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5 Things L&D Should Steal From Marketing

Mike Taylor
September 28, 2023

5 Things L&D Should Steal From Marketing

We may not realize it, but as L&D professionals we have a lot in common with marketers. We are both facing a big challenge: How to get people's attention and help them think and act in new ways.

So what can we learn from marketing teams? As it seems a lot. In today's super-fragmented world, we must first attract our audience if we are to have any hope of informing and educating them.

Experienced marketers understand how to use the new technologies and take advantage of the psychology of emotions. There's a reason you do not see bullet points in advertisements!


Mike Taylor

September 28, 2023


  1. A Few Things L&D Should Steal From Marketing #RGA What

    would you like to steal from marketing? Join at slido.com code: #RGA Welcome! Before we begin, please answer this question.
  2. What do you wish you could steal from marketing? ⓘ

    Start presenting to display the poll results on this slide.
  3. #RGA @tmiket Why You Should Buy Our Hamburgers: • They

    taste really good • We make them any way you want • We make them fresh • They are inexpensive • We have free kids toys • We have restaurants in lots of places
  4. #RGA @tmiket How much human behavior is driven by our

    LOGICAL THINKING? Join at slido.com code: #RGA
  5. How much human behavior is driven by our LOGICAL MIND?

    ⓘ Start presenting to display the poll results on this slide.
  6. #RGA @tmiket SUBCONSCIOUS MIND Supercomputer loaded with a database of

    programmed behaviors #RGA @tmiket https://www.brucelipton.com/resource/interview/romp-through-the-quantum-field
  7. #RGA @tmiket “Instead of being conscious actors, we are driven

    by our unconscious mind.” Leonard Mlodinow Subliminal: How Your Unconscious Mind Rules Your Behavior
  8. #RGA @tmiket What we see, hear, feel, or experience in

    our first encounter with something colors how we process the rest of it. https://www.newyorker.com/science/maria-konnikova/headlines-change-way-think
  9. #RGA @tmiket “On the average, five times as many people

    read the headline as read the body copy. When you have written your headline, you have spent eighty cents out of your dollar.” –David Ogilvy #RGA @tmiket
  10. #RGA @tmiket Our automatic, subconscious reaction to a design influences

    how we perceive its relevance, credibility, and even usability.
  11. #RGA @tmiket Our unconscious mind can form likes or dislikes

    before the conscious mind even knows what is being responded to.
  12. #RGA @tmiket Inattentional blindness: Our intuition is that we will

    notice something that's that visible, that's that distinctive, and that intuition is consistently wrong. – Daniel Simons Invisible Gorilla #RGA @tmiket
  13. #RGA @tmiket Can I eat it? Can I have sex

    with it? Will it kill me?
  14. People Focused @tmiket informed by knowledge of the audience and

    presented in a way that connects with them
  15. Nobody wants to read your sh*t! Don’t take it personally…

    nobody wants to read anything. #RGA @tmiket
  16. 1. Streamline your message Focus it and pare it down

    to its simplest, clearest, easiest-to-understand form. #RGA @tmiket
  17. #RGA @tmiket Nobody wants to read your sh*t! Don’t take

    it personally…nobody wants to read anything. 1. Streamline your message Focus it and pare it down to its simplest, clearest, easiest-to-understand form. 2. Make its expression fun. Or sexy or interesting or scary or mysterious. Make it so compelling a person would have to be crazy NOT to read it. #RGA @tmiket
  18. #RGA @tmiket Nobody wants to read your sh*t! Don’t take

    it personally…nobody wants to read anything. 1. Streamline your message Focus it and pare it down to its simplest, clearest, easiest-to-understand form. 2. Make its expression fun. Or sexy or interesting or scary or mysterious. Make it so compelling a to it. Apply that to everything you do. #RGA @tmiket
  19. #RGA @tmiket Nobody wants to read your sh*t! Don’t take

    it personally…nobody wants to read anything. 1. Streamline your message Focus it and pare it down to its simplest, clearest, easiest-to-understand form. 2. Make its expression fun. Or sexy or interesting or scary or mysterious. Make it so compelling a to it. Apply that to everything you do. 3. Make it Visual! #RGA @tmiket
  20. Dynamic Content Content changes based on job role, location, etc

    Content based on an action taken or not taken The right content to the right people at the right time #RGA @tmiket
  21. Sometimes we like to over complicate learning...but this is one

    of the best examples of learning I’ve seen for a long time. I’m due a password change soon - so my business auto send useful info (#PerformanceSupport). No LMS - No tracking - just simple, easy learning! Nick Lee @N1ckL33 #RGA @tmiket
  22. Send email Trigger Send Follow-up Video YES Email viewed? Send

    Content via Slack or MS Teams NO Wait 2 days Wait 2 days Video viewed? Send Ebook YES Send Video via Slack or MS Teams NO Wait 1 day Viewed? Send Follow-up Video YES End campaign NO Wait 1 day Wait 1 day New signup, New employee, new user, course enrollment, course completion, etc Trigger #RGA @tmiket
  23. #RGA @tmiket Imagine writing a set of emails just once

    that is sent to different people at different times when they need it most.
  24. #RGA @tmiket Finish that sentence… I learned… I’m beginning to

    think… I wonder if… I rediscovered… I was surprised that…
  25. #RGA @tmiket The human mind does not run on logic

    any more than a horse runs on petrol. Rory Sutherland Vice Chairman at Ogilvy UK @rorysutherland
  26. #RGA @tmiket The first second with your content might matter

    more than all the seconds that follow. (if there are any)
  27. #RGA @tmiket Storytelling is the most powerful way to put

    ideas into the world today. Robert McKee
  28. #RGA @tmiket If you want to get your point across,

    especially to a broader audience, you need to repeat yourself so often, you get sick of hearing yourself say it. And only then will people begin to internalize what you're saying. David Gergen
  29. @tmiket Formal training is not enough, the learning that matters

    happens as part of the work Charles Jennings

  31. @tmiket “An organizations' ability to learn, and translate that learning

    into action rapidly, is the ultimate competitive advantage.” Jack Welch
  32. @tmiket DOING more things TO people ENABLE people to DO

    MORE for themselves Training vs Continuous Learning
  33. @tmiket “To really take advantage of the way the modern

    world is changing, we should shift our vision of the role of L&D from being the providers of course-led training to the supporters of learning, in whatever way suits the business and the individual best.” Donald H. Taylor @donaldhtaylor
  34. https://modernworkplacelearning.com/magazine/what-does-this-years-learning-in-the-workplace-survey-say-about-the-state-and-maybe-the-fate-of-ld/ 1 Daily work experiences (ie doing the day job)

    93% 2 Knowledge sharing within your team 90% 3 Web search (eg Google) 79% 4 Web resources (eg videos, podcasts, articles) 76% 5 Manager feedback and guidance 74% 6 Professional networks and communities 72% 7 Coach or mentor feedback and guidance 65% 8 Internal resources (eg documents, guides, etc) 60% 9 Blogs and news feeds 56% 10 E-Learning (eg online courses for self-study) 41% 11 Conferences and other professional events 35% 12 Classroom training 31% Jane Hart’s Learning in the Workplace Survey Jane Hart @c4lpt “non-designed” common L&D focus % VI+Ess
  35. formal informal removed from work point of need WORKFLOW EXPERIENCE

    High Performance Ecosystem by Arun Pradhan RESOURCES PEOPLE ENVIRONMENT course s resource s job aids concept focus project focus removed from work point of need communitie s of practice project team coac h influencers talent mgt culture systems & processes digital infrastructure KNOW HOW KNOW WHO
  36. @tmiket Today, competitive advantage is not based on stocks of

    knowledge, but having access to flows of knowledge to enable up-to-date information that enables adaptability. https://www2.deloitte.com/insights/us/en/topics/innovation/institutional-innovation.html
  37. @tmiket Creation Knowledge Stocks How long does this take? How

    do these get refreshed? As the pace of change accelerates, the value of any stock of knowledge depreciates faster and faster.
  38. @tmiket “No matter how many smart people there are within

    your firm, remember that there are far more smart people outside your firm.” Bill Joy
  39. CONVERSATIO N CREATION CONSUMPTIO N Publish + external info +co-creation

    + Curation Information Flow we have to continually refresh our stocks of knowledge by participating in relevant flows of new knowledge.
  40. @tmiket keep up to date with your industry and profession

    Ecosystem for Continuous Learning (JD Dillon) grow your professional network learn something new every day share what you learn https://www.td.org/insights/to-keep-pace-l-d-must-adopt-an-ecosystem-mindset
  41. @tmiket 4 Guiding Questions Do you work to provide access

    to performance support resources & tools in the workplace? Are your people encouraged to learn from their day-to-day experiences and share that learning? Is mentoring and informal/peer coaching an important part of your culture? Are your managers rewarded/recognized for developing their people through their work? Credit: Charles Jennings
  42. I learned… I’m beginning to think that… I wonder if…

    I rediscovered… I was surprised that… Finish That Sentence
  43. “You don’t have to create content day in and day

    out. You just have to work on getting the content you already have in the hands of more people” Derek Halpern #RGA @tmiket
  44. #RGA @tmiket Original Ebook • 1 eBook • 1 infographic

    • 2 whitepapers • 1 video • 1 guest blog post • 15 blog posts on the Marketeer • 1 SlideShare presentation • 3 unique landing pages • 3 outbound email campaigns • 4 original photos • 90+ socials posts 122+ items
  45. #RGA @tmiket Repurposing a blog post into an infographic a

    report into a presentation slide deck a presentation slide deck into a print brochure a blog post into an ebook an infographic into a social media image a social media image into a header for an email newsletter a ______________________ into a ______________________
  46. #RGA @tmiket Infographics Infographics deliver research in an easy- to-understand,

    visual layout. *most-shared type of content https://coschedule.com/blog/social-media-content
  47. #RGA @tmiket What could you repurpose as an audiogram? Audiograms

    Audiograms bridge the audio and visual gap by letting you share audio clips of your content set to an image and waveform. https://www.buzzsprout.com/blog/podcast-audiograms-tips
  48. #RGA @tmiket 6.1 Consider how you might repurpose existing content.

    6.2 Brainstorm promotional elements. Pick your top 3 ideas. 15 Minutes
  49. #RGA @tmiket Why Email? Quick & Easy to implement No

    additional technology / ecosystem Inexpensive Can start for FREE! Super cheap Automated Can create a schedule that runs itself #RGA @tmiket
  50. #RGA @tmiket Why Email? Mobile Friendly No additional technology /

    ecosystem Analytics Who did / didn’t open / click Adaptive Can be triggered by a variety of events, dates, and learner actions. #RGA @tmiket
  51. Be Concise & Focus Your Message Most people spend less

    than 15 seconds reading marketing emails, so keep it short and sweet, prioritizing your content from top to bottom. Consider breaking multiple messages into a series of emails. Link out If you have a lot of information to convey, link to a page on your website (or someone else's website) where subscribers can learn more. Use a hierarchy to organize for quick reading Headings & bullets divide content into sections that are easy to understand. Make room Use plenty of white space to give your content some breathing room and make your design more approachable.
  52. #RGA @tmiket Imagine writing a set of emails just once

    that is sent to different people at different times when they need it most.
  53. #RGA @tmiket Drip Three Ways to Use Them These options

    put you in control of who gets what and when. Scheduled Adaptive
  54. #RGA @tmiket Save time by scheduling emails to coordinate with

    a specific date and time. Scheduled How could you use this type?
  55. #RGA @tmiket 15 Minutes 7.1 Let’s get logged into MailerLite

    and get our hands on discovering how easy it is to create great looking emails. As we saw earlier, first impressions are super important. So, we’ll start by creating a welcome email.
  56. #RGA @tmiket Also known as an automated email series a

    drip campaign sends prewritten messages to a selected group over a specific amount of time. Drip How could you use this type?
  57. #RGA @tmiket Source: https://blog.upscope.io/29-companies-show-you-their-best-onboarding- emails/ Welcome/ Onboarding Campaigns You’ll never

    have more attention than your initial email. Investing a little time in a great welcome email is worth it to get your relationships off on the right foot.
  58. #RGA @tmiket Source: https://blog.upscope.io/29-companies-show-you-their-best-onboarding- emails/ Email Courses When you produce

    great content and people actually anticipate seeing it in their inbox, you have a major win. Vero says that course emails have an open rate 80% higher than regular emails, and a 300% higher click-through rate to boot.
  59. #RGA @tmiket Adjust to behavior so you can optimize emails

    for a customized experience. Adaptive How could you use this type?
  60. #RGA @tmiket Dynamic Content Sending different emails using dynamic content

    Content changes based: • Learner’s job/role • Action taken
  61. #RGA @tmiket Sometimes we like to over complicate learning...but this

    is one of the best examples of learning I’ve seen for a long time. I’m due a password change soon - so my business auto send useful info (#PerformanceSupport). No LMS - No tracking - just simple, easy learning! Nick Lee @N1ckL33