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Paul Hunt Census Mapping Mashups

October 15, 2015

Paul Hunt Census Mapping Mashups


October 15, 2015


  1. PRESENTATION OUTLINE •  Traditional Web Mapping Technology •  Data APIs

    and Cloud Mapping •  JavaScript, JSON, AJAX •  Dynamically Mapping with Census Data API –  Access and Overview –  On-the-fly requests (user defined or static ) –  Reformatting Data Received from Census –  Mapping Census Data •  Demonstration
  2. JavaScript •  Interpreted Locally by the Browser –  Doesn’t require

    server side setup –  Plenty of APIs, Widely Used!! •  AJAX –  Send/Receive Data from External Resources •  JSON –  Data type –  Like a Dictionary •  {Key:Value} pairs
  3. RIGHT  NOW  I’M  CROSSING  MY  FINGERS……..        

            h#p://phunt2.cartgis.unomaha.edu/NACIS/                   Paul  Hunt   [email protected]