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Adobe Customer Journey Analytics vs. Adobe Anal...

Kiera Monaghan
January 05, 2025

Adobe Customer Journey Analytics vs. Adobe Analytics

This document compares Adobe Analytics and Adobe Customer Journey Analytics, highlighting their key differences. Adobe Analytics primarily focuses on online data from websites and apps, processing data immediately upon collection. Customer Journey Analytics, conversely, uses data from various sources within the Adobe Experience Platform, processing it at report time for greater flexibility. A core distinction lies in data breadth: Customer Journey Analytics offers broader data inclusion for reporting and analysis. Finally, the platforms differ in terminology, data processing methods, and identity management.

Kiera Monaghan

January 05, 2025


  1. Q. Are you wondering what the difference is between Adobe

    Customer Journey Analytics and Adobe Analytics? A. If you do not read any further than this, understand the fundamental difference is the breadth of data you may consider when building your reports and analysis.
  2. In Customer Journey Analytics, any data source may be utilised

    to be part of the data you use for reporting and analysis. Adobe Analytics is mainly aimed at the online data collection from websites and mobile apps. It does have the functionality to import other data sources into it, but the main objective of this platform is to provide insights and analytics about online data.
  3. Customer Journey Analytics is dependant on stored data in Adobe

    Experience Platforms datasets. It has multiple options to collect and process data from these datasets in the Experience Platform. Adobe Analytics collects data within its own platform, but also has additional functionality to collect data. You may use your Adobe Analytics report suite data within Customer Journey Analytics using the Analytics source connector. This connector ultimately processes the data collected in Adobe Analytics into Experience Platform – then you can create a connection in Customer Journey Analytics.
  4. Another difference is how the data is processed. Customer Journey

    Analytics is created to work with the collected and stored data in the Experience Platform dataset at the report time. It can deliver report-time processing to the data, so it is ready for reporting and analysis. Adobe Analytics processes the data immediately after collecting the data.
  5. The terminology between the two platforms varies. In Customer Journey

    Analytics, flexibility is available on how you define dimensions and metrics powered by the Experience Data Model (XDM) based schemas.
  6. Adobe Analytics offers virtual report suites, in which you can

    gather insights about a segmented audience and define access to that segmented data. Customer Journey Analytics delivers a similar service, titled data views. These are containers in which you can determine how to interpret data from a connection. The Experience Platform also offers sandboxes (a container holding data and applications for an environment). However, this is unrelated to both Adobe Analytics and Customer Journey Analytics virtual report suites or data views. Only Customer Journey Analytics has some support for these sandboxes, but considerations are necessary.
  7. Finally, Customer Journey Analytics can support identities that you define

    as part of the schemas to which the datasets containing your data conform. This concept is associated with the Experience Platform and used when setting up a connection and when applying stitching for cross-channel analysis. Adobe Analytics has a conclusive set of identity fields, for instance the Adobe Analytics ID (AAID).
  8. The fundamental difference is the breadth of data you may

    consider when building your reports and analysis.
  9. Hey, I’m Kiera I deliver great user experiences online by

    utilising analytics data to its full potential, connect with me. + www.digitalanalyticsconsultant.co.uk /in/kieramonaghan/ Speakerdeck.com/kieramonaghan