Change? Evaluation Method that Drives Costs System Purchase $16,000 3 $48,000 Yes Demand on Flights, Maintenance Issues, New Models, Upgrades, etc. Flights Per Year (per hour cost listed) $100 10 X 12 = 1200 $12,000 Yes Requests vs. Approvals, Value internally Maintenance Costs $1,000 12 $12,000 No Replacements, etc. Training $3,000 2 $6,000 Yes Internal knowledge dissemination Program Development (SOPS, Documentation) $25,000 1 $25,000 Yes Documentation upkeep in-house, Audits, etc. Software Purchase and Integration $5,000 4 $20,000 Yes Log booking, system requests and integration, risk mitigation tracking, data analysis and integration Year 1 Costs $123,000 Likely to go down More flights, less investment in hardware and software