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Testing Filesystem related Code with vfsStream ...

Testing Filesystem related Code with vfsStream (June 30 2016, PHPUGMRN)

All the unit tests you write are decoupled from services and the database. What about unit tests for classes which touch the file system - are they decoupled from it? The talk introduces vfsStream and shows how unit tests can be made independent from the actual file system. I will also show how to simulate a full disc, missing read or write rights, mocking large files, and limitations imposed by PHP.

Frank Kleine

June 30, 2016

More Decks by Frank Kleine

Other Decks in Programming


  1. A stream wrapper
 to mock PHP’s filesystem functions
 into thinking

    they work with the real file system. 3 vfs://Stream
  2. Allows you to implement your own protocol handlers and streams

    for use with all other filesystem functions (such as fopen(), fread() etc.) quoted from http://php.net/manual/en/class.streamwrapper.php 4 Stream wrapper?
  3. • Create a class with predefined methods • Register class

    as handler for a protocol • Class will be instantiated when a file pointer to a resource of this protocol is opened • Filesystem function calls result in method calls on the instance of your class 5 Stream wrapper theory
  4. 6 class MyStreamWrapper { private $read = false; public function

    stream_open(…) { return true; } public function stream_stat() { return []; } public function stream_read($count) { if (!$this->read) { $this->read = true; return 'Hello world!'; } return false; } public function stream_eof() { return $this->read; } } Stream wrapper practice: implementation
  5. File system based class class FileSystemCache { public function __construct($dir)

    { $this->dir = $dir; } public function store($key, $data) { if (!file_exists($this->dir)) { mkdir($this->dir, 0700, true); } file_put_contents($this->dir.'/'.$key, serialize($data)); } } 9
  6. The Test: storing the data correctly 10 public function testStoresDataInFile()

    { $cache = new FileSystemCache(__DIR__ . '/cache'); $cache->store('example', ['bar' => 303]); $this->assertEquals( ['bar' => 303], unserialize(file_get_contents(__DIR__.'/cache/example')) ); }
  7. The Test: creation of directory public function testCreatesDirectoryIfNotExists() { $cache

    = new FileSystemCache(__DIR__ . '/cache'); $cache->store('example', ['bar' => 303]); $this->assertFileExists(__DIR__ . '/cache'); } 11
  8. Test… oh oh public function setUp() { if (file_exists(__DIR__ .

    '/cache/example')) { unlink(__DIR__ . '/cache/example'); } if (file_exists(__DIR__ . '/cache')) { rmdir(__DIR__ . '/cache'); } } 12
  9. Test… oh oh private function clean() { if (file_exists(__DIR__ .

    '/cache/example')) { unlink(__DIR__ . '/cache/example'); } if (file_exists(__DIR__ . '/cache')) { rmdir(__DIR__ . '/cache'); } } public function setUp() { $this->clean(); } public function tearDown() { $this->clean(); } 13
  10. Test… better public function testCreatesDirectoryIfNotExists() { $cache = new FileSystemCache(

    $this->root->url() . '/cache' ); $cache->store('example', ['bar' => 303]); $this->assertTrue($this->root->hasChild('cache')); } 15
  11. Test… better 16 public function testStoresDataInFile() { $cache = new

    FileSystemCache($this->root->url().'/cache'); $cache->store('example', ['bar' => 303]); $this->assertTrue($this->root->hasChild('cache/example')); $this->assertEquals( ['bar' => 303], unserialize( $this->root->getChild('cache/example')->getContent() ) ); }
  12. class FileSystemCache { public function __construct($dir, $permissions = 0700) {

    $this->dir = $dir; $this->permissions = $permissions; } public function store($key, $data) { if (!file_exists($this->dir)) { mkdir($this->dir, $this->permissions, true); } file_put_contents( $this->dir . '/' . $key, serialize($data) ); } } Adding permissions 17
  13. public function testDirectoryIsCreatedWith0700ByDefault() { $cache = new FileSystemCache(__DIR__ . '/cache');

    $cache->store('example', ['bar' => 303]); $this->assertEquals( 40700, decoct(fileperms(__DIR__ . '/cache')) ); } Test permissions 18
  14. Test permissions 19 public function testDirectoryIsCreatedWithProvidedPermissions() { umask(0); $cache =

    new FileSystemCache(__DIR__ . '/cache', 0770); $cache->store('example', ['bar' => 303]); $this->assertEquals( 40770, decoct(fileperms(__DIR__ . '/cache')) ); }
  15. public function testDirectoryIsCreatedWithProvidedPermissions() { umask(0); $cache = new FileSystemCache(__DIR__ .

    '/cache', 0770); $cache->store('example', ['bar' => 303]); if (DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR === '\\') { $this->assertEquals(40777, decoct(fileperms(__DIR__ . '/cache'))); } else { $this->assertEquals(40770, decoct(fileperms(__DIR__ . '/cache'))); } } Considering Windows 20
  16. Doing it right 21 public function testDirectoryIsCreatedWithProvidedPermissions() { $cache =

    new FileSystemCache( $this->root->url() . '/cache', 0770 ); $cache->store('example', ['bar' => 303]); $this->assertEquals( 0770, $this->root->getChild('cache')->getPermissions() ); }
  17. Interlude: file permissions for delete ➜ cache touch example ➜

    cache chmod 000 example ➜ cache ls -l total 0 ---------- 1 mikey staff 0B 23 Okt 08:26 example ➜ cache rm example ➜ cache ls -l 22 ➜ cache touch example ➜ cache ls -l total 0 -rw-r--r-- 1 mikey staff 0B 23 Okt 08:27 example ➜ cache cd .. ➜ test chmod 555 cache ➜ test cd cache ➜ cache ls -l total 0 -rw-r--r-- 1 mikey staff 0B 23 Okt 08:27 example ➜ cache rm example rm: example: Permission denied
  18. class FileSystemCache { … public function store($key, $data) { if

    (!file_exists($this->dir)) { mkdir($this->dir, $this->permissions, true); } if (false === @file_put_contents($this->dir . '/' . $key, serialize($data))) { throw new \Exception('Failure to store ' . $key . ': ' . error_get_last()['message']); } return true; } } Error handling 23
  19. Testing error handling /** * @test * @expectedException \Exception *

    @expectedExceptionMessage failed to open stream */ public function throwsExceptionWhenFailureOccurs() { vfsStream::newFile('example', 0000) ->withContent('notoverwritten') ->at($this->root); $cache = new FileSystemCache($this->root->url()); $cache->store('example', ['bar' => 303]); } 24
  20. 25 Alternative: pretend full disc /** * @test * @expectedException

    Exception * @expectedExceptionMessage possibly out of free disk space */ public function throwsExceptionWhenDiskFull() { vfsStream::setQuota(10); $cache = new FileSystemCache($this->root->url()); $cache->store('example', ['bar' => 303]); }
  21. Config files public function get($id) { if (!isset($this->properties()[$id])) { if

    (!$this->hasFallback()) { throw new \Exception(…); } $id = 'default'; } if (!isset($this->properties()[$id]['dsn'])) { throw new \Exception(…); } return $this->properties()[$id]; } 26
  22. Config files, continued protected function properties() { if (null ===

    $this->dbProperties) { $propertiesFile = $this->configPath . '/' . $this->descriptor . '.ini'; if (!file_exists($propertiesFile) || !is_readable($propertiesFile)) { throw new \Exception(…); } $propertyData = @parse_ini_file($propertiesFile, true); if (false === $propertyData) { throw new \Exception(…); } $this->dbProperties = $propertyData; } return $this->dbProperties; } 27
  23. Test with different config files public function setUp() { $root

    = vfsStream::setup(); $this->configFile = vfsStream::newFile($filename)->at($root); $this->propertyBasedConfig = new PropertyBasedDbConfig($root->url()); } public function testReturnsConfigWhenPresentInFile() { $this->configFile->setContent('[foo] dsn="mysql:host=localhost;dbname=foo"'); $this->assertEquals( ['dsn' => 'mysql:host=localhost;dbname=foo'], $this->propertyBasedConfig->get('foo') ); } 28
  24. Test with different config files public function testReturnsDefaultWhenNotPresentInFileButDefaultConfigured() { $this->configFile->setContent('[default]

    dsn="mysql:host=localhost;dbname=example"'); $this->assertEquals( ['dsn' => 'mysql:host=localhost;dbname=example'], $this->propertyBasedConfig->get('foo') ); } public function testThrowsExceptionWhenNotPresentInFile() { $this->configFile->setContent('[bar] dsn="mysql:host=localhost;dbname=example"'); $this->propertyBasedConfig->get('foo'); } 29
  25. 32 Setup with a predefined directory structure public function example()

    { $structure = [ 'examples' => [ 'test.php' => 'some text content', 'other.php' => 'Some more text content', 'Invalid.csv' => 'Something else', ], 'an_empty_folder' => [], 'badlocation.php' => 'some bad content', '[Foo]' => 'a block device' ]; $root = vfsStream::setup('root', null, $structure); $this->assertTrue($root->hasChild('examples/test.php')); }
  26. 33 Setup by copy from real file system public function

    example() { $root = vfsStream::setup(); vfsStream::copyFromFileSystem(__DIR__ . '/..', $root); $this->assertTrue( $root->hasChild( 'part06/SetupByCopyFromFileSystem.php' ) ); }
  27. 34 Using a visitor for assertions public function example() {

    $structure = [...]; vfsStream::setup('root', null, $structure); // some operation which changes the structure here $this->assertEquals( ['root' => $changedStructure], vfsStream::inspect( new vfsStreamStructureVisitor() )->getStructure() ); }
  28. 35 Inspecting the virtual file system public function example() {

    $structure = ['examples' => ['test.php' => 'some text content', 'other.php' => 'Some more text content', 'Invalid.csv' => 'Something else', ], 'an_empty_folder' => [], 'badlocation.php' => 'some bad content', '[Foo]' => 'a block device' ]; vfsStream::setup('root', null, $structure); vfsStream::inspect(new vfsStreamPrintVisitor()); }
  29. 36 Result on command line - root - examples -

    test.php - other.php - Invalid.csv - an_empty_folder - badlocation.php - [Foo]
  30. 39 Limitations: not supported by PHP chdir() realpath() SplFileInfo::getRealPath() link()

    symlink() readlink() linkinfo() tempnam() stream_resolve_include_path() with absolute vfsStream URL