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Assessing Technical Debt In Automated Tests Usi...

Assessing Technical Debt In Automated Tests Using CodeScene

Test automation promises several advantages such as shorter lead times, higher code quality, and an executable documentation of the system's behavior. However, test automation won't deliver on those promises unless the quality of the automated test code itself is maintained, and to manually inspect the evolution of thousands of tests that change on a daily basis is impractical at best. This paper investigates how CodeScene -- a tool for predictive analyses and visualizations – could be used to identify technical debt in automated test code.

Adam Tornhill

April 09, 2018

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  1. Research Question How can CodeScene -- a tool for predictive

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    Kemerer, “Cyclomatic complexity density and software maintenance productivity”, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (Volume: 17, Issue: 12), 1991 [2] B. Baker. “On Finding Duplication and Near-Duplication in Large Software Systems”, Proceedings of the Second Working Conference on Reverse Engineering, 1995 Static Analysis detects problematic code [1][2] …but problematic code is not necessarily technical debt. @AdamTornhill
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  6. M. D’Ambros, M. Lanza, and H Gall. Fractal Figures: Visualizing

    Development Effort for CVS Entities. Visualizing Software for Understanding and Analysis, 2005. VISSOFT 2005. 3rd IEEE International Workshop on. 1–6, 2005. Increasing Complexity
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  9. Summary and Conclusions Identify: The identified hotspot is a likely

    maintenance bottleneck. Prioritise: CodeScene prioritised 197 lines of code as an initial refactoring target, which allows iterative refinements. Communicate: The tool has the potential to improve the effectiveness of test automation by letting stakeholders share a view of what the code quality looks like. @AdamTornhill Try CodeScene at https://codescene.io/