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Web in the cloud with ruby

Web in the cloud with ruby

Talk to WeWebConf2012

Rafael Macedo

October 15, 2012

More Decks by Rafael Macedo

Other Decks in Programming


  1. Ruby é... uma linguagem dinâmica, interpretada, e open source com

    foco em simplicidade e produtividade. Possui uma sintaxe elegante que é natural de ler e fácil de escrever. http:/ /ruby-lang.org/en Monday, October 15, 12
  2. Ruby é... “Eu queria uma linguagem que fosse mais poderosa

    que o Perl e mais orientada a objetos do que o Python.” Yukihiro “Matz” Matsumoto Monday, October 15, 12
  3. • 112 bibliotecas 100% documentadas • Comunidade ativa • Diversos

    tutoriais e em diversos níveis • Bibliotecas em ruby são empacotadas e distribuidas como gems Documentação Monday, October 15, 12
  4. Sintaxe elegante e limpa • dasdasdasd 1 def say_good_morning(name) 2

    return "Good morning " + name + "!!!" 3 end 4 5 puts say_good_morning("folks") 6 >> Good morning folks!!! Monday, October 15, 12
  5. • dasdasdasd 1 def say_good_morning(name) 2 return "Good morning "

    + name + "!!!" 3 end 4 5 puts say_good_morning("folks") 6 >> Good morning folks!!! opcionais Sintaxe elegante e limpa Monday, October 15, 12
  6. • dasdasdasd 1 def say_good_morning(name) 2 return "Good morning "

    + name + "!!!" 3 end 4 5 puts say_good_morning "folks" 6 >> Good morning folks!!! Sintaxe elegante e limpa Monday, October 15, 12
  7. • dasdasdasd 1 def say_good_morning(name) 2 return "Good morning "

    + name + "!!!" 3 end 4 5 puts say_good_morning "folks" 6 >> Good morning folks!!! retorno automático Sintaxe elegante e limpa Monday, October 15, 12
  8. • dasdasdasd 1 def say_good_morning(name) 2 "Good morning " +

    name + "!!!" 3 end 4 5 puts say_good_morning "folks" 6 >> Good morning folks!!! Sintaxe elegante e limpa Monday, October 15, 12
  9. • dasdasdasd 1 def say_good_morning(name) 2 "Good morning " +

    name + "!!!" 3 end 4 5 puts say_good_morning "folks" 6 >> Good morning folks!!! interpolação Sintaxe elegante e limpa Monday, October 15, 12
  10. • dasdasdasd 1 def say_good_morning(name) 2 "Good morning #{name}!!!" 3

    end 4 5 puts say_good_morning "folks" 6 >> Good morning folks!!! Sintaxe elegante e limpa Monday, October 15, 12
  11. Orientada a objetos 1 "some dummy text".class 2 >> String

    3 4 1.class 5 >> Fixnum 6 7 true.class 8 >> TrueClass 9 10 nil.class 11 >> NilClass Monday, October 15, 12
  12. Orientada a objetos 1 "some dummy text".class 2 >> String

    3 4 1.class 5 >> Fixnum 6 7 true.class 8 >> TrueClass 9 10 nil.class 11 >> NilClass Monday, October 15, 12
  13. Orientada a objetos 1 "some dummy text".class 2 >> String

    3 4 1.class 5 >> Fixnum 6 7 true.class 8 >> TrueClass 9 10 nil.class 11 >> NilClass Monday, October 15, 12
  14. Orientada a objetos 1 "some dummy text".class 2 >> String

    3 4 1.class 5 >> Fixnum 6 7 true.class 8 >> TrueClass 9 10 nil.class 11 >> NilClass Monday, October 15, 12
  15. Orientada a objetos 1 "some dummy text".class 2 >> String

    3 4 1.class 5 >> Fixnum 6 7 true.class 8 >> TrueClass 9 10 nil.class 11 >> NilClass Monday, October 15, 12
  16. Orientada a objetos 1 "some dummy text".class 2 >> String

    3 4 1.class 5 >> Fixnum 6 7 true.class 8 >> TrueClass 9 10 nil.class 11 >> NilClass tudo é um objeto Monday, October 15, 12
  17. Orientada a objetos 1 "some dummy text".class 2 >> String

    3 4 1.class 5 >> Fixnum 6 7 true.class 8 >> TrueClass 9 10 nil.class 11 >> NilClass sim, eu disse tudo!!! Monday, October 15, 12
  18. Orientada a objetos 1 "some dummy text".class 2 >> String

    3 4 1.class 5 >> Fixnum 6 7 true.class 8 >> TrueClass 9 10 nil.class 11 >> NilClass 1 String.class 2 >> Class sim, eu disse tudo!!! Monday, October 15, 12
  19. Orientada a objetos 1 puts 1 + 1 2 >>

    2 Monday, October 15, 12
  20. Orientada a objetos 1 puts 1 + 1 2 >>

    2 3 4 puts 1.+(1) 5 >> 2 Monday, October 15, 12
  21. Orientada a objetos 1 [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].average 2

    >> NoMethodError: undefined method `average' for [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]:Array Monday, October 15, 12
  22. Orientada a objetos 1 [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].average 2

    >> NoMethodError: undefined method `average' for [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]:Array e agora??????? Monday, October 15, 12
  23. Orientada a objetos 1 class Array 2 def average 3

    inject(0.0) do |sum, var| 4 sum + var 5 end / self.size 6 end 7 end 8 9 [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].average 10 >> 3.0 Monday, October 15, 12
  24. Orientada a objetos 1 class Array 2 def average 3

    inject(0.0) do |sum, var| 4 sum + var 5 end / self.size 6 end 7 end 8 9 [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].average 10 >> 3.0 open classes WINS!!!! Monday, October 15, 12
  25. “Se anda como um pato e fala como um pato,

    isso é um pato!” Monday, October 15, 12
  26. Desenvolvedores Ruby estão mais acostumados em definir objetos pelo que

    eles podem fazer, do que por seu tipo. Esta técnica é chamada de duck typing. Monday, October 15, 12
  27. Duck Typing 1 class Logger 2 def initialize(io) 3 @io

    = io 4 end 5 6 def log(message) 7 @io << "#{Time.now} - #{message}\n" 8 end 9 end Monday, October 15, 12
  28. Duck Typing 1 array_logger = Logger.new([]) 2 array_logger.log("Hello World") 3

    4 string_logger = Logger.new("") 5 string_logger.log("Hello World") Monday, October 15, 12
  29. Duck Typing 1 array_logger = Logger.new([]) 2 array_logger.log("Hello World") 3

    4 string_logger = Logger.new("") 5 string_logger.log("Hello World") Protocolo > Interface Monday, October 15, 12
  30. Instalando (Mac OS & Linux) http:/ /rvm.io $ curl -L

    https:/ /get.rvm.io | bash -s stable $ source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm $ type rvm | head -n 1 rvm is a function Monday, October 15, 12
  31. Instalando (Mac OS & Linux) http:/ /rvm.io $ echo '[[

    -s "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" ]] && \ source "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm"' > ~/.bash_profile Monday, October 15, 12
  32. Instalando (Mac OS & Linux) http:/ /rvm.io $ rvm use

    ruby-1.9.3 $ rvm install ruby-1.9.3 Monday, October 15, 12
  33. C 1 #include <stdio.h> 2 3 int main(void){ 4 printf("Hello

    World\n"); 5 return 1; 6 } Monday, October 15, 12
  34. Java 1 class HelloWorldApp { 2 public static void main(String[]

    args) { 3 System.out.println("Hello World"); 4 } 5 } Monday, October 15, 12
  35. via irb IRB = Interactive RuBy Shell REPL (Read Eval

    Print Loop) Monday, October 15, 12
  36. Comentários 1 # comentar uma linha simples 2 3 =begin

    4 para um bloco de códigos 5 [1, 2, 3].each do |number| 6 puts number * 2 7 end 8 =end Monday, October 15, 12
  37. Variáveis 1 age = 1 # local 2 3 @name

    = 'rafael' # global 4 5 @@count = 1 # class 6 7 PATH = '~/' # constant Monday, October 15, 12
  38. Strings 1 single_quote = 'this is a string with single

    quote' 2 3 double_quote = "this is a string with double quote" 4 5 escaped_string = 'i\'m a escaped string' Monday, October 15, 12
  39. Strings (interpolação) 1 puts "20 + 20 = #{20 +

    20}" 2 >> 20 + 20 = 40 Monday, October 15, 12
  40. Symbols 1 def walk(direction) 2 case direction 3 when 1

    then move_north 4 when 2 then move_east 5 when 3 then move_south 6 when 4 then move_west 7 else "Unknown direction" 8 end Monday, October 15, 12
  41. Symbols 1 def walk(direction) 2 case direction 3 when :north

    then move_north 4 when :east then move_east 5 when :south then move_south 6 when :west then move_west 7 else "Unknown direction" 8 end Monday, October 15, 12
  42. Symbols 1 def walk(direction) 2 case direction 3 when :north

    then move_north 4 when :east then move_east 5 when :south then move_south 6 when :west then move_west 7 else "Unknown direction" 8 end Monday, October 15, 12
  43. Numbers 1 number = 15 2 3 number_with_delimeter = 1_000_000

    4 5 float = 1.5 Monday, October 15, 12
  44. Numbers (conversão automática entre tipos) a = 1 a.class >>

    Fixnum b = 5.5 b.class >> Float Monday, October 15, 12
  45. Numbers (conversão automática entre tipos) a = 1 a.class >>

    Fixnum b = 5.5 b.class >> Float c = a + b >> 6.5 Monday, October 15, 12
  46. Numbers (conversão automática entre tipos) a = 1 a.class >>

    Fixnum b = 5.5 b.class >> Float c = a + b >> 6.5 c.class >> Float Monday, October 15, 12
  47. Arrays 1 items = [1, "two", :three, [4, 5, 6]]

    2 3 items << 7 4 5 items[12] = 'a' 6 7 puts items[0] 8 >> 1 Monday, October 15, 12
  48. Arrays 1 puts items.inspect 2 >> [1, "two", :three, [4,

    5, 6], 7, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, "..."] Monday, October 15, 12
  49. Arrays 1 year_months = %w [seg ter qua qui sex

    sab dom ] 2 >> ["seg", "ter", "qua", "qui", "sex", "sab", “dom"] Monday, October 15, 12
  50. Arrays 1 year_months = %w (seg ter qua qui sex

    sab dom ) 2 >> ["seg", "ter", "qua", "qui", "sex", "sab", “dom"] Monday, October 15, 12
  51. Arrays 1 items = Array.new(5) { |i| 2 ** i

    } 2 >> [1, 2, 4, 8, 16] Monday, October 15, 12
  52. Hashes 1 market_list = {:rice => 1, "vegetables" => [

    :spinach => 1, :broccoli => 2]} 2 3 market_list = {rice: 1, vegetables: [ spinach: 1, broccoli: 2 ]} 4 5 market_list[:rice] 6 7 market_list[:coca] = 2 Monday, October 15, 12
  53. Ranges 1 (1..10).to_a 2 >> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5,

    6, 7, 8, 9, 10] 3 4 (1...10).to_a 5 >> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] 6 7 ("a".."z").to_a 8 >> ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z"] Monday, October 15, 12
  54. Ranges 1 string = "1a".."2g" 2 string.cover "2a" 3 >>

    true 4 5 string.cover "2h" 6 >> false Monday, October 15, 12
  55. Expressões regulares 1 regexp = /(a-z)+/ 2 3 regexp =

    %r((a-z)+) Monday, October 15, 12
  56. Expressões regulares 1 regexp = /(a-z)+/ 2 3 regexp =

    %r((a-z)+) Metacaracteres devem ser escapados ( ) [ ] { } . ? + * Monday, October 15, 12
  57. Estruturas condicionais (if/elsif/else) 1 if expression 2 # do something

    3 elsif expression2 4 # do something else 5 elsif expressionN 6 # do something else 7 else 8 # do something else 9 end Monday, October 15, 12
  58. 1 if !expression 2 # do something 3 end Estruturas

    condicionais (if/elsif/else) Monday, October 15, 12
  59. 1 if !expression 2 # do something 3 end Estruturas

    condicionais (if/elsif/else) Monday, October 15, 12
  60. 1 if !expression 2 # do something 3 end 4

    5 unless expression 6 # do something 7 end Estruturas condicionais (if/elsif/else) Monday, October 15, 12
  61. Estruturas condicionais (case) 1 case 2 when x == 1

    then "one" 3 when x == 2 then "two" 4 when x == 3 then "three" 5 else"other" Monday, October 15, 12
  62. Estruturas condicionais (case) 1 case number 2 when 0..10 3

    "Between 0 and 10" 4 when 11..20 5 "Between 11 and 20" 6 else 7 "You're outside my limits" 8 end Monday, October 15, 12
  63. Estruturas condicionais (case) 1 case text 2 when /\bruby\b/ 3

    "You passed a lowercased Ruby" 4 when /\bRuby\b/ 5 "You passed a capitalized Ruby" 6 when /\bRUBY\b/ 7 "You passed an uppercased Ruby" 8 else 9 "WAT? NO RUBY?" 10 end Monday, October 15, 12
  64. Iteradores Objetos das class Hash, Array e Range são iteráveis

    1 1.upto(3) do |number| 2 puts number 3 end 4 5 [1, 2, 3].map { |number| number * 2 } 6 >> [2, 4, 6] 7 8 (1..10).reject { |number| number.odd? } 9 >> [2, 4, 6, 8, 10] Monday, October 15, 12
  65. Métodos 1 def greet(name) 2 puts "Hello #{name}" 3 end

    4 5 greet "Rafael" Monday, October 15, 12
  66. Métodos (escopo) 1 x, y = 2, 1 2 3

    def cube(x) 4 y = x**3 5 return y 6 end 7 8 puts cube(x) 9 >> 8 10 11 puts y 12 >> 1 Monday, October 15, 12
  67. Métodos (retorno automático) 1 x, y = 2, 1 2

    3 def cube(x) 4 x**3 5 end 6 7 puts cube(x) 8 >> 8 9 10 puts y 11 >> 1 Monday, October 15, 12
  68. Classes 1 class Person 2 end 3 4 p =

    Person.new Monday, October 15, 12
  69. Classes (métodos de instância) 1 class Person 2 def introduce

    3 puts "Hello" 4 end 5 end 6 7 p = Person.new 8 p.introduce 9 >> Hello Monday, October 15, 12
  70. Classes (construtor) 1 class Person 2 def initialize(name) 3 @name

    = name # variavel de instância 4 end 5 6 def introduce 7 puts "Hello my name is #{@name}" 8 end 9 end 1 p = Person.new('rafael') 2 p.introduce 3 >> Hello my name is rafael Monday, October 15, 12
  71. Classes (métodos de classe) 1 class Animal 2 def self.species

    3 ["alligator", "bat", ..., "bear"] 4 end 5 end 6 7 puts Animal.species Monday, October 15, 12
  72. Classes (getters e setters) 1 class Person 2 def name=(name)

    3 @name = name 4 end 5 6 def name 7 @name 8 end 9 end 10 11 p = Person.new('rafael') 12 p.name = 'macedo' 13 puts p.name 14 >> macedo Monday, October 15, 12
  73. Classes (getters e setters) 1 class Person 2 attr_accessor :name

    3 end 4 5 p = Person.new('rafael') 6 p.name = 'macedo' 7 puts p.name 8 >> macedo Monday, October 15, 12
  74. Classes (getters) 1 class Person 2 attr_reader :name 3 end

    4 5 p = Person.new('rafael') 6 p.name = 'macedo' 7 NoMethodError: undefined method `name=' 8 puts p.name 8 >> macedo Monday, October 15, 12
  75. Classes (setters) 1 class Person 2 attr_reader :name 3 end

    4 5 p = Person.new('rafael') 6 p.name = 'macedo' 7 puts p.name 8 NoMethodError: undefined method `name' Monday, October 15, 12
  76. Classes (inheritance) 1 class Studend < Person 2 attr_accessor :register

    3 end 4 5 s = Studend.new('rafael') 6 s.register = '13286' 7 s.name = 'macedo' Monday, October 15, 12
  77. Classes (modules) 1 module Swimmer 2 def swim 3 puts

    'I\'m swimming!' 4 end 5 end Monday, October 15, 12
  78. Classes (modules) 1 class Person 2 include Swimmer 3 end

    4 5 Person.new.swim 6 >> I'm swimming! Monday, October 15, 12
  79. Aplicações de voz • Interactive voice response systems (IVRs) •

    Call Center Automation • Data Gathering • Voice 2.0 http:/ /adhearsion.com Monday, October 15, 12
  80. Rails is... Ruby on Rails® is an open-source web framework

    that’s optimized for programmer happiness and sustainable productivity. It lets you write beautiful code by favoring convention over configuration http:/ /rubyonrails.org Monday, October 15, 12
  81. Rails is... Ruby on Rails is intended to emphasize Convention

    over Configuration (CoC) Monday, October 15, 12
  82. Rails is... Ruby on Rails is intended to emphasize Convention

    over Configuration (CoC) Rapid development principle of Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY) Monday, October 15, 12
  83. Rails is... Ruby on Rails is intended to emphasize Convention

    over Configuration (CoC) Rapid development principle of Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY) Fat models, skinny controllers Monday, October 15, 12
  84. Rails is... Ruby on Rails is intended to emphasize Convention

    over Configuration (CoC) Rapid development principle of Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY) Fat models, skinny controllers Monday, October 15, 12