longer leave learning to their HR or training departments. Being able to understand emerging situations, see patterns, and co-solve problems are essential business skills. Learning is the work.” Harold Jarche
modern world is changing, we should shift our vision of the role of L&D from being the providers of course-led training to the supporters of learning, in whatever way suits the business and the individual best.” Donald H. Taylor @donaldhtaylor
their development DISCOVER: Helping employees find the right types of development CONSUME: making necessary content easy to access EXPERIMENT: Helping employees experiment with new knowledge and skills on the job CONNECT: Making it possible for employees to learn from each other PEFORM: Helping employees learn on the job and improve their performance at the same time https://redthreadresearch.com/future-proofing-ld-developing-the-right-skills/
Ecosystem for Continuous Learning (JD Dillon) grow your professional network learn something new every day share what you learn https://www.td.org/insights/to-keep-pace-l-d-must-adopt-an-ecosystem-mindset