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Exploring Giotto Suite for spatial transcriptom...

Nicholas Eagles
October 09, 2024

Exploring Giotto Suite for spatial transcriptomic analysis

I walk through the Giotto Suite preprint (https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.11.26.568752), which covers a family of R packages for spatial transcriptomics.

Nicholas Eagles

October 09, 2024


  1. Giotto Suite: a multi-scale and technology-agnostic spatial multi-omics analysis ecosystem

    Chen et al. DOI: 10.1101/2023.11.26.568752 Presented by: Nick Eagles 2024/09/25
  2. Miscellaneous Notes - On-disk representations using database backend for points

    and polygons (dbPointsProxy and dbPolygonProxy) - Expression matrices stored as HDF5Matrix objects - Conversion utilities with SpatialExperiment, AnnData, and Seurat objects