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«le noir que j'ai créé»

«le noir que j'ai créé»

東京Crystal勉強会 #5 in 渋谷での発表の資料です。



November 30, 2017

More Decks by TSUYUSATO Kitsune

Other Decks in Programming


  1. who are you? 20 years old undergraduate student learning German

    literature accounts: GitHub: @MakeNowJust Twitter: @make_now_just work for space pirates LLC.
  2. my works related with Crystal and syntax highlight created syntax

    de nition of Crystal for highlight.js for prism.js for CodeMirror xed many bugs of syntax highlight on crystal doc implemented syntax highlight for icr
  3. what is NOIR? syntax highlight library for Crystal made by

    @MakeNowJust (me!) port of Ruby's library rouge one of most famous syntax highlight libraries e.g. used by Jekyll in default "black" in French
  4. current status early stage since 2017/11/6 (24 days ago) few

    supported languages (4 languages available) Ruby, JavaScript, Python and Crystal few themes (3 themes available) Monokai and Solarized Dark/Light But...