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How to Market Anything From Scratch on a Shoest...

Matt Woods
November 19, 2018

How to Market Anything From Scratch on a Shoestring Budget

Matt Woods

November 19, 2018


  1. H O W T O M A R K E

    T A N Y T H I N G F R O M S C R AT C H ( O N A S H O E S T R I N G B U D G E T ) Matt Woods
  2. Hi, I’m Matt Woods. Social Media Manager
 McMahon Marketing +

    Coordinated a celebrity endorsement from NFL Quarterback Tim Tebow + Secured media coverage by Forbes + Managed social media for the world's largest business coaching franchise MATTWOODS.US @matopher
  3. 1 Traction Goal 2 Brainstorm 3 Rank & Prioritize 5

    Focus on what works 4 Test Roadmap to Bullseye
  4. 1. Traction 3 Kinds of Goals 2. Grow 3. Scale

    Fix your leaky bucket Find new customers Scale what’s working by 10x
  5. 3. Test Using 2-3 small- scale experiments at the same

    time. # Customers Facebook Ads 30 Guest Blogging 9 Speaking Events 5
  6. 3. Double-down on your winners to propel your idea into

    the next growth stage. Customers from FB Ads 900 Months 1-3 675 Months 4-6 506 Months 6-9 NEW TESTS Month 10 & Repeat
  7. 1 Traction Goal 2 Brainstorm 3 Rank & Prioritize 5

    Focus on what works 4 Test Roadmap to Bullseye