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Chef Recipies and Fabric to automate Provisioni...

Chef Recipies and Fabric to automate Provisioning & Deployment

A guide to introduce Chef Architecture to automate provisioning and fabric to automate deployment.

Saket Bhushan

May 10, 2012

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  1. Brief Overview • Few Basics for better comprehension. • Non

    Chef approach to provision a server. • Chef Concepts in Detail. • Working with Chef Solo in Detail. • Why, What and How of Fabric? • No Provisioning demo, but a fabric demo, if time permits.
  2. Few Basics Provisioning - the act of preparing the system

    for the use of a service by a consumer. Deployment - is all of the activities that make a software system available for use. Infrastructure - All your servers.
  3. Without Chef.. Login and OS Updation: a. $ ssh root@{your_ip}

    b. # apt-get update c. # apt-get upgrade d. # apt-get dist-upgrade e. # dpkg-reconfigure tzdata #choose your time zone
  4. Without Chef.... Setup Users and Permissions: • # useradd username

    • # mkdir /home/username • # chown username:username /home/username • # passwd username //choose a password • # chsh username -s /bin/bash //choose a shell • # visudo //lets give sudo access to the user username • root ALL=(ALL) ALL • username ALL=(ALL) ALL • # su username // switch from root to username
  5. Without Chef..install packages and create a dev environment: ◦ $

    sudo apt-get install python-pip git mysql-client mysql-server ◦ $ python-mysqldb emacs ◦ $ pip install virtualenv ◦ $ virtualenv projhq // creates a project directory, ◦ $ cd projhq ◦ $ projhq source /bin/activate ◦ (projhq)$ pip install django gunicorn
  6. Without Chef.... • Configure some reverse proxy tool • Configure

    your server • Create database • Write a server start/stop script. DO IT EVERYTIME ..aahhh...
  7. Introducing Chef A library for: • Configuration management. • System

    integration platform. • serving as an API for your entire infrastructure. It helps you: • Manage configuration as idempotent Resources. • Put them together in recipes. • Track it like source code. • Configure your servers.
  8. Why Chef? - Manageability Publicity hits -> load balancers ->

    add more web servers, still things are slower -> multiple databases -> probably re-architect the app -> caching and re-caching -> database partitioning -> horizontal scaling - > vertical scaling -> more pain -> more sys admins -> more worry -> panic -> IT HURTS!!
  9. Chef Concepts - Architecture chef solr is a thin wrapper

    around the Apache Solr search engine. Chef Solr allows you to find your way around your infrastructure by querying its metadata.
  10. Chef Concepts - The Client Includes • Chef Solo ◦

    client application ◦ works entirely from on disk data ◦ lightweight alternative to full client-server application • Chef Client ◦ It communicates with the Chef Server via REST, authenticates via Signed Header Authentication, and compiles and executes Cookbooks. • Shef ◦ the interactive Chef shell. ◦ helps you to you to write, run, and debug recipes interactively ◦ programmatic interface for viewing and editing data on Chef Server.
  11. Chef Concepts- Flavours of Chef • Hosted Chef - service

    by OpsCode • Private Chef - your company maintains chef servers and nodes • Chef Solo - for those of you who are single
  12. Chef Concepts : Core Components • Resources • Recipes •

    Metadata • Attributes • Databags • Roles • Cookbook • Environments
  13. Getting Started with Chef Solo solo.rb: file_cache_path "/var/chef-solo" cookbook_path "/var/chef-solo/cookbooks"

    json_attribs "http://www.example.com/node.json" recipe_url "http://www.example.com/chef-solo.tar.gz" node.json: { "resolver": { "nameservers": [ "" ], "search":"int.example.com" }, "run_list": [ "recipe[nginx]" ] }
  14. Solo Chef is no more lonely • github.com/trotter/Spatulla • github.com/tobalmi/littlechef

    • github.com/mkocher/soloist • github.com/matschaffer/knife-solo
  15. Working with knife-solo 1. sudo apt-get install chef 2. gem

    install knife-solo 3. knife configure -r . --defaults //create a basic knife configuration file 4. knife kitchen testsolo // hold the files to be used 5. knife prepare username@ipaddress 6. knife cook username@ipaddress
  16. Fabric - basic steps for deployment • Copy Code and

    Media • Run Database Migrations • Start WSGI Daemons
  17. Fabric Basics from fabric.api import * from fabric.context_managers import prefix

    import os def git_pull(): with cd(ROOT_PATH): run("git pull origin master")