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Backend Logic by Ana Oprea

Rails Girls Munich
December 02, 2013

Backend Logic by Ana Oprea

Ana Oprea ran us through some of the basics of backend and what to expect when working with it. Ana also takes a look at the Bento Box activity in her presentation.

Rails Girls Munich

December 02, 2013


  1. Table of contents • My professional and personal background •

    べんとう • Bento Box Example • Backend • Object Oriented Programming • Classes • Objects 2 30/11/2013 Rails Girls Munich
  2. Professional and personal background • Bachelor in CS, University Politehnica

    of Bucharest • MSc in IT Security, Eurecom TélécomParisTech, France • Work experience: Network Administrator, Teaching Assistant, Software Developer; IT Consultant • Hobbies: travelling, mountaineering, skiing 30/11/2013 Rails Girls Munich 3
  3. Bento Box Example 30/11/2013 Rails Girls Munich 5 Oracle SQLite

    PostgreSQL HBase Apache Tomcat Python Java C Ruby Javascript HTML5 CSS
  4. Object Oriented Programming • Object : fields and methods –

    Data encapsulation – Inheritance – Modularity • Languages: Java, Python, C++, Ruby, Scala 30/11/2013 Rails Girls Munich 7
  5. Classes class Bicycle: # building a bike def initialize(start_speed=0) @speed

    = start_speed end # how the bike works def go_faster(increment): @speed += increment end def go_slower(decrement): @speed -= decrement end 30/11/2013 Rails Girls Munich 8
  6. Useful Links • Introduction to OOP http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/22769/I ntroduction-to-Object-Oriented- Programming-Concep •

    The Java Tutorials http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/co ncepts/index.html • The Python Tutorial http://docs.python.org/2/tutorial/index.html 30/11/2013 Rails Girls Munich 11