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One-of-a-Kind Marcie: SQ260

February 25, 2024

One-of-a-Kind Marcie: SQ260

Storyboards for Best Special Production Annie winner "One-of-a-Kind Marcie". Introvert Marcie solves the traffic between classes by adding arrows and turnarounds. She helps Charlie Brown get a better grip to avoid the screeching of the chalk.


February 25, 2024


  1. Dialog MARCIE (V.O.): The fastball grip you have on the

    chalk isn’t working. Try your curveball grip.
  2. Dialog MARCIE (V.O.): The fastball grip you have on the

    chalk isn’t working. Try your curveball grip.
  3. Dialog MARCIE (V.O.): The fastball grip you have on the

    chalk isn’t working. Try your curveball grip.