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How Go cache

Seiji Takahashi
February 20, 2018

How Go cache

A presentation at Go 1.10 Release Party.

Seiji Takahashi

February 20, 2018


  1. Seiji Takahashi @__timakin__ • Career • DeNA • Platform Development

    • Serverside Engineering (Perl)
 • Translimit • Game Development: Craft Warrirors • Game Client Side (Cocos-2dx, C++)
 • Gunosy • Application Dev: LUCRA • Serverside Engineering (Go) • iOS Client Side (Swift) • Engieering • Language: Go (Contributed), Swift • Platform: GAE, AWS
  2. 8IBUJTUFTUDBDIJOH if the test executable and 
 command line match

    a previous run and 
 the files and environment variables consulted by that run have not changed either, go test will print the previous test output, replacing the elapsed time with the string “(cached).”
  3. 8IBUJTUFTUDBDIJOH Benchmarking, and cpu/mem profiling might slightly change from run

    to run. So they aren’t cached. /PODBDIFBCMF TUBUFGVM PQUJPOT
  4. In the process of code-reading and implementing, code is often

    written near an original caching execution. By chance I’ve read that code before I actually use the caching strategy. DBDIFBCMFDPWFSQSPpMF .ZpSTUDPOUBDUXJUIUIJTGFBUVSF