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Who Destroyed Three Mile Island?

Who Destroyed Three Mile Island?

(as presented at RailsConf 2018)

Nickolas Means

April 17, 2018

More Decks by Nickolas Means

Other Decks in Programming


  1. Pressurizer @nmeans Connection to Primary Cooling Loop Heating Element Water

    Spray 1. Regulates System Pressure 2. Measures Water Level 3. Absorbs Pressure Shocks
  2. Pressurizer @nmeans Connection to Primary Cooling Loop Heating Element Water

    Spray 1. Maintains System Pressure 2. Measures Water Level 3. Absorbs Pressure Shocks
  3. Heat at 100% 12 MWth 2,841 MWth Heat at Shutdown

    (6.5%) 0.78 MWth 185 MWth @nmeans