQLHostnameResolveMethod":

    "@@hostname" } • Resolve & normalize hostnames • via DNS • via MySQL Discovery: name resolve !
  15. How people build software ! 16 { "ReplicationLagQuery": "select absolute_lag

    from meta.heartbeat_view", "DetectClusterAliasQuery": "select ifnull(max(cluster_name), '') as cluster_alias from meta.cluster where anchor=1", "DetectClusterDomainQuery": "select ifnull(max(cluster_domain), '') as cluster_domain from meta.cluster where anchor=1", "DataCenterPattern": "", "DetectDataCenterQuery": "select substring_index(substring_index(@@hostname, '-', 3), '-', -1) as dc", "PhysicalEnvironmentPattern": "", } • Which cluster? • Which data center? • By hostname regexp or by query • Custom replication lag query Discovery: classifying servers !
  16. How people build software ! 17 CREATE TABLE IF NOT

    EXISTS cluster ( anchor TINYINT NOT NULL, cluster_name VARCHAR(128) CHARSET ascii NOT NULL DEFAULT '', cluster_domain VARCHAR(128) CHARSET ascii NOT NULL DEFAULT '', PRIMARY KEY (anchor) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; mysql meta -e "INSERT INTO cluster (anchor, cluster_name, cluster_domain) \ VALUES (1, '${cluster_name}', '${cluster_domain}') \ ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE \
 cluster_name=VALUES(cluster_name), cluster_domain=VALUES(cluster_domain)" • Use meta schema • Populate via puppet Discovery: populating cluster info !
  17. How people build software ! 18 set @pseudo_gtid_hint := concat_ws(':',

    lpad(hex(unix_timestamp(@now)), 8, '0'), lpad(hex(@connection_id), 16, '0'), lpad(hex(@rand), 8, '0')); set @_pgtid_statement := concat('drop ', 'view if exists `meta`.`_pseudo_gtid_', 'hint__asc:', @pseudo_gtid_hint, '`'); prepare st FROM @_pgtid_statement; execute st; deallocate prepare st; insert into meta.pseudo_gtid_status ( anchor, ..., pseudo_gtid_hint ) values (1, ..., @pseudo_gtid_hint) on duplicate key update ... pseudo_gtid_hint = values(pseudo_gtid_hint) • Injecting Pseudo-GTID by issuing no-op DROP VIEW statements, detected both in SBR and RBR • This isn’t visible in table data • Updating a meta table to learn about Pseudo-GTID updates. • https://github.com/github/orchestrator/tree/master/resources/pseudo-gtid Pseudo-GTID !
  18. How people build software ! 19 { "PseudoGTIDPattern": "drop view

    if exists `meta`.`_pseudo_gtid_hint__asc:", "PseudoGTIDPatternIsFixedSubstring": true, "PseudoGTIDMonotonicHint": "asc:", "DetectPseudoGTIDQuery": "select count(*) as pseudo_gtid_exists 
 from meta.pseudo_gtid_status 
 where anchor = 1 and time_generated > now() - interval 2 hour", } • Identifying Pseudo-GTID events in binary/relay logs • Heuristics for optimized search • Meta table lookup to heuristically identify Pseudo-GTID is available Pseudo-GTID !
  19. How people build software ! 20 ! ! ! !

    ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! backend DB orchestrator Deployment, CLI orchestrator, cli
  20. How people build software ! 21 orchestrator orchestrator -c help

    Available commands (-c): Smart relocation: relocate Relocate a replica beneath another instance relocate-replicas Relocates all or part of the replicas of a given Information: clusters List all clusters known to orchestrator • Connects to same backend DB as the orchestrator service CLI !
  21. How people build software ! 22 orchestrator -c clusters orchestrator

    -c all-instances orchestrator -c which-cluster some.instance.in.cluster orchestrator -c which-cluster-instances -alias mycluster orchestrator -c which-master some.instance orchestrator -c which-replicas some.instance orchestrator -c topology -alias mycluster CLI: information !
  22. How people build software ! Agenda • Setting up orchestrator

    • Backend • Discovery • Refactoring • Detection & recovery • Scripting • HA • Roadmap 23 !
  23. How people build software ! 24 orchestrator -c relocate 

    -i which.instance.to.relocate -d instance.below.which.to.relocate orchestrator -c relocate-replicas 
 -i instance.whose.replicas.to.relocate -d instance.below.which.to.relocate • Smart: let orchestrator figure out how to refactor: • GTID • Pseudo-GTID • Normal file:pos CLI: refactoring !
  24. How people build software ! 25 orchestrator -c move-below 

    -i which.instance.to.relocate -d instance.below.which.to.relocate orchestrator -c move-up -i instance.to.move • file:pos specific CLI: refactoring !
  25. How people build software ! 26 orchestrator -c set-read-only -i

    some.instance.com orchestrator -c set-writeable -i some.instance.com orchestrator -c stop-slave -i some.instance.com orchestrator -c start-slave -i some.instance.com orchestrator -c restart-slave -i some.instance.com orchestrator -c skip-query -i some.instance.com orchestrator -c detach-replica -i some.instance.com orchestrator -c reattach-replica -i some.instance.com • Using -c detach-replica to intentionally break replication, in a reversible way CLI: various commands !
  26. How people build software ! 27 master=$(orchestrator -c which-cluster-master -alias

    mycluster) orchestrator -c which-cluster-instances -alias mycluster | while read i ; do \ orchestrator -c relocate -i $i -d $master \ done orchestrator -c which-replicas -i $master | while read i ; do \ orchestrator -c set-read-only -i $i \ done • Flatten a topology • Operate on all replicas • See also https://github.com/github/ccql • We’ll revisit shortly CLI: some fun !
  27. How people build software ! 28 curl -s "http://localhost:3000/api/cluster/alias/mycluster" |

    jq . curl -s “http://localhost:3000/api/instance/some.host/3306" | jq . curl -s “http://localhost:3000/api/relocate/some.host/3306/another.host/3306” | jq . • The web interface is merely a facade for API calls • Anything done from CLI can be done from API API !
  28. How people build software ! Agenda • Setting up orchestrator

    • Backend • Discovery • Refactoring • Detection & recovery • Scripting • HA • Roadmap 29 !
  29. How people build software ! 30 { "RecoveryPollSeconds": 2, "FailureDetectionPeriodBlockMinutes":

    60, } • How frequently to analyze/recover topologies • Block detection interval Recovery: basic config !
  30. How people build software ! 31 { "RecoveryPeriodBlockSeconds": 3600, "RecoveryIgnoreHostnameFilters":

    [], "RecoverMasterClusterFilters": [ "thiscluster", "thatcluster" ], "RecoverIntermediateMasterClusterFilters": [ "*" ], } • Anti-flapping control • Old style, hostname/regexp based promotion black list • Which cluster to auto-failover? • Master / intermediate-master? Recovery: general recovery rules !
  31. How people build software ! 32 orchestrator -c replication-analysis orchestrator

    -c recover -i a.dead.instance.com orchestrator -c ack-cluster-recoveries -i a.dead.instance.com orchestrator -c graceful-master-takeover -alias mycluster orchestrator -c force-master-takeover -i replica.to.forcefully.promote # danger zone orchestrator -c register-candidate -i candidate.replica --promotion-rule=prefer Recovery, CLI !
  32. How people build software ! 33 { "OnFailureDetectionProcesses": [ "echo

    'Detected {failureType} on {failureCluster}. Affected replicas: 
 {countReplicas}' >> /tmp/recovery.log" ], "PreFailoverProcesses": [ "echo 'Will recover from {failureType} on {failureCluster}' >> /tmp/recovery.log" ], "PostFailoverProcesses": [ "echo '(for all types) Recovered from {failureType} on {failureCluster}. Failed: 
 {failedHost}:{failedPort}; Successor: {successorHost}:{successorPort}' >> /tmp/
 recovery.log" ], "PostUnsuccessfulFailoverProcesses": [], "PostMasterFailoverProcesses": [ "echo 'Recovered from {failureType} on {failureCluster}. Failed: {failedHost}:
 {failedPort}; Promoted: {successorHost}:{successorPort}' >> /tmp/recovery.log" ], "PostIntermediateMasterFailoverProcesses": [], } Recovery: hooks
  33. How people build software ! 34 { "ApplyMySQLPromotionAfterMasterFailover": true, "MasterFailoverLostInstancesDowntimeMinutes":

    10, "FailMasterPromotionIfSQLThreadNotUpToDate": true, "DetachLostReplicasAfterMasterFailover": true, } • With great power comes great configuration complexity • Different users need different behavior Recovery: promotion actions !
  34. How people build software ! Agenda • Setting up orchestrator

    • Backend • Discovery • Refactoring • Detection & recovery • Scripting • HA • Roadmap 35 !
  35. How people build software ! 36 master=$(orchestrator -c which-cluster-master -alias

    mycluster) orchestrator -c which-cluster-instances -alias mycluster | while read i ; do \ orchestrator -c relocate -i $i -d $master \ done intermediate_master=$(orchestrator -c which-replicas -i $master | shuf | head -1) orchestrator -c which-replicas -i $master | grep -v $intermediate_master | shuf | head -2 | while read i ; do \ orchestrator -c relocate -i $i -d $intermediate_master \ done • Preparation: • Flatten topology • Create an intermediate master with two replicas Scripting: master failover testing automation !
  36. How people build software ! 37 # kill MySQL on

    master... sleep 30 # graceful wait for recovery new_master=$(orchestrator -c which-cluster-master -alias mycluster) [ -z "$new_master" ] && { echo "strange, cannot find master" ; exit 1 ; } [ "$new_master" == "$master" ] && { echo "no change of master" ; exit 1 ; } orchestrator -c which-cluster-instances -alias mycluster | while read i ; do \ orchestrator -c relocate -i $i -d $new_master \ done count_replicas=$(orchestrator -c which-replicas -i $new_master | wc -l) [ $count_replicas -lt 4 ] && { echo "not enough salvaged replicas" ; exit 1 ; } • Kill the master, wait some time • Expect new master • Expect enough replicas • Add your own tests & actions: write to master, expect data on replicas; verify replication lag; restore dead master, … Scripting: master failover testing automation !
  37. How people build software ! MySQL configuration advice • slave_net_timeout=4

    • Implies heartbeat period=2 • CHANGE MASTER TO 
 MASTER_RETRY_COUNT=86400 • For Orchestrator to detect replication credentials, • master_info_repository=TABLE • Grants on mysql.slave_master_info 38 !
  38. How people build software ! Agenda • Setting up orchestrator

    • Backend • Discovery • Refactoring • Detection & recovery • Scripting • HA • Roadmap 39 !
  39. How people build software ! 40 ! orchestrator HA !

    ! Galera/InnoDB Cluster ! ! Leader !
  40. How people build software ! 41 orchestrator HA " HAProxy

    ! ! ! ! SBR Active-Active Master-Master, collision free Leader !
  41. How people build software ! 42 ! orchestrator HA: on

    the roadmap ! ! Each orchestrator node with a local DB, MySQL/SQLite
 Raft consensus for leadership and events changelog ! ! Leader !
  42. How people build software ! Agenda • Setting up orchestrator

    • Backend • Discovery • Refactoring • Detection & recovery • Scripting • HA • Roadmap 43 !
  43. How people build software ! Roadmap • SQLite backend (existing

    POC) • Raft consensus • Improving GTID support • The Great Configuration Variables Exodus • Simplifying config • Thoughts on integrations 44 !
  44. How people build software ! Supported setups • “Classic” replication

    • GTID (Oracle, MariaDB) • Master-Master • Semi-sync • STATEMENT, MIXED, ROW • Binlog servers • Mixture of all the above, mixtures of versions 45 !
  45. How people build software ! Unsupported setups • Galera •

    TODO? possibly • InnoDB Cluster • TODO? possibly • Multisource • TODO? probably not • Tungsten • TODO? no 46 !
  46. How people build software ! GitHub talks • gh-ost: triggerless,

    painless, trusted online schema migrations
 Jonah Berquist, Tuesday 25 April , 14:20 
 https://www.percona.com/live/17/sessions/gh-ost-triggerless-painless-trusted-online-schema- migrations • Automating Schema Changes using gh-ost
 Tom Krouper, Thursday 27 April, 12:50
 https://www.percona.com/live/17/sessions/automating-schema-changes-using-gh-ost • Practical JSON in MySQL 5.7 and beyond
 Ike Walker, Thursday 27 April, 15:00 
 https://www.percona.com/live/17/sessions/practical-json-mysql-57-and-beyond 47 !