[Human-AI Decision Making勉強会] 意思決定 with AIは個人vsグループで変わるの?
2023/12/20 Human-AI Decision Makingの発表資料
Are Explanations Helpful? A Comparative Study of the Effects of Explanations in AI-Assisted Decision-Making
making ษڧձ Are Two Heads Beter Than One in AI-Assisted Decision Making? Comparing the Behavior and Performance of Groups and Individuals in Human-AI Collaborative Recidivism Risk Assessment Chun-Wei Chiang, Zhuoran Lu, Zhuoyan Li and Ming Yin CHI 2023 https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3544548.3581015
άϧʔϓAIʹґଘ͕ͪ͠ 3. Reliance on AI άϧʔϓࣗ৴Λ࣋ͬͯ AIΛڋ൱͢Δ 4. Understanding on AI ݸਓͱάϧʔϓͰେࠩͳ͍ 5. Fairness ͋Δج४Ͱάϧʔϓެฏʹ 6. Accountability ࠷ऴஅ͕ؒҧ͏ͱ͖ ݸਓάϧʔϓಉ͡